Homeless situation...It is "NOT" going away. Could you "survive".?

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For those who've never had it happen to them.......all I can say is congratulations. How's the view from up there?
The view from up there is definitely better than the view from down there.

No one can control everything. You can stack the deck in hopes you will come out on the winning end of something, but you can't guarantee an outcome.

Those doing well should not look down on those that have crashed and burned. But those that have shouldn't insult those that haven't either.
I had gold and silver, it was gone within a year. I had a muscle car (Rebuilt black and tan Omega) a nice house and a gun collection that many museums would die for. All gone.
Less money spent on toys and more put into investments would have served you better.

Sounds like you thought the good times would never end and failed to plan ahead.

What many try to call unforeseen circumstances could have been mitigated or avoided all together with proper preparation.

I don't think I have ever heard the Omega referred to as a "muscle car" before. As while based on the Chevy Nova, by the time of the Omega's introduction the muscle car options for the Nova had been reduced to an appearance package with no real get up and go. So (as far as I'm aware) the Omega never got any of the real muscle car upgrades.
By "someone" I take it you mean the taxpayers?

If she is in a program she is getting a LOT of financial help and aid. Living in her car could be a sign of mental illness.

We had a woman doing that in my town. They were finally able to get her into a facility.

If I saw her everyday, I would do it. I can build anything. Is she in South Louisiana?
(I'm referring to the Walmart lady who has a job but lives in her car - - as I said CLEARLY SHE'S TRYING.
North Carolina Hurricane Helene victims received most of their disaster help from outsiders who came in to help,
for Example. If they had waited for the "government", right now they would have froze to death. Why should this lady be any different.)
Less money spent on toys and more put into investments would have served you better.
Oh, I figured an ammo can full of liberties and a pound of gold Maples was a nice start, not to mention the numismatic silver was a fine start. It would have been except for medical bills, insurance, rent, and having to eat. The company I got injured at went belly up in a couple of months before my claim was settled. I got screwed and it still took a nervous breakdown to get a damn thing out of the government.