You raise a point.
Doreena, which part did you mean was 'sad'. I assumed you meant it was sad that the salary was so low that he had to live with his parents? UP thinks you meant it was sad that racism prevented a white guy from getting a job because the jobs required a minority to fill the position?
UP, my assumption was that liberals do not consider it racism when a white person is discriminated against. White males by definition cannot suffer discrimination or racism according to democrats.
You raise a point.
Doreena, which part did you mean was 'sad'. I assumed you meant it was sad that the salary was so low that he had to live with his parents? UP thinks you meant it was sad that racism prevented a white guy from getting a job because the jobs required a minority to fill the position?
UP, my assumption was that liberals do not consider it racism when a white person is discriminated against. White males by definition cannot suffer discrimination or racism according to democrats.