Since YOU brought up low-carbing
, I do have a 11-year old recipe website with over 2000 personal LC recipes now:
Buttoni's Low-Carb Recipes. Have a look! You might find some you want to try on for size. Lots of favorite comfort foods converted to LC versions there. And they all had to meet my picky husband's standards to get uploaded to the site.
I can tell you from my low-carb journey, you will most likely not see the dramatic blood work lab improvements until you have been on low-carb for 6 months. Subtle things will be happening early on, in the mirror, with energy levels, less intestinal gas, more alert, but the blood chemistry doesn't usually reflect the improvements for 6 months. If you test too soon, the numbers actually go up a bit the first couple months.............but then they drop dramatically. I know many diabetics who not only came off there diabetic meds in 6-8 months, but they had insulin reduced (or eliminated) as well. Be patient with the plan. It can completely eliminate Type 2 and do wonders for even Type1. The only thing I know works better toward that end is intermittent fasting, promoted by Dr. Jason Fung, a well-recognized nephrologist treating mostly diabetic, obese patients. His books Obesity Code, and Diabetes Code are great reads. It has done wonders for his metaolically-impaired patients. Blending both low-carb into intermittent fasting and the autophagy (cell recycling/repair) benefits are amazing! That's the approach I took and my pre-diabetes is no longer looming on my horizon.