How long does canned tuna last after expiration? Brown sugar?

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Iā€™ve eaten canned salmon that was 20 years old and Iā€™m still eating canned salmon from ā€™08. The foil packets can loose their seal easier than the cans. As long as the seal is intact the product is fine.
Iā€™ve eaten canned salmon that was 20 years old and Iā€™m still eating canned salmon from ā€™08. The foil packets can loose their seal easier than the cans. As long as the seal is intact the product is fine.
Unless the can feels swollen...!!!
ive read that if canned goods dont have dents or rust or bulghes, it will last for over 20yrs in place like a basement.
ive got some real old brown sugar too. it gets hard over tim,e--i just open the bad and put it in a zip lock with a slightly damp paper towel to help it soften. there is even brown sugar keepers like a piece of ceramic that you soak in water then put in bag with sugar to keep it from hardening.

and also pills and capsules too--i think it was the pentegon that did research on common meds and found they are still good easily over 10 yrs or more just start to weaken a bit.
ive read that if canned goods dont have dents or rust or bulghes, it will last for over 20yrs in place like a basement.
ive got some real old brown sugar too. it gets hard over tim,e--i just open the bad and put it in a zip lock with a slightly damp paper towel to help it soften. there is even brown sugar keepers like a piece of ceramic that you soak in water then put in bag with sugar to keep it from hardening.

and also pills and capsules too--i think it was the pentegon that did research on common meds and found they are still good easily over 10 yrs or more just start to weaken a bit.
It depends on what it is. Most are good, but a few are not. It is best to research about the medications you have to find out if it is safe after the best by date, or not.
yes, it is good to check exactly what you have on hand--here is an update from Natl LibrarY of Medicine

During the study they found out that majority consider expired drug use is not safe but 89.39% subject were aware about not using insulin, liquid antibiotic, nitroglycerin after expiry. The testing conducted by the US FDA ultimately covered more than 100 drugs prescription and OTC drugs. The result showed that about 90% were safe and effective as long as 15 years past their original expiration date. Loel Dawis, expiration date chief said that with a handful of exception notably nitroglycerin, Insulin and Liquid antibiotic most drugs are probably as durable as the agency tested.4.
I found a few bags of brown sugar that expired in 2014, still soft. Would you eat it?
I consider sugar to me one of those things that doesn't expire. Unless you get bugs in it or something. It could pick up odors or go stale if not stored well. Smell it, taste it, and if it meets your culinary standards, eat it.
I also am wondering about canned tuna, how long would you eat after expiration date?
If I were living in the post-apocalypse and was foraging for food - indefinitely. In other circumstances? Do you have a cat? Give some to the cat and see if it eats it. Then throw the rest away. Who would want to eat a can of tuna after a cat's gotten into it?
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I found a few bags of brown sugar that expired in 2014, still soft. Would you eat it?
I also am wondering about canned tuna, how long would you eat after expiration date?

I hate my organization skills šŸ˜‚
Sugar has an eternal shelf life so yep would eat that. I donā€™t know on the tuna.
Unless the can feels swollen...!!!
If the can is swollen, donā€™t even open it just toss it. This means that the seal is broken and bad nasties are growing inside the can. Push on the top, it should not go down. When you open the can listen for the slight whoosh of air as the vacuum is broken. When the can is open inspect the inside and look for rust or discoloration of the metal. Cans can rust from the inside as well as the outside. I bought a bunch of tomatoes once that the manufacturer used the wrong liner in their cans. The acid rusted through the cans from the inside and I wound up throwing away a case or two.

A far as medicines go, generally speaking tablets last the longest, capsules do well but not nearly as well as tablets. Liquids donā€™t last much longer than the expiration date. There are exemptions to this rule, for example nitro degrades relatively soon after expiration date. I have effectively used nitro months after its date so donā€™t think that the day after is bad for anything, they always build in a cushion.
Sugar has an eternal shelf life so yep would eat that. I donā€™t know on the tuna.
Sugar, honey, salt, and whole grains last indefinitely, along with other stuff. Canned goods, mostly, last as long as the container. Canned goods over 100 years old have been tested and found edible and nutritious. Unless my grandmother bought my canned goods before I was born Iā€™d eat it, as long as the cans appeared okay.
A little off topic but not really, I left a box of beans in the sleeper of the Pete over , well prolly a year, they froze for sure and prolly did a few freeze thaw cycles, I almost chucked them , then decided to open one to see if they smelled off or any thing, I even got a couple of other smell opinions, they were fine, but for some reason they gave me gas, had to be the freezing , Right?
I always kept canned tuna, in spring water, in my pack on my 4 wheeler. My thought was it was a good snack when out in the hills/desert and the fact it was in spring water was helpful because it was "water" and any good source of water was helpful in the desert. I had a can that was about 4 years old or more and when out and about in the heat of summer I opened the can, drank the "water" and ate the tuna. No problems. That can of tuna had been in the desert heat for about 4 years and was still good. 130*+ temps taking into consideration the 4 wheeler being stored inside an enclosed trailer when not in use.

I would say that canned tuna will last as long as SPAM. Don't worry, if it smells OK when you open it go ahead and eat it.
The only issue I have had with tuna is that the flavor seems to go off faster than other canned meats. It is still safe to eat...I just don't care for the taste. So I try to be extra diligent about rotating stock.
The only issue I have had with tuna is that the flavor seems to go off faster than other canned meats. It is still safe to eat...I just don't care for the taste. So I try to be extra diligent about rotating stock.
I am not arguing the point, it was several years ago, it was hot on that long summer ride, I was hungry, it tasted like tuna. I do not recall any difference in the flavor.
Just my recollection.
I also think sugar lasts forever. But brown sugar has molasses in it, doesn't it? Does molasses last forever? I'm not sure about that.
Molasses is just unprocessed sugar- liquid form. It might harden which is just lack of moisture (H2O), but can simply add a piece of bread to soften it up.

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