How did I save money today?

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I saved money by turning my school bus into a green house since its going to be sitting in my back yard for at least another month, if not more. Placed some boards across the seat tops and put my started seeds on those. Works great and I even have a place to sit if I want.
Helped my neighbor Murray out by taking his old rotted down hay that he uses to lure the elk away from his hay shed in winter. He now doesn't have to haul it out into one of his forests and I can now use it as mulch in my gardens.

And Dobby can eat off of it while I use it up... lol... Why he would want to eat it with free run of 80 acres of green grass and brush I don't know, but he seems to think he wants it...

waste hay.jpg
This is actually a pressure cooker not a pressure canner.
I misread that - oops. I do have a pressure cooker also though. It was my grandparents'. Still works just fine. There was a time when they weren't sold - you know for our own safety 🙄 Wonder why anyone would think they need to protect me??? They can stop now.:blow up::LOL:
I misread that - oops. I do have a pressure cooker also though. It was my grandparents'. Still works just fine. There was a time when they weren't sold - you know for our own safety 🙄 Wonder why anyone would think they need to protect me??? They can stop now.:blow up::LOL:

LOL... I went all over town a month ago trying to find ammonium nitrate as I need nitrogen to add to my hugelkulture brush piles. I couldn't find any anywhere, I finally ended up at Moscow building supply and asked a guy there and he goes and gets the manager of the department. She informed me that they don't sell that anymore as too many of the college students had made small explosive devices with it. So instead of vetting the customers we just keep anyone from using the product...

I didn't mention to her that those same moronic college students can make ammonium nitrate quite easily from their own urine and continue to make explosive devices, but what would be the point... Stupid people...
I bought a coffee pot this evening.
Was planning on spending $17.96, but only spent $10.96, savings of $7.00.
Promptly spent that $7 saving on dog food for Strawberry.
Electric bill went down from $56 down to $46, savings of $10.
Gas bill went down also was $38 now it's $32 savings of $6.
Car insurance went down too,
It was $118, it's now $114 savings of $4.
Rent went down too.
It was $236, now it's $233 a savings of $3.
So all in savings was $23.
Phone card $29.99, so the phone card cost me a whole $6.99 plus tax.
Internet bill went up, but I figured the increase into the budget.
Better to increase Internet budget than pay overages fees.
And I think I might be able to swing by butcher shop and get bundle of meat too.
Beings that's what I'm lowest on at the moment.
Bills are paid.
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Busted on Thursday and filled up 10 jerry cans of fuel being as it is ridiculously low in cost here at the moment at .81c litre for E10 and 98c litre for Vortex 95. That was a saving of near on $125 compared to the prices we paid when we last filled them up. We purchased 6 more jerry cans as we were planning to up our storage of fuels anyway.

So now on day 2 of not spending any money today.
New pay day yesterday so I have $35 left from the grocery money to put in the emergency fund.

I plan to buy extra of things anytime I can from now on. Gonna concentrate on canned meats ( proteins), canned fruits and canned veggies. Once I'm feeling better about those I'll start on the starches.

Also will buy extra eggs and freeze them
Hey Mo, cut up the cabbage and dehydrate it for later
Will be doing that in a bit.
How long do you dehydrate it and what temperature?
I'm kinda tired at the moment.
Sent 2 pounds of sweet potatoes, russet potatoes home with grand daughter today.
Also sent a few oranges, and halos.
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I don't know exactly but grandma used water and salt. Then she had me put the crock into the garage. Once in there she put a plate upside down on top of the cabbage and put a rock on the plate so it kept the cabbage from rising out of the water. You would have to look up a recipe as I don't have one.
Cut cabbage and wash. If you don't have a crock, something in similar shape could work, but I would use glass over metal. Salt and water goes in with the cabbage (non iodized, or you'll get brown). Something heavy on top for a weight stone. Even a small plate the size of the opening with a rock on top will do. Leave it for 3 weeks. Push the weight down now and again. Then rinse and eat. Or water bath can for later.
One way to store extra eggs is to carefully crack the eggs and pour them carefully into a quart jar without breaking the yolk or mixing the whites. Once most of the way full you can then freeze them. Later when you thaw them you can pour them out individually for use.

You using mason jars? You can freeze them?

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