How much CASH do you carry?

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Even when I get the beer rebate cards, I activate them and then use them right away.....on beer and only beer. That way they don't get any information on me, since they already know I buy beer. I'm sure they hate that. They occasionally try to get back at me by mailing me back a post card saying that I didn't fill out something right or that my address is unverified. I call the 1-800 number and tell them I have copies of all of my stuff and would they like me to fax it to them. LOL! They relent and send my rebate b/c I always make copies of everything before I send it out. Of coarse, it's a waste of my time...but I just do chores while I wait on hold. It's a stupid game.

With cash......there are no games, which is why I prefer it over plastic any day of the week.
Even when I get the beer rebate cards, I activate them and then use them right away.....on beer and only beer. That way they don't get any information on me, since they already know I buy beer. I'm sure they hate that. They occasionally try to get back at me by mailing me back a post card saying that I didn't fill out something right or that my address is unverified. I call the 1-800 number and tell them I have copies of all of my stuff and would they like me to fax it to them. LOL! They relent and send my rebate b/c I always make copies of everything before I send it out. Of coarse, it's a waste of my time...but I just do chores while I wait on hold. It's a stupid game.

With cash......there are no games, which is why I prefer it over plastic any day of the week.
I hope everybody sees the irony in the part I highlighted above. It's funny. Card games.
It is usually only a ploy to gather more information...which they can sell.
If someone sends you a card worth money, take it and use it! Give them nothing!!! :waiting:
I’m in agreement that cash gives you options, especially in farm country. Several times a year I find bargains that require cash. So I always have several hundred on me. For example I ran into a guy once who was making fish baskets, 5ft long for catfish, cash only! They are nicely made, still have one hanging in the rafters in the shop.

Maybe part of it is that as a young man I never seemed to have enough cash, always broke or almost.

Change can be a problem though, especially when your young… Once years ago my job was 70+ miles away in another city. I usually had to wait and go to the bank on Saturday morning to deposit my paycheck and get some cash for the week. Some friends and I were playing a bluegrass festival near Rome GA one weekend, 200 more miles from home. I left work Friday afternoon and drove there. We had 1 show friday, 2 shows each on Sat/Sun. I left about 8pm Sunday night.

I was very low on gas, not going to make it home. I had my paycheck and a bag of change in the car to take to the bank, about $12, just enough gas to get home. After I put gas in my car the lady at the store refused to take my change as payment. She actually called the sheriffs dept. because I refused to pay. But I didn’t refuse to pay, I had exact change! A deputy showed up, then a state trooper! After wasting an hour of my time she finally took the change!

Got no sleep that night, had to be up a 04:30 to drive 70 miles to work. Idiot lady thought I could magically pull greenbacks out of my butt! And she wouldn’t cash my paycheck either. So she got $12 in pennies, nickles and dimes. I counted every cent in front of her, and the cops.

Just another reason to carry cash...
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I hope everybody sees the irony in the part I highlighted above. It's funny. Card games.
It is usually only a ploy to gather more information...which they can sell.
If someone sends you a card worth money, take it and use it! Give them nothing!!! :waiting:
Yup, It's the most ridiculous thing ever. They are just hoping I won't follow up and they won't have to send the rebate. I've argued the stupidity of that with them before and they have a hard time understanding the irony. You'd think by now, they'd know better. I'm NOT going to just let it go. It's like they get PO'd b/c I send them in.
We don’t carry much cash. Maybe $100. I’d say enough to fill our fuel tank but that doesn’t fill it anymore (again). We were under the impression using cards was best for our credit. So since we decided we will be moving we did everything on cards and paid off the statement balance at the end of the month. Now we’re finding out that doesn’t appear factual. So we will most likely go back to mainly cash.
Credit cards build your credit score when you carry a balance over a long period of time. A mortgage improves your credit.
I refuse to play their game because it can cost more than 10% to increase your credit score. My home is paid for and my cars are paid for. I pay cash for what I need or I pay with the credit card and then pay it off at the end of each month. My credit score fell like crazy but my disposable income is higher.
There are many things that effect your credit score. Credit available to credit used is one. If you have high limits on cards but no balance due that ups your score. If you are late even 1 day making any payment that will drop your score.
My credit score is around 820 because we follow the rules and are not in debt. I have 3 high limit CC with no balance due. Pay them off twice a month.
One of the things that ticks me off is the insurance companies using your CS to set your insurance rates. Low score means higher premiums.
Funny damn thing about "MONEY" There's always somebody willing to work for it, trade me a rifle and ammo, groceries, booze or smokes for it,
I dunno what its for, it makes a pi$$ poor patch on your clothes, you can't roll a smoke in it, blow your nose or wipe your rump with it effectively,
IN FACT, you can buy 10,000% better butt wipe with it and 10,000% more to boot! I don't get it. its a piece of silk infused paper with the picture of a dead
man and numbers on it. Your world confuses me,
I carry $20-25 for tips or for A's on tests for the granddaughters.

The Princess has us on "Every Dollar" from Dave Ramsey were I have to account for every dollar I spend. Using credit cards it is simple to direct every expense to the correct budget. Using cash I have ro keep receipts. We do pay off the credit cards each month.

Did you know that $1,000 worth of gold is easier to hide in your wallet than $1,000 worth of cash? Strange, but true...
Hi, I always try to carry quite a lot of cash with me or leave it somewhere nearby in the car, for example. But one day, I had an incident, after which I no longer carry large sums of money with me. On the way home, I lost the money or had it stolen. I did not even understand. Since then, I do not carry large amounts of cash because I am afraid of losing it again. I would rather come home to get the money than be afraid of losing it again.
If you carry ten grand or more, it is subject to confiscation by police, thanks to the wars on drugs/terror.
you will likely not get it back either.
If you carry ten grand or more, it is subject to confiscation by police, thanks to the wars on drugs/terror.
you will likely not get it back either.
First who would carry that much money on their person, second, I would get it back & sue the state for false arrest, even if it cost me the ten grand for a lawyer. I would drive back to that state to campaign against that department head next election.
First who would carry that much money on their person, second, I would get it back & sue the state for false arrest, even if it cost me the ten grand for a lawyer. I would drive back to that state to campaign against that department head next election.
Some people carry a lot more than $10,000. That may seem like a lot of money to us average people but for some that's just normal shopping trip money. I have been known to pay cash for things that cost $10,000 and I am a far cry from rich. I bought my tractor with cash and when I sold it I got cash and it was over $10000.
As far as suing to get it back, good luck with that. People almost never get their cash back. They don't even have to arrest you. They can just say it's drug money and walk away with it. If the police are feeling generous they might agree to give you back half just to get you out of their hair.
There are thousands of stories about this abuse.
It happens all the time. The police work with different people to catch someone with cash.
Buy a one way plane ticket with cash and the person checking you in for a flight can call the police and are actually paid a bounty if they confiscate your cash.
It is legalized theft and some police agencies use it to get rich.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse | American Civil Liberties Union
Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.
Some people carry a lot more than $10,000. That may seem like a lot of money to us average people but for some that's just normal shopping trip money. I have been known to pay cash for things that cost $10,000 and I am a far cry from rich. I bought my tractor with cash and when I sold it I got cash and it was over $10000.
As far as suing to get it back, good luck with that. People almost never get their cash back. They don't even have to arrest you. They can just say it's drug money and walk away with it. If the police are feeling generous they might agree to give you back half just to get you out of their hair.
There are thousands of stories about this abuse.
It happens all the time. The police work with different people to catch someone with cash.
Buy a one way plane ticket with cash and the person checking you in for a flight can call the police and are actually paid a bounty if they confiscate your cash.
It is legalized theft and some police agencies use it to get rich.

Asset Forfeiture Abuse | American Civil Liberties Union
Civil forfeiture allows police to seize — and then keep or sell — any property they allege is involved in a crime. Owners need not ever be arrested or convicted of a crime for their cash, cars, or even real estate to be taken away permanently by the government.
1) Never carry cash on you in large amounts
2) if you have to carry in cash, hide it three different places.
3) If you have to cross state lines, transfer it to that states bank, then pick it up at bank.
4) never use cash when carrying large sums, because it will tip off robbers & cops.
5) I bought a 1966 Ford F100 for $500.00 & had the owner go to my bank, so I could cash a check & give him the cash in the bank.
6) you can wire money from one person account to another person account, just like in the movies.
7) none of the above works, then he/she can sale to someone else
If do not play the game, you can not lose the game.
First who would carry that much money on their person, second, I would get it back & sue the state for false arrest, even if it cost me the ten grand for a lawyer. I would drive back to that state to campaign against that department head next election.
They would still keep your money, nobody fights city hall for long.
If I have to carry cash, its well hidden until I need to spend it. an empty chewing tobacco bag, a chip bag that's obviously empty are good places, so is an Altoid tin velcroed under the dash. then there's the rim of your hat, your socks etc.
1) Never carry cash on you in large amounts
2) if you have to carry in cash, hide it three different places.
3) If you have to cross state lines, transfer it to that states bank, then pick it up at bank.
4) never use cash when carrying large sums, because it will tip off robbers & cops.
5) I bought a 1966 Ford F100 for $500.00 & had the owner go to my bank, so I could cash a check & give him the cash in the bank.
6) you can wire money from one person account to another person account, just like in the movies.
7) none of the above works, then he/she can sale to someone else
If do not play the game, you can not lose the game.
That is exactly the opposite of what I would suggest.
You are saying that because we have an evil government, we all should just play along with whatever they want us to do.
I want to be free.
I do not want to live being ruled with an evil government.
If I die fighting evil, I am perfectly okay with that outcome.
First who would carry that much money on their person, second, I would get it back & sue the state for false arrest, even if it cost me the ten grand for a lawyer. I would drive back to that state to campaign against that department head next election.
I have carried that much either selling something (typically equipment or other assets) or buying something (typically equipment or other assets). We've had transactions of a larger amount than is being discussed here. Cash IS least for a little while longer while it is still supposedly worth something. :rolleyes:

Fighting politicians to get your money back just seems futile and ironic. Read the War on Cash to see how 'easy' it is to get your money back if it is taken via asset forfeiture. I would still fight the system, but I'd have to pay a lot of money to do it and with the stress involved, most of the time it just isn't worth it.
1) Never carry cash on you in large amounts
2) if you have to carry in cash, hide it three different places.
3) If you have to cross state lines, transfer it to that states bank, then pick it up at bank.
4) never use cash when carrying large sums, because it will tip off robbers & cops.
5) I bought a 1966 Ford F100 for $500.00 & had the owner go to my bank, so I could cash a check & give him the cash in the bank.
6) you can wire money from one person account to another person account, just like in the movies.
7) none of the above works, then he/she can sale to someone else
If do not play the game, you can not lose the game.
I agree with Hiwall on this. I'm not going to bow down to .gov b/c they have the upper hand. I guess I'm just a rebel that way. I use the banks as little as possible, which includes using their cheap plastic cards. I'd much rather risk losing my cash (which I don't think I've ever done) or being mugged (which has never happened to me yet). When people are smart enough to be Grey Man when carrying cash, they don't have to fear it. You're not doing anything wrong by using and carrying cash. It's what it was intended for. Actually I think the risk of being robbed is much less these days since muggers don't expect people to carry much cash anymore. Plus, I don't look like a cash rich target. Common sense goes a long way. Although I do agree that you should carry cash in different locations if carrying large amounts.
I been thinking that cashless is bad, Canada Trucker thingee, so I am thinking about every time I go to the bank, I will get an extra hundred dollar bill.
I will store that bill in my home, so if the bank or my account is locked for some reason, I will have cash.
Not sure if I want to store paper money with my gold & silver, maybe a fire proof cash box.
Hopefully I can store up $1000.00 to $5000.00 dollars, for bad times.
All my monies come though wire transfers, so I need cash for a hard time.
Reading some of the previous comments, the seizure of money information is about 20-30 years outdated. In order to seize money you have to articulate a reasonable cause to believe the money in possession was used specifically for either narcotics, money laundering, or "Ill gotten gains". That includes past history, scales and baggies, pay/owe sheets on you, etc. Nobody will seize John Doe's money if you have $10k in cash and can explain why you have it, such as "I am buying a car and here is the address", or "I just sold my car, and here is the proof of sale document", etc.

The only issue is crossing international borders, either by plane or by driving. The feds and IRS really get concerned with transactions or possession at $10k or more.
Many many years ago when I lived in Minnesota you couldn't just go get a permit to carry a gun. You had to have a reason.
So I went to see the Sheriff and told him I carried large sums of money. He gave me the permit. So after that I always carried a large sum of money to justify the gun on my hip.
I discovered sometimes that bunch of money came in handy. So even after they changed the law so anyone could get a permit without a reason I continued to carry a bunch of money.

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