A can of insect spray and a gas lighter make a pretty good flame thrower.
home made weapons may be an option.We are somewhat limited in weaponry options under the oppressive EU regime.
Works well with hairspray too.A can of insect spray and a gas lighter make a pretty good flame thrower.
When you get down to it a rock makes a formidable weapon. Using your head and improvising any thing on hand for defensive purposes is the plan. I have to admit, after reading all the posts from anti gun countries I’m glad to have the right to own them here. I have no intention of ever having to use them but it is a sense of security knowing I could.
a prepper above all things must be able to ADAPT to changing circumstances and other peoples behaviour in times of trouble.
This is where your creativity comes in.
Can't own a handgun, can you make/improvise one?
Can't own a rifle, can you make/inmprovise one?
Shotgun? Pellet gun? Wristrocket? IED? Can you buy tannerite?
Spear? Flamethrower?
I know you can buy gasoline & styrofoam, now find a squirtgun that will put it out a fair distance. Heck, small balloons & toss like a grenade.
If you cannot come up with creative solutions today, you will be dead tomorrow when you need them. Study, experiment, optimize, and be ready.
Nailed it in one.
My ultra compact PCP airbullpup even though 12 ft pound can do real harm, as can my 80 pound pistol crossbow at close range, but my favourite is a large spray cans of RAID Wasp and Hornet Nest destroyer, got a range of up to 20 feet, you REALLY and I mean REALLY dont want that stuff on your face.
You CAN buy the Umarex 50 cal painball revolver for about £100 in the UK that fires 50 cal rubber coated steel ball bearings, , its 6 shot and the C)2 capsule stores in the gun but does not activate until you slap the bottom of the pistol grip. Gun from paintballdealers, rubber BBs from amazon.
a co2 powered air rifle could be left loaded, and the self cocking 80lb pistol crossbow takes only a flick of the elbow to cock.Indeed. I do have an air rifle and a crossbow pistol too but i think loading that up if I was getting burgled in the night would take longer than setting off a fire extinguishers and clobbering someone.
the thought did cross my mind.Tin cans on a string?
To revisit this thread, a house in the woods will do great, our property is about 1/2 mile from the road, build site even farther. we have a small road we are building in that goes around rock outcroppings, you would not be able to drive through if the gate is closed but the entirety of the property is not fenced, so you could get there on foot.
Any thoughts on ****y traps or early warning systems? Thinking a camera system would be good, we are outfitted well with guns/ammo but having early warning is better than late in my opinion.
Every few hours a gunshot or two out of the window towards the road???
yes that was my idea too! only my sign would say "thief" or "looter".get a death body, tie it to the nearest tree with the sign around the neck "the last one to try".
California Code, Penal Code - PEN § 189****y traps could possibly be illegal in most states. I would look into memorizing your States right to carry, Stand your Ground, posting laws, and Castle Doctrine stance.
I have looked into all in the Kommunist Republik. It doesn’t deter me from greeting unannounced people with my welcoming committee.
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