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Awesome Friend
Mar 11, 2014
this is something that my European prepper friends should keep an eye on!!!

we have this crappy state, Belarus, who is defacto useing asymetric warfare against us.
they have flights from sand-people countries to thei capital for these "male-refugees" and then they
transport them to the border, mainly Lithuania, this has to have the blessing of Kremlin, as it's clearly
done to de-stabilize the region and thus works in favor of Kremlin.

this has been going on for some time already, in the shadow of corona, it's been a page 13 foot note at best.
do remember Lithuania is part of Nato and this behaviour from Minsk has all the potential to develop
into something nasty...

so have you even noticed this or are your focus only on covid??
been seeing the "protests" in the news but nothing about this.
if you watch UK news its all virus/vaccine. virus/vaccine.
Same here with all the people walking across the Mexican border, ordering Lyft and Uber, going and living wherever they want in the US. catholic charities were picking them up at one time, but heard they ran out of money to do so. It's changed our demographics and voting responses, and encouraged covid all in places that didn't have these problems before. I suspect right now with covid being the only thing in the news, no one is watching their borders except the people who are in charge and want to muck things up.
for the past two weeks all you could get on the news channels and in newspapers here was the Olympics!!!
Same for the news here in America all they talk about is the virus or the olympics hence why I both can not stand to and will not watch the major news networks( CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc. etc.) Even the first fifteen minutes of the local news is all virus then weather & sports the only news type station I regularly follow or pay any mind to at all is NOAA weather radio.
Same for the news here in America all they talk about is the virus or the olympics hence why I both can not stand to and will not watch the major news network ( CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc. etc.) Even the first fifteen minutes of the local news is all virus then weather & sports the only news type station I regularly follow or pay any mind to at all is NOAA weather radio.
we lost our local news because of the olympic coverage, last day today so we get our local news bulletin back tomorrow Monday.
Try to find a video of Yang Lee and Chi-Lin Wang of Taiwan taking the gold by beating Red China in men's doubles badminton. My wife says the videos have been scrubbed because China can't stand being defeated by Taiwan and doesn't want anyone to see it. The "Little Pink Soldiers" otherwise known as "Chinese Netizens", who are actually paid trolls of the CCP, mob any social media site that talks about Taiwan's wins in the Olympics and get the discussion shut down.
To add insult to injury, LOL, Lee made a big point of dedicating his win to his "country" which really infuriated the Little Pink Soldiers.
From Belarus we hear here almost nothing, we hear here only nonstop Corona and vaccination in the news, one hears here not even what is going on in our western neighboring country so, that is just media censorship.
Also the Turkish government blackmails Europe with the refugees and day to day NGO boats fish off the coast of Libya hundreds of Africans up and bring you very quickly to Italy and it all has the blessing of the EU.
Europe is committing suicide either way, that's a fact and you can see the effects live in any major European city.
Streets in which you as a white bsser no longer goes and women who are sexually harassed at night and already during the day, raped or killed and our authorities remain silent.

Welcome to Europe where immigrants do not have to show an identity card when entering the country but as a native you already have to show a vaccination card in many places.
The countries west of his border better not rile Vlad or his patience might one day run out..


this is something that my European prepper friends should keep an eye on!!!

we have this crappy state, Belarus, who is defacto useing asymetric warfare against us.
they have flights from sand-people countries to thei capital for these "male-refugees" and then they
transport them to the border, mainly Lithuania, this has to have the blessing of Kremlin, as it's clearly
done to de-stabilize the region and thus works in favor of Kremlin.

this has been going on for some time already, in the shadow of corona, it's been a page 13 foot note at best.
do remember Lithuania is part of Nato and this behaviour from Minsk has all the potential to develop
into something nasty...

so have you even noticed this or are your focus only on covid??

Hopefully, they are all being resettled in the red zones. With much love from Mother Russia-

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