Yep similar UV index here too
@Tank-Girl and got to be in by or before 9 am or you get baked. We even wear 50+ UV long sleeve protective cotton shirts and you can feel the sun burning through your shirt. I agree it is miserable and our humidity levels are high here too. Why oh why was I born in Australia a redhead and I have to say even I for a lily white person who could guide you in a power blackout with my skin, I am getting a slight tan dare I say it between the many red freckles.
Thanks for the heads up on the rice I will have to check what price we can get it for if we need more. I think though we might be fine as we stocked up before Christmas when they had huge specials on the large bags of rice. Something else in our food storage no doubt that is earning us more than bank interest.
Woolworths essentials white rice is currently .14c per 100g, not sure if you are near one there.