A good video about barricade, from a real badass Brazilian Prepper. If you guys wants to check out his videos, im sure you will find very good informations. Stay safe !!
This video has a YouTube auto translator built in. I don't speak the language but went in and turned on the auto translator. Work for me.Dammit I cannot speak Spanish or Portugese.
Your right about us having more firearms than anyone else. That really would make a difference in shtf. With such easy access you can pretty much guarantee every stranger to be armed and dangerous.trouble with trying to compare any SHTF time around the world with the US >>> it's the firearm situation ...
the civilian firepower in the US is greatest size army in the world - if it was evenly distributed we all get a few ....
having the absolute guarantee of firearm(s) coming to your front door is different than any other country in the world - having someone tell you about defending yourself with pepper spray or edged weapons is just pure suicide - someone will be shooting you dead on your first confrontation ....
its supposed to work as a barricade, you put the steel wire behind the door, if someone try to kick your door, it will not open. If the door breaks, the invader cannot engage a target outside and get inside without have some troubles to pass through. Basically is it.It looks like a joke to me.
Your right about us having more firearms than anyone else. That really would make a difference in shtf. With such easy access you can pretty much guarantee every stranger to be armed and dangerous.
Couldn’t get auto translate on. Great door ideas, what about windows? Mine are upvc double glazed, I’m hoping they’re a bit stronger than bog standard glass. Don’t have to worry too much about guns over here. I’ve got a dog and a big axe, hoping they will do the trick. I was thinking razor wire on the back wall, it would be illegal now but I could stash it away until kick off. Wouldn’t put anything in the front, I’d think it would be an advertisement that I’ve got stuff to steal.
I like the idea of a spear/ pitch fork. Broom handle, could be improvised in minutes
should be able to buy a pitchfork at a hardware or farmers store(Mole Valley Farmers have them at their stores).not sure what's available in the UK - but in the US a hedge clippers (big scissors) taken apart and de-handled is a big spear head ready to go - complete with an insertable tang ....
all kinds of replacement handles hanging in the hardware section that will accept the tang >> you got one mean looking Zulu spear ....
I feel the opposite. ‘They’ don’t have them either. If I lived in America I would feel differently.When you get down to it a rock makes a formidable weapon. Using your head and improvising any thing on hand for defensive purposes is the plan. I have to admit, after reading all the posts from anti gun countries I’m glad to have the right to own them here. I have no intention of ever having to use them but it is a sense of security knowing I could.
Gracieboo let me give you a few things to consider.I feel the opposite. ‘They’ don’t have them either. If I lived in America I would feel differently.
I do envy those of you in rural settings. I just want chickens and a well, I could even legitimise getting a shotgun. We are considering Wales but all the places away from main roads and towns that I saw advertised a few months ago have gone. I’m thinking a lot of people have the same idea and want somewhere remote.
One home defence option i consider if someone breaks in to my home is to use the fire extinguisher. 1st set it off in their face and then smash the canister over their head.
I'd only consider a fire extinguisher as an improvised weapon for an active shooter situation for a retail/office scenario - for the home I'd want something lethal and capable of immediately taking on a 2nd-3rd home invader >>> whenever possible you want to permanently reduce the enemy side and not just temp disable them .....
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