I busted! Only February- my self challenge didn't even make it 2 full months

I spent $20.42 on items that weren't on my eternal list. But on the same note, I will share what I got and why.
A pair of right handed all metal pinking shears $1. Reg price $20 (about)
Set of full sized sheets for spare bed $3. Reg $24.65 (cheapest found online).
Hand crocheted lace valance $3 Reg $50 or more
Hand crocheted spread $5 Reg $100 or more!
Lg (1gal.?) food mill $1. Reg $35

3 half gallon jars (1 ball and 2 Kerr) 75 c each! Reg $3 ea
Bundt cake pan $3. Reg $20
Small pillow with Irish Rose lace $1. Reg ?
Several yards of hand crocheted lace edging $1 Reg. $?
Guesstimation of savings $240.40!!!
For our spare room, I've just made the bed with misc. sheets we had on hand so it will be nice to have a real set. Also, there is only the blind in that room so the valance will go in there too. I was very excited about the food mill. I've used a small one, but got rid of it as it wasn't big enough to do much. I'm hoping it will be good for tomato sauce. The bundt pan will replace the one I have. I had two and when decluttering the kitchen, got rid of my one shaped like this. The one I kept is rose shaped. I prefer the plain after all. The 1/2 gal. jars, I use all the time. Two of the three have a lavender tint - just beginning to turn. Oh and if you add it up, I think it was $18.25 the remainder was tax.
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