I know a couple, used to be friends whos 3 boys are all named John. The dads name is John Will then there's John Drew, John Cameron and John Casey. The boys go by their middle names.
Love this story! I have had people tell me that history is boring. Nope! It is not! It is a matter of knowing some of the background and stories that go with it.Lots of new information there @Weedygarden very interesting. Some anecdotal information for you.
I knew Marshall Walker who is listed as Lonnie T. Walker's brother on the 1910 census. He was an old man, me-a little kid. He owned a little country store about 200 yards from his brothers grave. I remember my grandfather buying me ice cream there. We had to drive by the store when grandpa went to his own brothers house.
Also on the census is a man named John Moore with a son name Coleman Moore. I remember where Mr. Coleman's store was located, it eventually became a voting precinct (irony, muffled laughter). They were somehow related to one of my great-great grandfathers. @Sentry18 My grandfather tells the story he heard as a child of how John Moore and one of his two brothers robbed the bank in Berry Alabama sometime in the 1880's. They got away with it, didn't get caught. They rolled the safe into a wagon and made their get away with a team of mules they had stolen.
The funny part... they blew the door off the safe with dynamite. There was no gold or silver in the safe, just mortgages and other papers which became badly burned. I've seen that old safe with the door hanging by one hinge when I was a kid, grandpa showed it to me.
The really funny part... The county bought several acres of land and built a regional training facility for law enforcement out there. They built a large gun range and a training ground for K-9's. That old safe from the robbery is on the training center property!
When I saw the safe it was in a ditch. I'm sure when they brought bulldozers out to landscape the training facility they covered up the safe. I know they didn't find it because everyone for miles around would have heard about it. I actually drove out there a few times and watched dozers...
When ever leo's come out and train they get lunch at the only restaurant in the area. I go there sometimes. Once when it was crowded I shared a big table with several of the Leo's.
I asked "Are yall out here to investigate the robbery?"
Them "What robbery?"
Me "The bank of Berry was robbed."
Them, surprised "When did this happen?"
Me "Sometime in the 1880's"
Them - laughter
Me - "I know who robbed it and the safe they stole is on your training compound."
Them - no more laughter
They called over someone in charge who was eating at another table and I told the whole story. Now if I happen to see any of them at the restaurant I always ask "Did ya'll find that safe yet?" It always get a laugh.
Also a cousin of Coleman Moore was a Preacher, his name was John D. Moore... I'm not sure what exactly the connections are but JD Moore often traveled to Moore Oklahoma to preach revivals. Moore OK was flattened an EF5 tornado in May of 2013 and made national news. The bank robbing side of that family is somehow connected to Moore OK.
One of the cemeteries in South Dakota where I have at least a dozen relatives has a little more than 200 graves. Many have never had headstones or markers on them. I was able to get a copy of the reconstructed cemetery records from a woman about 4 years ago and add the unmarked graves to Find a Grave. People are looking for their relatives, and there they are, even without a headstone or marker. Now, a cousin of mine is the head of this cemetery board that meets once a year. They have a very small budget. Someone keeps the cemetery mowed and cleaned up in the summer, especially for Memorial Day and in June when there is a big annual celebration close by. The cemetery has had a new fence put up in the last decade or so, and, after a minister drove over a headstone and broke it at a grave side service, they have closed off any possible driving into it. It is not a large cemetery, no one needs to drive in it.@Bacpacker ...my 2nd cousin knows enough about stone cutting, he expertly crafted a headstone for our g.g. grandfather since the original was so far gone. Maybe just something small for your ancestor would be appropriate. Elberton Georgia granite is the lowest priced.
Edited!Weedy, do you have any photos of the new brick-like markers?
Infant mortality was high, and the deaths of the mothers giving birth was not uncommon. I have several of them in my family history.We have a family cemetery on my Mom's side near Yellville Arkansas . I guess it's pretty common for a family to have their own cemetery.
There are quite a few markers there that just say Baby. Infant mortality was high way back when.
My Mom said she would haunt me to my grave if I sent her to Arkansas to be buried.
@Bacpacker ...my 2nd cousin knows enough about stone cutting, he expertly crafted a headstone for our g.g. grandfather since the original was so far gone. Maybe just something small for your ancestor would be appropriate. Elberton Georgia granite is the lowest priced.
@Sentry18 all of my kids have some resemblance to one another but also have differences in skin tone. Two, male and female, are olive complexion and look Italian or Middle Eastern. Variations abound. One son looks more like my husband's paternal grandfather.
@Peanut @Weedygarden and everyone, very cool you all have the drive and success to research. They do not want to be forgotten.
They do cost money. Some people do not see the importance.My Uncle died in 1973. He was a Korean vet so he has a military grave marker. When my Aunt died years later she was buried with him. There is no marker for her.
Not sure why my cousin didn't get her a stone but it just never happened.
I have aunts and uncles who have had their caskets picked out and paid for, their cemetery plots purchased, and their headstones engraved (except for the final date), ready for when they go. One of my uncles had set aside a fund for the local Legion to prepare and serve lunch for everyone who went to his funeral. These are all of my mom's siblings and spouses.
My aunt and uncle are still alive, in their 90's. They have lost 4 children and have had their headstone in place probably since soon after losing their first son to Muscular Dystrophy in 1983. Because they have a headstone set up on their plot, someone created a memorial for them on Find a Grave. They should not have a memorial until they are deceased!Not only is my stone paid for, it’s sitting at the head of my grave with my name on it. Gives me the willies every time I see it… It made parents whose son has a debilitating illness feel better.
Personally, I’m with John Prine on this one.