How would you treat worms in humans with "natural" remedies.....???

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Warning this subject can gross some readers out.
When I was young (oldest of nine children) we always had worms. Many different kinds of worms. How did they treat people with worms before current medications......???

And how would you deal with that during a four-year SHTF....???
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Walnut hull capsules are available at herb/food supplement stores. Last time i went fishing in the swamp i took them for a couple days first. They are an excellent mosquito repellent. I also put walnut leaves in my chicken coop... drives mites/bugs away. Put them where your dog sleeps and they won't have flea's or ticks... Black Walnut is a very good tree to know!
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Our house was very near always Quarantined. We still mostly still went to school, unless we were very sick. As I remember the quarantine was our friends could not come inside, but we could go outside and talk to them. Sometimes only the house was quarantined, and sometimes the house and the property were quarantined.

Wonder we all lived to adulthood.
Taking this information from School of Natural Healing by Dr. John R. Christopher, 25th edition. Chapter 3 anthelmintic herbs are discussed. It lists the herbs then mentions immediately the three most common worms found in the human body: thread or seat worms (Oxyuris vermicularis); round worms (Ascaris lumbricoides-lumbrici); and tape worms (Taeince-Taenia solium).
Other worms include hook worms and trichinella spiralis. These last two thrive on toxicity in the body.
Different parasites call for different remedies. The thread/seat worms (I've never heard of these) are easily expelled as they don't adhere to the intestinal wall and can be eliminated with an enema of aloe or ACV.

Round worms, the book states, should be treated with a three day cleanse and fasting drinking only one kind of juice and distilled water only. Also using the herb wormwood in small repeated doses. Probably using it in tincture form every four hours, 5-30 drops. I'd err on the side of caution with wormwood and not use 30 drops. Senna tea on the 4th day.
Haha, ready for more information? For tapeworms: They say use male fern or pomegranate as your anthelmintic to start. Use a tincture, capsules; then use lobelia sparingly. Lobelia can make you vomit. Meanwhile, eat foods the worms dislike: salted fish, onions, garlic, and pickles. It weakens the worms, they lose grip, you take the herbs, the worms are expelled. This information, though in Dr. Christopher's book, was from a Dr. Shook.
There is more information in this book of recipes and mixes of herbs to use for expelling/killing worms in the body. If you need more information I can look it up for you. Some of the herbs listed are not so easily found.
The late Dr. James Duke, PhD, formerly of USDA, wrote in his book, Green Pharmacy, that ginger, pumpkin, wormseed, garlic, papaya, pineapple, turmeric and clover were all beneficial in eliminating worms. Dr. Duke seemed like a very open minded guy about the wonders of plants and how they could heal us.
Black walnut trees have died off in many areas. I remember seeing people giving away black walnut wood and not knowing why there was so much of it available.

I did see that you can buy Black Walnut trees from Stark Bros.
When I worked for the local school district where the district office was at the north end of the high school there are two or three black walnut trees and I used to collect walnuts and bring them home, one time I had piled a bunch of them on a mound of earth and I saw that they were sprouting, so I took some and planted them in our lower field, trouble is there is so much sub soil spring flow they've never done well and after many years they are not more than a foot or more in hight, one seedling I put in a coffee can and when it grew about two feet I planted it just in front of where our deck is on our south side, that tree is now about 30' high and has produced hundreds of walnuts. The shells are so tough I use a 3/4" piece ofsteel and a hammer to crack them open, the meat in them is hard to pick out but I love the taste, I also like the smell of the leaves when I crush them in my hands, this tree has also provided wonderful shade during the summer. My wife didn't like the tree at first and I kept telling her that after it grows big it could be worth hundreds of dollars, but now that she has read about what black walnut husks can do for getting rid of parasites, I think she's changed her mind.
Where do the big pharma fans think big pharma got their ideas on how to make their drugs in the first place. herbs etc.
There is a herb or plant growing within a days walk that will treat what ails you, unless what ails you was created by Big pharma, then you are their "bitch" two or 3 more drugs to deal with the symptoms
I have a black walnut tree next too my chicken coop..its a nice tree. did you n your siblings get worms in the first place??

Here in the south it was common in the 50's because so many people grew their own veggies. Most didn't have indoor bathrooms either, a daily bath wasn't possible.

There are several types of intestinal worms. Poor hygiene is the usual culprit. Either poorly washed veggies, poorly washed hands or bodies. They can be transmitted from pets, livestock, even from the soil.

Clearly... kids who lived on farms with lots of animals, spent time barefooted in fields and pastures... got more worms than city kids. Namely people like me, yes, i had a ring worm as a kid.

according to the cdc... almost 14% of the current US population has worms, 45million people. Most don't even know it!
according to the cdc... almost 14% of the current US population has worms, 45million people. Most don't even know it!
"WOW"..........I never would have guessed that high. did you n your siblings get worms in the first place??
Truth is I have no idea. This was 40's & 50's I think "Peanut" summed it up. Bare foot, on dairy farms, we bathed once a week (all boys together, then all girls together in same water) on Saturday night. Inadvertent poop on toilet seat picked up by other users. Ringworm is contact to contact. We had "Pink-eye" often. You just pass these things back and forth.

It was so common, that we were each taught to visually examine our poop, tell mother if things were wiggling. If yes you got treated with some "red" medicine. But with so many children so close in age, we would be cured for only brief time, then reinfected.

The reason I started this thread is: at currently 77+ years old, I still can't flush the toilet without looking to examine the poop for things that wiggle or blood. (That might be very prudent post SHTF for everyone).

ETA: School classes were crowded. First & second grade all in one room and third & fourth grade in one room on the second floor. No Air Conditioning, classes smelled like cow poop, as all the boys had to get up at 3:15 AM and work the morning milking.
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