Shopped at Aldi!!
Thank you @Amish Heart for the encouragement.
The Old El Paso burrito kits are actually made in Australia but cost a small fortune at usually about $6.50 or more each depending on where you shop. Do you have them over there ? in this brand.
One of the things I love about this forum is the diversity of people and geography. I am always learning of something I never heard of ... then hav3 to look up ... in this case bega cheeseFrom 2 little country supermarkets we picked up on special 6kg of sausages, 1 kg bega cheese on half price special, just over a kg of champagne leg ham $7 kg cheaper than our normal supermarket, 4 x 500g speadable butters on half price special (making it far less than the usual butter we buy), 6 x El Paso burrito kits on half price special, 2 x packets of samboy chips and 2 x french fries chips on half price specials saving $51.54 on usual prices we pay in the supermarket we normally shop at.
Even better with all the specials we are under budget on our grocery shopping by $50.49 for the month. Still yet to get a few low price staples to stock back up but will do that closer to Easter when our discount e-vouchers will return for our larger supermarket in town which will make buying them cheaper than elsewhere.
Bringing mom to Aldi's today to get her stocked up, so I will, too
All of those are in the mixed nut package.Thanks! We'll look. I like cashews and pecans, husband likes almonds.