How are we going to survive the next 10+ years?

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Mountain Dragon , and I do indeed through research , deductive reasoning and instinct can indeed predict the future and prepare before the SHTF event happens . I am sure more of our members do the same in attempting to predict the future and would be interested in their feed back on this .
I will be in the same boat poltiregist. I was working as a translator in Germany on 9/11 and told the boss BYE.
Drove home and went shopping for about $3000.00 worth of food and supplies. Cleared both bank accounts and filled the garage with diesel and gasoline. Everybody laughed at me too. Till their banks told them that the possibility was that if this was a real terrorist attack and the world went to war over it, they would close the bank till it was all over and they would have no access to their $$.
I not only watch enough international news and do my own background research about anything that could affect me, I do make my own predictions as to the future and what to do.
I was buying 10 packs of sugar and 10 packs of flour with baking powder and yeast every month. Helena said we had enough now as the problems were not getting worse in Ukraine...till the gov't capped the price on sugar, flour, salt, bread, gas, diesel and babyfood...and then--stopped exporting all wheat, sugar, flour, rapeseed oil and sunflower oil...Now you can hardly find sugar, if then, only 2 lbs at a time. Flour, 4 lbs at a time. Diesel and gas--maximum 12 gallons at a time. Bread is 4 times more expensive than last year also.
If you prep, you must predict what future you see personally and react properly.
I worked for a "survivalist" back in the late 1970s. He heated the company headquarters with wood stoves and had a row of commercial freezers down in the basement full of food. He had bought several loads of logs and they were literally covering the grounds. Logs of random types of wood, including sweet gum. I think he knew someone clearing some land and told them to just give him ALL the logs. This was in a neighborhood inside the city limits of Decatur GA, so you can imagine how pissed the neighbors and the city were about the pile of logs. One of my jobs was to turn the logs into stacked firewood ASAP with a hydraulic splitter (I found out the hard way about trying to split sweet gum, LOL).

Looking back on it, I can see how unbalanced and short sighted his approach was. Hoard food, wood, glass jars, and copper (pennies), and I do mean HOARD and then try to survive until things recover.
yes but thats my point about British Preppers, they want to survive "until things recover", but my argument is- what if it dosent recover? what if it is a permanent state of affairs, most of them wont survive after all their stored food runs out, they have no skills, no knowledge, its just delaying the inevitable, you see they arent survivalists they are only preppers, when all the preps run out they are done for.
yes but thats my point about British Preppers, they want to survive "until things recover", but my argument is- what if it dosent recover? what if it is a permanent state of affairs, most of them wont survive after all their stored food runs out, they have no skills, no knowledge, its just delaying the inevitable, you see they arent survivalists they are only preppers, when all the preps run out they are done for.
I was not disagreeing with you bigpaul.
If a person has only focused on short term, they could very well have made a mistake. It depends on the person/group. Lets say Group A has focused long term, so therefore they have chosen a solid location with 2 water sources far from any large population. The land has a working well and small river. Their members all have different 1800s skillsets as well as trained defensive skills. They have enough land to garden and raise meat animals for everyone in their group. They planted an orchard 6 years ago and it is doing well. Additionally, they have stockpiled 1 year of food. The majority of this group will have to bug out to it from their current homes.

Then there is Group B. They have decided to make their stand in a small neighborhood 30 miles outside of a large city. Everyone in the group lives in the neighborhood…but not all in said neighborhood joined, or were invited to join. They stockpiled 1 1/2 years of food and have enough total yard space to grow what is necessary for their survival. This group has very little 1800s skill sets, but are strong in the defense area. Most are ex military or police. They do have a river right outside the neighborhood.

Can we even begin to say which group will survive? Or perhaps both groups will. Personally I think a lot is riding on the group’s dynamics and frankly luck…or protection from the Almighty. If I had to choose, it would be Group A.
Can we even begin to say which group will survive? Or perhaps both groups will. Personally I think a lot is riding on the group’s dynamics and frankly luck…or protection from the Almighty. If I had to choose, it would be Group A.

The group that is the most resourceful and adaptable to unforeseen circumstances. Not being able to adapt is a sure path to extinction.
Hey Pollyanna,

THEY WANT US DEAD! They have said so much, and their actions support their words. Do you think the plandemic was about making money? They wanted us dead, and they tried to make people take a "vaccine" that has now been proven a bioweapon (based on data based on lies). They are appointing DAs all over the country that refuse to prosecute criminals, while they try to take our means to defend ourselves. The courts wouldn't be so busy trying to defend the 2A, if "they" weren't trying so hard to take it. "They" have been systematically destroying our food, and ability to create our own, while trying to introduce bugs to replace it. "They" have been indoctrinating our children to be absolutely confused about what sex they are, and legalizing drugs to keep them complacent. "They" have been working to lower sperm count for decades, using chemicals in processed foods, and now we find out about these:

Do you live in one of these five cancer-causing hotspots? More than 4.4 million Americans are within 10 miles of at least two commercial sterilizing facilities - and experts blame the EPA

The hidden health dangers of period underwear: Up to 65% of items contain toxic forever chemicals linked to infertility

Then, "they" want you to just kill yourself, and are willing to help, for just about anything..

America races toward Canada's euthanasia free-for-all: Seven more states eye legalizing assisted suicide, deadly doses are prescribed for ANOREXICS and more nurses are inking prescriptions

"They" are doing everything they can to ruin peace, and make us kill each other

The bloody death of a liberal dream: After throwing open its borders to 2million migrants, DAVID JONES investigates how Sweden has been left with an underclass of alienated teenagers, a murderous gang culture and crime spiraling out of control

"They", by their own admissions, are trying to create new viruses to kill us

A zombie fungus that already exists is just THREE steps away from being able to infect HUMANS - like in The Last of Us

Watch: Secretly filmed Pfizer official admits gain-of-function research​

When later confronted with the recording, employee panics and turns violent.​

"They" are creating the zombies..

Shocking video shows drug addicts in Portland emptying whole pallets of water bought with food stamps to recycle the bottles for $2.40 to buy cheap fentanyl

THAT WAS ALL JUST FROM TODAY, on one site. The open border, and 5 million illegal immigrants Brandon has allowed in the last two years are ALL going to be on welfare. WHO THE F IS PAYING FOR THIS? WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO LIVE, WHEN WE ALREADY HAVE A HOUSING SHORTAGE?!?!?!?!?
HB. His comment ticked me off too, but I gave a newbie a break until now.

Yesterday I went to the city just south of him. Lost count of how many homeless encampments I saw in that city and the 3 smaller ones I passed through to get there.
A stop at a home improvement store. 15 cop cars driving by, a guy partaking of wacky tabacky,and the glorious sight of a homeless woman swinging a large knife around on the side walk.

But he think’s everything is fine? He probably thinks Newscum is doing a fine job too.
If a person has only focused on short term, they could very well have made a mistake. It depends on the person/group. Lets say Group A has focused long term, so therefore they have chosen a solid location with 2 water sources far from any large population. The land has a working well and small river. Their members all have different 1800s skillsets as well as trained defensive skills. They have enough land to garden and raise meat animals for everyone in their group. They planted an orchard 6 years ago and it is doing well. Additionally, they have stockpiled 1 year of food. The majority of this group will have to bug out to it from their current homes.

Then there is Group B. They have decided to make their stand in a small neighborhood 30 miles outside of a large city. Everyone in the group lives in the neighborhood…but not all in said neighborhood joined, or were invited to join. They stockpiled 1 1/2 years of food and have enough total yard space to grow what is necessary for their survival. This group has very little 1800s skill sets, but are strong in the defense area. Most are ex military or police. They do have a river right outside the neighborhood.

Can we even begin to say which group will survive? Or perhaps both groups will. Personally I think a lot is riding on the group’s dynamics and frankly luck…or protection from the Almighty. If I had to choose, it would be Group A.
I agree.

And I think it depends on your goals, too. A couple who is elderly and in poor health with no children may only want to be prepped enough to live out their days whereas a family with younger kids needs to be able to teach the children how to survive with nothing. A healthy single guy may want to be mobile and just have survival skills because he knows he won't stay where he currently lives. It's all circumstantial.

In the end, it doesn't matter much because when SHTF, sadly, I will probably never hear from any of you again. I kind of hate that as I have grown fond of you all.

I know you werent, I was just trying to put the British perspective.

Ok, I have tried so many times to understand British/English/UK.

British, means you are in Great Britain but not necessarily England, correct? So is your perspective true for across the board in the UK including Northern Ireland? (Or do I have the entire thing totally mixed up?)

I have even watched videos explaining the divisions for these terms, but I just don't get it.
LOL, it's confusing for sure. Our use of the word "British" is different than their use of the word.
Technically anyone living in the British Isles is "British" but then that's akin to calling a Venezuelan an "American" because he lives in the Americas.
I think the main point of confusion is the fact that we speak English but not the same English as the English do. So we say "British English." to mean a dialect of English from England because saying "English English" sounds ridiculous. They don't have that problem because there are many established dialects of English in England and each has a name. Like Received Pronunciation, Cockney, etc. all of which we lump into "British English." But then Welsh are British too, but we call their dialect "Welsh English."
You must first of all realize YOU are one of the fortunate ones! Why? Because you are one of a small percentage who actually understand what challenges we are facing. I advise you to get seeds and learn to grow basic foods. Potatoes, both regular and sweet are great for survival. Get a few chickens and meat rabbits. They are very quiet, cost is small and the meat is great. One rabbit pair will give you 220 lbs of meat a year.

Last, but should have said first, get close to God! Pray and put your fear aside. Fear will only hold you back from what is necessary.

Thank you for your service sir!
I'm doing much of this as fast as I can...

I have the spiritual side covered. I just fear the earthly stuff is going to be horrific. And ultimately most of us are powerless to really get thru it... regardless of our preps. Not even sure if surviving is the right answer some days.
The interesting thing is the possible dimension of the collapse. It's not only in America, i see the same (or worse) in Europe. Even with collapsing the globalism works it seems.
The recession almost started 2020. The collapse can come tomorrow, next weeks or months. But it won't need years or decades anymore.
Cash withdrawal rates in Europe I think reached the largest in history recently. I saw a chart and the amount was not even close, it was a staggering withdrawal rate from banks. Everyone is pulling all cash it seems.

Flip side, everyone in the west seems to be maxing out credit cards (most cc debt in history I think) and spending all cash as fast as possible.

I think a large % of people see it coming and are spending as fast as possible to get what they can.
I just can talk about this i see in Switzerland and what i do hear from european preppers.
In Switzerland we have at the moment two clear sides, those between don't really count. We got hipsters, sheeps and selfcalled "modern people" who run behind every modern gimmick they hear about and they trust the government even they say it's good to leave an flying plane without parachute. Those kind of people are the loudest.
The others, especially countryside, don't trust the government anymore (since Covid anyway), banques and everything what could be used to controll them. Those people are mostly quiet in public. And those are the ones who buy stuff which will survive.
Btw - everytime you wanna buy real gold or silver you need to go registeted since a few years. Exceot jewellery.
Used cars without electronics increased value 4 times and more. Land, houses - everything is in meantime expensive since never before.
And things like this i hear from other countries too.
LOL, it's confusing for sure. Our use of the word "British" is different than their use of the word.
Technically anyone living in the British Isles is "British" but then that's akin to calling a Venezuelan an "American" because he lives in the Americas.
I think the main point of confusion is the fact that we speak English but not the same English as the English do. So we say "British English." to mean a dialect of English from England because saying "English English" sounds ridiculous. They don't have that problem because there are many established dialects of English in England and each has a name. Like Received Pronunciation, Cockney, etc. all of which we lump into "British English." But then Welsh are British too, but we call their dialect "Welsh English."
People who are born here but are of a different culture would call themselves British, but for instance someone like myself who was born in England refer to ourselves as English not British, confusing I know for other countries to understand but its part of being English, Scottish etc.
people living in Wales would not call their language Welsh English, that is a purely American thing, they just say they speak Welsh.
#personally speaking, wife and I refer to ourselves as Devonian first, English second and British never, its only the London elite who think of themselves as European anyway who call themselves British.
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In the end, it doesn't matter much because when SHTF, sadly, I will probably never hear from any of you again. I kind of hate that as I have grown fond of you all.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment. We hope you take a handfull of bits and pieces of all our info and knowledge with you no matter what happens in the future. We will be keeping a look out for you all in heaven tho!!!
People come and go, some stay longer and some only a few moments in a coffee shop...but you get something from everyone, enjoy the richness of a long-distance friendship HUG! Live free, Gary
I have the spiritual side covered. I just fear the earthly stuff is going to be horrific. And ultimately most of us are powerless to really get thru it... regardless of our preps. Not even sure if surviving is the right answer some days.
Surviving is always a right and good answer---the only other death.
Not that that is bad if you have the spiritual side covered, you're just going home.
Prep and survive to help re-build this poor old world and better than it is now. live free, Gary
I'm doing much of this as fast as I can...

I have the spiritual side covered. I just fear the earthly stuff is going to be horrific. And ultimately most of us are powerless to really get thru it... regardless of our preps. Not even sure if surviving is the right answer some days.
If you have kids or those who depend on you, it's imperative that you make it.
If I had no kids, I would go out in a blaze of vengence and be glad to do so, but the little ones need their mama. 🙂
I'm working my tail off, and am faithful. I don't know the purpose of my writing, maybe just frustrated, commiserating, dialogue, mutual assistance/support verbally...

Since 2020 nonsense, the plandemic shamdemic, the clot shots, the stolen election and cowardly lack of our leaders to stop these things I have grown very cynical and pessimistic on our nation's future, integrity, and leadership (lack thereof).

Economy: We have the worst economy outlook than perhaps in my 4 decades of living. We're in a recession, probably entering a depression, and our FED/.gov is too dishonest to even tell us the facts that we all see. Unlike the collapses of the 80s, 2001, 2008, and 2020, we just don't have the money to print to bail us out and now the more we print the worse it gets. We're adding nearly $1 trillion annually on just interest on the national debt, and all those debt and economic numbers are very cancerous. Many of the problems we have, could be stalled or fixed by monetary policy but at this point, as we saw for Covid relief, it did more harm than good. 70% living hand-to-mouth, 40 million in poverty, job losses, and on and on. Radical inflation is just out-of-control (thinking back to your first house, costs of food a few years ago, interest rates, and costs of living, etc.).

War: I was young when 9/11/01 hit. I joined and went to war. I was very patriotic and believed in the cause. Decades later, looking back, I am so angry at the fraud, the waste, the deaths, the lies, the lack of any real leadership or plans. It was just a big money laundering boondoggle that enriched the powerful political elites and their cronies. America ruined our reputation in GWOT. As I've aged, I have studied our other military actions in the last 6 decades. And it's upsetting to see how much fraud, waste, and abuses have occurred, sending our boys around the globe to die so that the Military Industrial Complex could get rich and powerful. In the early 2000s, I did not understand all of the Vietnam vets protesting against Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, but I do now. I now see the US funding a foolish expensive dangerous proxy war against Russia that is killing tens of thousands on both sides, and could go from very bad to annihilation of all involved. I am staggered at how unbelievably stupid this involvement is.

Frauds, Corruption, and Propaganda: We are living in a police state where most of the media and social media is complicit in propaganda. It's like living in a totalitarian nightmare. There are endless articles attempting to expose this, and few gain much traction but we all know it is true. The election fraud, the Covid frauds, the vaccine experiments and lies, the shutdowns, and on and on. The bulk of the political and corporate leadership class are varying degrees of highly corrupt.

I don't want this to be too long, but these are just scratching the surface of so many other socio-economic and social cancers - education, taxes, gun control, speech suppression, and on and on. The world, our nation, and even a number of states have just gone insane it seems...

What do you look for to have any hope? I'm really finding day-to-day to be just almost overwhelming while balancing my career, my household, my preps to survive through this.
First off I thank you so very much for serving our country. You and a lot of others joined up to do their patriotic duties. At the time, it seemed like a patriotic act. Yet it seems like we, the people were lied to about 9/11.
If you have kids or those who depend on you, it's imperative that you make it.
If I had no kids, I would go out in a blaze of vengence and be glad to do so, but the little ones need their mama. 🙂
I agree , my prepping is not done that much for me but for my kids and their offspring . Already by predicting the future My wife and I sacrificed and bought property on a dirt dead end road and began building our first shelter on that property and laying the ground work for our kids a home on our survival retreat . Three houses and two lived in campers later on the property , we are now starting on one of my grandkids a structure . That kid is less than two years old and we have prepared the land and will be putting in a septic system for the one year old this weekend . Another brick and mortar house is also in progress as we are coming up with walls . Also this weekend will be working on camper hook ups as discussed on this forum . --- In keeping with this thread will say after much deliberation have decided to sell my two nanny milk goats as My buck goat fell off a 300 foot cliff to his death . Billy goats can get mean and dangerous so at my old age have decided to shift tactics for my clan's survival and make up for the loss of milk by increasing my chicken flock and subsequent egg production . Of course my preps go much deeper than that . --- I was a bit relieved today as part of my group crossed over the Mississippi River bridge today and onto our side of the river , and made it back to our retreat . The reason being , the Mississippi river bridges are designated to be destroyed in World War 3 to divide the United States . I believe there are 21 bridges counting railroad bridges crossing the Mississippi River that are designated as targets .
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I agree , my prepping is not done that much for me but for my kids and their offspring . Already by predicting the future My wife and I sacrificed and bought property on a dirt dead end road and began building our first shelter on that property and laying the ground work for our kids a home on our survival retreat . Three houses and two lived in campers later on the property , we are now starting on one of my grandkids a structure . That kid is less than two years old and we have prepared the land and will be putting in a septic system for the one year old this weekend . Another brick and mortar house is also in progress as we are coming up with walls . Also this weekend will be working on camper hook ups as Proud prepper and I discussed on this forum . --- In keeping with this thread will say after much deliberation have decided to sell my two nanny milk goats as My buck goat fell off a 300 foot cliff to his death . Billy goats can get mean and dangerous so at my old age have decided to shift tactics for my clan's survival and make up for the loss of milk by increasing my chicken flock and subsequent egg production . Of course my preps go much deeper than that . --- I was a bit relieved today as part of my group crossed over the Mississippi River bridge today and onto our side of the river , and made it back to our retreat . The reason being , the Mississippi river bridges are designated to be destroyed in World War 3 to divide the United States . I believe there are 21 bridges counting railroad bridges crossing the Mississippi River that are designated as targets .
I'm trying hard to follow in those footsteps!

I am glad everyone got home. Do you think it will be all major rivers or only the Mississippi due to its placement dividing the country?
I am basing these targets on actual data , from military gurus . Also on the target list is major roadway intersections . Likely other bridges that I haven't received information on are also on the target list . -- The objective is to isolate civilians as well as military and restrict the ability of travel .
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First rule of war, cut the communication, take over the radio and TV and spread either dis-info, mis-info or just propoganda and confusion amongst the patriots.
Secondly, close all means of travel, control all major hubs of rail, ships, planes and trucks...or destroy them.
Third, close all means of re-supply from outside for food, water, weapons, ammo, clothing and commo.
Fourth, shut down all large pockets of resistance and isolate each known groups of resistance so they cannot join together into larger army groups and support each other.
Fifth, keep control of airspace and water movements so there cannot be any help from outside elements which would sympathise with the resistance elements and spread propaganda towards potential "helpers" to create fear.
Sixth, maintain pressure at all odds against the resistance as to weaken the will to fight, use up all supplies of food, water and ammo. Keep up pressure and utilise the weather, cold, heat and wet weather to hamper movement and weaken all fighters without loss of their own soldiers in direct conflict.
Seventh, ascertain how strong the resistance is, how many losses, how movement is affected, how the balance of power is being kept and if any treasonous persons or prisoners can be found who would give up info and show where further weaknesses are in the resistance.
Eighth, keep their own forces ignorant to any facts as to whether the resistance is winning or losing in order to maintain the will to fight within their own ranks if the fighting lasts too long and keep them ignorant as long as possible while maintaining controlled contact "back home" so different info cannot come thru.
First rule of war, cut the communication, take over the radio and TV and spread either dis-info, mis-info or just propoganda and confusion amongst the patriots.
Secondly, close all means of travel, control all major hubs of rail, ships, planes and trucks...or destroy them.
Third, close all means of re-supply from outside for food, water, weapons, ammo, clothing and commo.
Fourth, shut down all large pockets of resistance and isolate each known groups of resistance so they cannot join together into larger army groups and support each other.
Fifth, keep control of airspace and water movements so there cannot be any help from outside elements which would sympathise with the resistance elements and spread propaganda towards potential "helpers" to create fear.
Sixth, maintain pressure at all odds against the resistance as to weaken the will to fight, use up all supplies of food, water and ammo. Keep up pressure and utilise the weather, cold, heat and wet weather to hamper movement and weaken all fighters without loss of their own soldiers in direct conflict.
Seventh, ascertain how strong the resistance is, how many losses, how movement is affected, how the balance of power is being kept and if any treasonous persons or prisoners can be found who would give up info and show where further weaknesses are in the resistance.
Eighth, keep their own forces ignorant to any facts as to whether the resistance is winning or losing in order to maintain the will to fight within their own ranks if the fighting lasts too long and keep them ignorant as long as possible while maintaining controlled contact "back home" so different info cannot come thru.

I don't think most people are going to survive the year. We now have a few AI sites where you can choose a celebrity, polititian, athlete, etc and make them say whatever you want; in their voice! The AI will improve dramatically just in a few months. People are going to start mass chaos, war, and worse. We ARE at the end. Get ready, in all facets of your life/preps.
I don't think most people are going to survive the year. We now have a few AI sites where you can choose a celebrity, polititian, athlete, etc and make them say whatever you want; in their voice! The AI will improve dramatically just in a few months. People are going to start mass chaos, war, and worse. We ARE at the end. Get ready, in all facets of your life/preps.
AI is very frightening, and the nefarious uses bad people will invent are unknown and unlimited. With AI and also facial recognition, and voice recognition, It's becoming a world where your picture and your voice are becoming important to protect.

I've become a bit paranoid about answering the phone to unknown numbers due to my concern of having companies "voice print" me.

Combined with a robotic device we're entering "Terminator" landscapes. Vocal imitation, robots that look or act like people, and so forth. Probably within the decade.


By 2017, the United States has become a totalitarian police state following a worldwide economic collapse and the recent election. The government pacifies the populace through violent TV shows; its most popular being The Running Man, a broadcast game show, where criminals fight for their lives as "runners," fleeing from armed mercenaries called "stalkers," to earn a government pardon and tropical vacation.

Ben Richards, a police helicopter pilot, observes a food riot in Bakersfield, California. He is ordered to open fire on them, but refuses and is subdued by his colleagues. The media blames Richards for shooting sixty people and he is sent to a prison labor camp. attachment 19014


By 2017, the United States has become a totalitarian police state following a worldwide economic collapse and the recent election. The government pacifies the populace through violent TV shows; its most popular being The Running Man, a broadcast game show, where criminals fight for their lives as "runners," fleeing from armed mercenaries called "stalkers," to earn a government pardon and tropical vacation.

Ben Richards, a police helicopter pilot, observes a food riot in Bakersfield, California. He is ordered to open fire on them, but refuses and is subdued by his colleagues. The media blames Richards for shooting sixty people and he is sent to a prison labor camp.
The book was much better than the movie. Robert Heinlein was the author. Very good read.
Joining Helen Back, be ready!!! That means mentally as well as water (they can’t contaminate from the sky. Food. Defense group and tactics already planned. Truly know and understand your local area!

EDIT: Be watching your area for incoming train wrecks and toxic fires. Be prepared to leave the area!
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