How would you rate yourself as "semi-serious" or "very-very serious" PREPPER.....???

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Living through the end....I'm a10!!
Let me clarify, I don't mean storing food. If an army of illegals comes during the civil war and takes my homestead, I can and will live in the wild! I really want to live to see "after" , when good has triumphed over evil!
Pick whatever scale you want one to ten or one to a hundred. Or choose one of the below.

Nothing in life is more important than prepping.

Prepping is important, but other things are more important. (Like quality of life)

Prepping is really not that important, but a little extra is good.

Or write one sentence that states how serious you are about prepping.

NOT looking for a list of what you have achieved as far as prepping. Only how serious you see yourself.
WHY do you want to know?

See these kinds of questions always rings bells to me. These and ones asking about the guns you have or what kind of vehicle you have or how much you have stockpiled, etc.
Well I would consider us very serious preppers, we have stocked up on canned good, freeze dried at least a years worth of veggies, i built a Mobil array of solar panels that can be attached to a 6x10 utility trailer with 6 -200 amp hour batteries that can be moved around with an Atv or by hand, I have freeze dried lots of meat , both meat and chicken. Stocked up on all the meds , hygiene products for the girls, propane, spare tires for the camper and truck. Stocked up on gas with stabil added before it went thru the roof, diesel for the tractor and the bad boy buggy, stocked up on enough seeds to last years, collected every 5gallon bucket that I can get off the job sites behind the sheet rockers. I purchased a solar well pump online for use if needed, extra chain for both my saws and a case of 2 cycle mix.
I think I’m as prepared as can be at this point.
WHY do you want to know?
First understand, my "formal" training for this starting in 1953, earlier training in the 40's was "informal".

To answer your question, I have for roughly (50) Fifty years been aware of how deeply flawed, "Prepping and Prepping for Survival" has evolved. To the point that it is "NOW" (sadly) a placebo.

So, these type inquiries are my curious monitoring, of a the rate of deterioration, and the covert forces directing (facilitating) that.
Sourdough, I know where you are on this one!! So many think prepping is how much they have stockpiled. I have my stockpile, but I feel prepping is about survival and abilities! You can have 80 guns in your home, but when you are faced with an army coming for your homestead it won't matter how much you have! I'm always well stocked and ready for natural disasters and such. But brains and skills will be needed for survival!
To be honest I don't think I am too worried about the folks on this site, almost everyone here is way beyond the norm for being ready for anything.

If you wanted a real barometer of how prepared society is; you should ask the folks on a liberal site if they are prepared to take care of their food, water, and shelter needs for several weeks if a National Emergency were to occur.

My personal estimate is that the average American Household would be running on empty by the end of week 2.
If you wanted a real barometer of how prepared society is; you should ask the folks on a liberal site
I don't care how prepared society is. I truly have zero curiosity about that. My interest is, my fascination is, the actual corruption and hi-jacking of a solid tested "Foundation for Prepping and Survival" by covert forces. And observing and monitoring their continued manipulations.
This is a challenging question as I fear many possible futures and some I am not fully ready for.

I did take this seriously enough that over a decade ago I took the gamble of moving to Alaska with the intent of finding a place far away from the crowds. And after finding one, I resigned from my well paying job to move the wife and dog to our little mountain. Seriously enough that I moved considerable money set aside for retirement into sustainable infrastructure and getting all of that stuff done culminating last year. I could go on, but will leave it at this.

So how serious am I? Spiritually a 10 of 10 and I leave the end in the capable hands of my Maker.

For the almost certain coming financial and societal collapse, 9 out of 10.

For the other possible and all too probable hells coming on this earth, 7 of 10. I know I could and should be doing more.
First understand, my "formal" training for this starting in 1953, earlier training in the 40's was "informal".

To answer your question, I have for roughly (50) Fifty years been aware of how deeply flawed, "Prepping and Prepping for Survival" has evolved. To the point that it is "NOW" (sadly) a placebo.

So, these type inquiries are my curious monitoring, of a the rate of deterioration, and the covert forces directing (facilitating) that.
I think that I mostly understand what you mean, I have made endless post on skills and the actual practical applications of thing , mostly those get ignored. even the best location can be comprimized, being able to set up somewhere new with limited tools and supplies is mission critical. Having a **** load of freeze dried meals won't do you much good if you don't have water. I am beginning to gather data that 98% of people with wood stoves don't have a clue how to operate them.
I did take this seriously enough that over a decade ago I took the gamble of moving to Alaska with the intent of finding a place far away from the crowds. And after finding one, I resigned from my well paying job to move the wife and dog to our little mountain. Seriously enough that I moved considerable money set aside for retirement into sustainable infrastructure and getting all of that stuff done culminating last year. I could go on, but will leave it at this.

This is consistent with solid "prepping" theory through the mid 1970's (prior to it being corrupted).
It is just a wild-wild-wild guess, but my guess is 95% current preppers, acquired at least 90% of their "prepping" knowledge via "INTERNET" type sources.
This is consistent with solid "prepping" theory through the mid 1970's (prior to it being corrupted).
It is just a wild-wild-wild guess, but my guess is 95% current preppers, acquired at least 90% of their "prepping" knowledge via "INTERNET" type sources.
I'm sure you are right, but % are probably off little. Many on this forum have lived it, or are today. I pick up ways to improve, ideas to try. New seed/plant varieties to try. But IMO, that is just part of expanding the knowledge base I already have. Without the net, much of this stuff would be hard to find, or even know about, short of spending years in a library.
It is just a wild-wild-wild guess, but my guess is 95% current preppers, acquired at least 90% of their "prepping" knowledge via "INTERNET" type sources.
One should never use just one source to determine something, but I find the trend is to grasp one that the person "agrees with". and determines to follow it no matter what.

Knowledge/adaptability/flexibility along with enough supplies/planning to survive relatively short term events are what I think are important. Short term gives you time to think and plan for long term, dying at week 4 because you don't have a water source is piss poor planning.
One should never use just one source to determine something, but I find the trend is to grasp one that the person "agrees with". and determines to follow it no matter what.
This is a "large" part of the problem. This is why so many will die a horrible death. (It is not the whole problem, but a large chunk.)
Today, I was cutting up a turnip that I grew and noted to the wife how white the inside was (it was very pristine). She said don't tell anyone that we are growing stuff or have seeds or food storage because if things go bad they will try to take it. I have to be able to afford to survive today, so I work, and I need to be close enough to get to work. That limits where I can be for now. Every day I ask myself what can I do to make my situation better should a SHTF event should come. I do what I can with the resources I have. A real SHTF event is a lot like the 2 guys running from a bear, you don't have to outrun the bear to survive just the other guy....

As for wanting to know what others have, that is not important to me. I don't want or need to know what you have, what I do need is to learn if you have a better way to do the things you are doing. Are you more efficient, do you have a more reliable way to power things, are you better at gardening in the space you have. The list goes on and on, but I'm here to learn from you and that helps me to be better prepared for things.
I have to bring up the question....if everything you have was taken away, are you prepared?? Can you make a fire, do you know what plants you can eat, can you kill, clean and process an animal? Do you know how to locate a water source? Can you fish with equipment you must make? Can you find bait? Is your mind and body fit enough to achieve the above?
Without the net, much of this stuff would be hard to find, or even know about, short of spending years in a library.

OK........I could be OK, if people lived it, I mean "REALLY-REALLY" lived it, tested it, discovered if it was bad information.

I started another thread at roughly the same time as this thread, asking about members "Foundation" for their prepping program.

That tells me few have a foundation, or even considered the importance of a foundation for their "Personal" prepping.

People have gathered little piece of information that "SOUNDS REASONABLE". They have "Zero" personal first-hand experience, yet they have bet their life on it, because it sounds reasonable.

Just imagine if any military prepared personnel this way. They induct infantry personnel, and give them access to internet, and say, "OK, soldier watch some "You-TUBE" stuff, and scope-out some internet forums. And you are a fully prepared infantry soldier to go into battle. You need zero practice, trust what seems reasonable internet information, you will be fine.
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A real SHTF event is a lot like the 2 guys running from a bear, you don't have to outrun the bear to survive just the other guy....
I get your point........ However Actually, the bear will pull down the first person it catches, then instantly chase and pull down the other person. I have a good thread here on bear behavior.
I have to bring up the question....if everything you have was taken away, are you prepared?? Can you make a fire, do you know what plants you can eat, can you kill, clean and process an animal? Do you know how to locate a water source? Can you fish with equipment you must make? Can you find bait? Is your mind and body fit enough to achieve the above?
Around here? Sure, except my body has turned into a rambling 💩 show. It's been a long road, If I knew I would live this long i'd have taken better care of myself :p
I kinda like the semi serious. I have things that I need and probably don't have some things I need. What I do have is many years of experience in making do in certain situations.

I have to bring up the question....if everything you have was taken away, are you prepared?? Can you make a fire, do you know what plants you can eat, can you kill, clean and process an animal? Do you know how to locate a water source? Can you fish with equipment you must make? Can you find bait? Is your mind and body fit enough to achieve the above?

Plant ID Ima little slow on, as far as the rest, no problem, and my mind is still clear and decisive but my body gives me fits, lol. My mind says I can do something, then my body chimes in with "you big dummy" no you can't.
OK........I could be OK, if people lived it, I mean "REALLY-REALLY" lived it, tested it, discovered if it was bad information.
We do a 'live-test' here every couple of years when a spinny-thing blows thru and tears everything to pieces. When the roads are blocked and all the stores are closed for weeks with no power, you find out real fast what you need when SHTF and you prepare better for next time.
No, it is not from the internet, or listening to some paranoid person call us all fools for not having all our electronics buried in the backyard because of the never-ending CME/EMP panic-spew. :rolleyes:
This whole prepper talk as got me to thinking. The folks born in the 30s and the early 40s saw WWII and the shortages that war brings, they were changed forever by their experiences. The folks born in the late 40s and 50s were raised under a mushroom cloud when every day might bring the end of the world, and their lifestyles displayed that eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die, attitude.

It wasn't until the 70s and 80s we developed this romantic view of preparing to survive beyond civilization (Prepping). We all prepare for different things based on our life experiences. I have spent most of my life either in the South Western deserts, the Mountains of Colorado, or the North East, so I worry about water and being snowed in for a couple of weeks without power. It's as simple as that. I have been doing what you would call "prepping" since since the early 70s.

Today, my preparations are built around my aging body, the society I see around us, the supply chain issues that are becoming apparent, the external global threats from mad-men around the world, and the stupidity of the political leaders (being generous) in Washington. Who knows what I'll be preparing for in the next decade.
First understand, my "formal" training for this starting in 1953, earlier training in the 40's was "informal".

To answer your question, I have for roughly (50) Fifty years been aware of how deeply flawed, "Prepping and Prepping for Survival" has evolved. To the point that it is "NOW" (sadly) a placebo.

So, these type inquiries are my curious monitoring, of a the rate of deterioration, and the covert forces directing (facilitating) that.
I don't care how prepared society is. I truly have zero curiosity about that. My interest is, my fascination is, the actual corruption and hi-jacking of a solid tested "Foundation for Prepping and Survival" by covert forces. And observing and monitoring their continued manipulations.
This is consistent with solid "prepping" theory through the mid 1970's (prior to it being corrupted).
It is just a wild-wild-wild guess, but my guess is 95% current preppers, acquired at least 90% of their "prepping" knowledge via "INTERNET" type sources.
Hardly any. Curious what is the point of the inquire.

you asked a couple questions in two threads and trying to decide if and how to answer them.reason i asked was i want to point out to you things have changed in last 50 years on so many levels. i think it would blow your fact i know it would.

i know being where you are at and life you chose limits your outside knowledge and you are asking for answers to get a feel...but i gotta say i dont think you can get an accurate answer. the answer is only accurate for folks that visit forums. forums have lost favor..therefor membership to places like facebook and various groups it has grown and taken over.

the use of word prepping might be lost on some folks when in actuality what you are talking is a basic rural lifestyle.theres an awful lot of folks living a rural life style practicing rural skills that never ever get on forums.they are busting ass cutting firewood,fishing and hunting and gardening and farming and a wide array of other rural lifestyle activities. how do i know this...i see it all the time..loads if wood going home to be stacked,people out fishing and hunting,neighbors fencing pasture and hayfields.i see rural landowners last few years over covid are now jumped full swing into production of goods on their small rural property as well as large land holders upping their acreage production. one farm has cleaned up an over grown area they had and is now over 100 acres of alfalfa and it has a pretty big pine thicket and hardwood forest bordering it..i bet the deer pour out of it at night to graze.

i am going to say this too..the poorer people practice these skills often..why?...because they are poorer and it gives them an economic gain in daily life. with fuel and electric at all time high its cost effective to cut a load of wood on way home from work to save what might be possible $200 or $300 electric bill. i personally know a couple of cases of people getting $500something and $700something monthly electric bill.

we..including myself..have last years said people are going to flee and over run etc. i changed my mind last 10 years..why..examples...big test cases have and are still proving this wrong. venezuela...7 years and some fled but majority of people stayed put and are grinding out their daily lives. it doesnt mean they are right or wrong it just means what has happened. in fact last year venezuelaians are now going back to their own country as its just not working out for them.

current situation with ukraine...war...well they are hollering 2million have fled..well guess what...theres over 45 million in ukraine so a very small fraction of total population has fled.what does this all mean..i dont know and we all could point out our ideas,2cents etc. but bottom line is facts are facts and people as a whole are staying put and grinding it out daily with their lives.

lebanon...3 years in to their currency collapse and vast majority of people have stayed put and grinding it out for their daily survival.

the above 3 cases are ukraine 45million people,venezuela 30 million lebanon 25 million...thats 100 million people or lets say test cases proving people dont flee.they are the majority not minority...and big point of this...the vast majority are not dying there death and destruction etc. yes..but like venezuela its sorta stabilized to certain it under control of govt or a warlord but i seen footage in biggest ghettos in capital people are growing food and making it as best they can. like it or not as term survivalist means only to survive and these people staying out are surviving the situation at hand. theres not even been a 10% loss of fact its hardly single digit loss in my searching for info.

whats my point..nothing really or maybe a bunch...bottomline its food for dont have to be in a wilderness to survive..i just showed 100 million cases in 3 situations.

sorry i am blending multiple points in single can figure it out.
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I have plans, strategies and the elements required to allow for a small community to thrive after an EMP at about an 1880 level of technology. I would call that a 10 out of 10.

If plans and schemes don't count and scoring a 10 out of 10 means

"Hmmm ... the standby generator is running all internet and phones are down, I can't hear a single motor or running and people are out in the streets scratching their heads... I should go out and up the coal fired boiler."

Then I would call it a 5 out of 10. I know what has to be done and how to do it but I have some work ahead of me.

The wife and I were talking just last night about buying a ready to go coal fired boiler just last night. Getting a generator driven by my steam engine ready to go would get me close to an 8 or 9.

As I am writing, I am wondering if there 3 words getting mixed up here.

Prepping and

Where prepared is a goal toward which prepers move through the actions of prepping.

If I had about $100M to spare I could be fully prepared (past tense) in a year or so.

But I don't have that kind of money so being prepared is a goal for me.

How serious of a prepper I am could be accessed by how much of my time I spend prepping. I spend time every day thinking and planning and doing. Does the number of hours each day play into the number?

Then there is the question of what we are preparing for?

An EMP seems to be a worst case disaster involving food shortages, civil unrest, dogs and cats living together... but there other things to prepare for.

Being able to support ourselves in retirement and being able to pass along wealth, knowledge and preps to the granddaughters is a very real challenge staring us in the face. We work on that on average 5 days a week.

One aspect of prepping hit me last year when I wad diagnosed with high blood pressure. Without BP medicine I am at risk going out at any moment with a heart attack or a stroke. My father died from massive stroke 12 years ago. Unless I find an alternative to BP medicine I can only trust in God (which is not a bad thing) that I am around long enough to help those I love are OK after I am called home.

So I am somewhere between a 1 and a 10.

heres an american visiting family in lebanon. they are living currency collapse and theft by banks of life saving along with supply shortages. this is a small rural village. notice they are being productive..very productive in fact.

sep 2021

so many liked seeing his family he done a longer version. look at 'truck' they made to haul firewood and other bulk items home with.

whats my point..nothing really or maybe a bunch...bottomline its food for dont have to be in a wilderness to survive..i just showed 100 million cases in 3 situations.

Here is the distinction I see, those hundred Millon people "WERE actually living it, in what was a crappy country before this got worse. I see that as vastly different then most Americans, getting thrusted into a lifestyle about which they have zero firsthand experience.
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