How Much Thought Have You Put Into Your Flashlights?

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But I thought this flashlight thread was actually pretty cool. I am learning a lot from it that I wasn't learning by staring at the flashlight aisle at academy trying to figure out what was worth buying.

Well thank you Kate. I love flashlights and was having fun as well until Fat Paulie said a flashlight is a flashlight and we should move on.

Now I have a flashlight complex and I'm not sure I can perform.
I admit that flashlights aren't the most "sexy" prepping topic but I've learned a lot about them here. I have a couple cheap give away lights now. Eventually I'd like to get a few quality flashlights like the ones talked about here. Many of the batteries mentioned here are also new to me. I'll do some research on the batteries and the flashlights that have been discussed above. I'd much rather talk about flashlights than politics, religion or abortion. At least this is prepping related.
Keep it going!
I admit that flashlights aren't the most "sexy" prepping topic but I've learned a lot about them here. I have a couple cheap give away lights now. Eventually I'd like to get a few quality flashlights like the ones talked about here. Many of the batteries mentioned here are also new to me. I'll do some research on the batteries and the flashlights that have been discussed above. I'd much rather talk about flashlights than politics, religion or abortion. At least this is prepping related.
Keep it going!

I would love to eventually do a giveaway because I have way too many flashlights but I think you have to be a VIP member right?
this is the problem with the gear side of prepping, people dwell on all the bright shiny toys which in a long term event will break and wear down, when what they should be focusing on is knowledge and skills which will last much longer than the shiny gear.
I suppose so but the shiny toys seem to be the only thing some people want, had someone in a prepper group like that, it was all the things he could buy and no thought to knowledge or skills.
I suppose so but the shiny toys seem to be the only thing some people want, had someone in a prepper group like that, it was all the things he could buy and no thought to knowledge or skills.
I agree with that. We have become a consumer driven economy. Every where you look there's someone trying to sell you some new shinny gadget. Many people can't resist the urge to keep buying more useless junk, mostly made in China.
Of course nobody on this site fits in that category.
we all buy stuff that we think we want, the point is most of it at some stage in a long term scenario is going to wear out, break, or be used up, the idea is to get to a place in time where we can live without all this stuff.
I plan to live a basic, simple lifestyle post SHTF but going on some posts on various forums I think I might be the only one!!
of course prepping isn't the same in the UK as in the US there are subtle differences and I think sometimes we Brits get misread.
Do you guys think it's a reasonable strategy to stock up on lots of waterproof led flashlights for barter purposes? Will they be that valuable?

I will tell you--in all honesty--that I was in a difficult situation, and would have--at the time--paid $1000.00 for a flashlight.

Never mind the circumstances.
Do you guys think it's a reasonable strategy to stock up on lots of waterproof led flashlights for barter purposes? Will they be that valuable?

I will tell you--in all honesty--that I was in a difficult situation, and would have--at the time--paid $1000.00 for a flashlight.

Never mind the circumstances.

Was there anybody around offering to barter with you? That is the answer, when you really need one, it is because there is not one around. If they are available, then they will not be real high in the barter category. For barter, need vs. want and usually, the want win's out. i need light but I want a cigarette. I will make due with a candle and barter for the cigarette. You were willing to pay $1,000 then but what would you pay now as you enter the store?
for barter you need other people around to barter with and that might not be the case, even if there is they might have nothing to barter with, and there is always the chance of being robbed especially if they have nothing. that's one reason barter is not in my plans.
Flashlight/torch are part of the preppers gear, evaluating, reviewing or even discussing a flashlight/torch is no different than evaluating, reviewing or even discussing a bug out bag, compass, fire tools, axe or water filters, it's all part of the preppers gear. It's all important in one way or another. If a member opens a thread to discuss a specific gear and if we find the topic mundane we can opt not to participate in the discussion without criticism, it's only fair to the OP and the ones that choose to participate!?!?
yes I will, i'm just saying that it proves that some people are focussed on the latest gadget and toy, rather than skills which will help us survive when all the toys and gadgets are broken and worn out. that's it I've said my 2pence worth, i'll shut up now!;)
Well, to be fair, bigpaul...

Two days ago we had straight line winds rip through here and downed power lines all over town. The power was off from around 12 noon until nearly midnight. The power company initially said the power would be restored by 4:30 pm, so I didn't expect to need lights. When it got dark I pressed some of my "drawer queen" flashlights into service and the El Cheapo Walmart flashlights worked just as well as the $200 flashlights. None of the high tech gimmickry really made any difference. Light is light.

As I was cooking something on the gas range by flashlight my wife walked through the kitchen and said "It's like we're in the 1800s." The only thing I had hooked up to the genny was the refrigerator and freezers, expecting the power to be restored any minute, so the whole house (and the whole neighborhood) was pitch black except for the rooms where we had a flashlight or lantern on. It was literally like walking around with candles in the 1800s...
For what I need light for around here at night, I prefer a battery powered lantern. That way I can set it down or hang it up when I need both hands. Or if nothing else hang it around my wrist. Trying to do something with a flashlight in my mouth or tucked under arm or inbetween knees to hold is just awkward for me. Mostly I am out checking fence lines or out in the barns checking on critters or tending to one that is sick. Just try to wrestle with an animal who doesn't want it's meds and control a flashlight. Lanterns give off more of a general light for me to see than a focused lighted area. Comes in handy when you have to straddle to force open a mouth and then my goats wants to dance around or a couple week old calf. They are pretty strong if you have never experienced doing it. Just my preference.
yes I will, i'm just saying that it proves that some people are focussed on the latest gadget and toy, rather than skills which will help us survive when all the toys and gadgets are broken and worn out. that's it I've said my 2pence worth, i'll shut up now!;)

I am getting so tired of reading this. My knowledge and experience with flashlights is not a testament to my level of knowledge when it comes to bushcrafting skills or survival techniques so stop assuming you know anything about me simply because a flashlight topic made it to 4 pages. I have built a cabin with my bare hands in The Blue Ridge Parkway and it sits waiting for me to utilize if ever needed. I grew up in The Smoky Mountains and learned a ton about survival and homesteading so stop insinuating my knowledge is subpar to my "shiny toys".
You may only view flashlights as a means of survival on your compound in the middle of nowhere but I live in an urban area and work in Emergency Management and Crisis Response. I have needed and used bright flashlights and hand held spotlights in my line of work for many years and a handheld crank flashlight would be vastly inadequate. Bright lights are not a luxury item, they are a necessity....and are far from mundane. They serve a real practical purpose in urban environments during crisis situations. Downtown Tampa was evacuated for Irma so I, along with about 15 other guys, was held responsible for the TCC, Amalie Arena, Marina area. Our bright lights were absolutely vital.
If SHTF and I was forced to take my family to the cabin I would abandon my bright flashlights for dimmer, more warm tinted flashlights which operate on rechargeable solar batteries. I have thought this through.
It seems since YOUR experience with flashlights is minimal you blow off anything you don't understand as being trivial and not worthy of a "real bushcrafter".......but criticizing and judging others over something which you hold little to zero knowledge is the textbook definition of ignorant.
Was there anybody around offering to barter with you? That is the answer, when you really need one, it is because there is not one around. If they are available, then they will not be real high in the barter category. For barter, need vs. want and usually, the want win's out. i need light but I want a cigarette. I will make due with a candle and barter for the cigarette. You were willing to pay $1,000 then but what would you pay now as you enter the store?
I would pay normal price, as I'm not having a crisis.

As a medic, I once got stuck in a crawl space/tunnel, and my light died when a rock fell on it, and I was underground with no light and lots of rats, and couldn't figure out which way to move.

My point in the prior post was just speculation that maybe flashlights would be a good barter item.
For what I need light for around here at night, I prefer a battery powered lantern. That way I can set it down or hang it up when I need both hands. Or if nothing else hang it around my wrist. Trying to do something with a flashlight in my mouth or tucked under arm or inbetween knees to hold is just awkward for me. Mostly I am out checking fence lines or out in the barns checking on critters or tending to one that is sick. Just try to wrestle with an animal who doesn't want it's meds and control a flashlight. Lanterns give off more of a general light for me to see than a focused lighted area. Comes in handy when you have to straddle to force open a mouth and then my goats wants to dance around or a couple week old calf. They are pretty strong if you have never experienced doing it. Just my preference.
Have you tried a light that straps around your head? It illuminates well in front of you, and leaves your hands free.
I would pay normal price, as I'm not having a crisis.

As a medic, I once got stuck in a crawl space/tunnel, and my light died when a rock fell on it, and I was underground with no light and lots of rats, and couldn't figure out which way to move.

My point in the prior post was just speculation that maybe flashlights would be a good barter item.

I was not making fun of you. In a crisis and in your experience, that certainly qualified, then anything needed is worth a fortune or your life. During a barter session, not so much. Normal price during a barter session and is it needed or wanted? Sorry about your experience, I would have been willing to pay dearly too.

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