How many found us by google searching?

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I came here when PS imploded and all the good people said this was the place to be. I found PS by doing an internet search, though not Google. It was probably DuckDuckGo but I wouldn’t swear to it.
I was looking for a better site, and was sent a recommendation from another member. We were like minded and wanted similar traits in a prepping site. This worked out very nicely.
I did not come here from a search engine. I came from a Carbon firearms forum, to the firearms forum that was formerly a sister site to this site. When that site began to be dominated by some rather unseemly personalities, I slid on over here with Phideaux and a few of the other "charter members".
Hi guys, I'm here, just busy as a one armed paper hanger... Right now I'm trying to keep up with 3 jobs at work and it is the end/start of our year, so closing out stuff, planning new stuff, and trying to address all the requests for information from self-important people...

I keep checking in on you, but I just don't have much fun stuff to talk about. I did go for an afternoon walk and loaded up on chiggers... I'm just itching to tell you about them:)

FYI- I followed @Amish Heart here after MainStreamPreppers went belly-up....

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