It's not anymore dangerous than any other drug or chemical that people can safely ingest. You do not ingest very much and it's not in it's pure liquid form. You turn it into chlorine dioxide, which is a gaseous form, then reintroduce it to a liquid state.
It does not harm your bodies healthy cells, it has a safe PH level of just under 100. It attaches to mutated cells and punches holes in there protected shells they use to defend themselves from your bodies cells. This allows your bodies good cells to then destroy the mutated cells. MMS also kills harmful bacteria and allows stored toxins as well as harmful heavy metals to be found and removed from your body by your own defensive cells.
Its successfully used in third world countries by the red cross and other health organizations to cure Malaria, AIDS, most Cancers, any type of Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Pneumonia, Asthma, Herpes, HPV, Chicken pox, Smallpox, Measles, Influenza (including Bird Flu), colds, food poisoning, snake bite, Lyme disease, Ringworm, Roundworm, Tapeworm, yeast infections, and many other common diseases.
It's also used in its chlorite form in hospitals, food produce and meat to destroy bacteria on foods.
No one that is opposed to MMS can provide any evidence that it does not work or is harmful if used as the safe recommendations state.
The reason people feel sick and have other non severe side effects is because the toxins and dead bacteria is rapidly being removed out of your body. Your going through a detox. These symptoms pass over time once the detox is complete and your body is acclimated to the process.
Dont take my word for it, research it yourself and if coming to the same conclusion, try it at your own risk using the safe guidelines and protocols.