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I know. But I had upper chest pain and difficulty with my 02 levels a few weeks ago. Just got over (kinda) a gastro thing. So husband made me go in to the ER. It was empty, got right in. So they did an EKG, bloodwork and that was all good. Chest xray showed pneumonia, and then they did a quick swab test and said it was positive for covid. I don't think it was covid. I think it was just pneumonia. I had covid last December, and I had some idea of what to base it on. But, I'm better now, so ok.

In my humble opinion...and because the fda has ADMITTED the PCR tests are NOT reliable, I would never believe the results.
What the hell is taking so long?!?!?!? We dug 16 post holes today, did some framing, sealed the tile, and built a goat milking station. STILL NOT DEAD!!! When is this covid going to kill me? Honestly, I don't know if I'm more tired from the covids, or the wait to die.

Mom, who is vaccinated, is still looking pretty bad. She's still in bed and coughing, low fever, hard to breathe, but the hospital won't take her just yet.

Bill, you got any stupid comments, or insight?
Sorry about your mom. Do you have a portable O2 monitor at home so you can see her O2 sats?
Why won’t the doctors treat your mom? Also, stop wishing to die! Perhaps the Lord wants you around for awhile longer.

I don't wish to die! The news just says if you get covid and are not vaccinated, you are going to plug up the medical system and die a horrible death, so I am waiting for it to happen. Apparently it is a very slow, drawn out process, so I am just going about my day, getting as much done for my wife as I can, before the covids pulls me under and I become another statistic.

It's a shame, too, because I am actually feeling better. It's like I had a mild flu, from what I remember of them, before they were eradicated by the covids. Again, I wish I could have beaten the odds and survived it, but I didn't get the vaccine; so a certain death awaits. Truth be told, if I do somehow defy this certain covid death, I STILL WON'T GET THE VACCINE!!!

In my humble opinion...and because the fda has ADMITTED the PCR tests are NOT reliable, I would never believe the results.
We'll soon find out that the swab tests were infected with Covid, and this has been a Gates/Soros plot all along. Both my grand daughters just got over it...in four days. Five more before they can go back to school.
We'll soon find out that the swab tests were infected with Covid, and this has been a Gates/Soros plot all along. Both my grand daughters just got over it...in four days. Five more before they can go back to school.
I will not take a swab test ever because I feel like that some of the swab are infected with Covid already, and this has been a Gates/Soros plot all along. We already know that the PCR test are unreliable.
You don't let them swab you in your nasal cavity.

I don't know why they force that horrible test on people. Like a friend of mine says, if it's THAT contagious, you should practically be able to wave it around in front of your face!

The throat, nose, and mouth are all connected; what is the sense of stabbing your brain?? You don't touch brains to get the 'vid!

I had a whole nother deal going on, and as our friends got it, we knew what it was.

Always had a nose that bleeds easily; was cauterized when I was a kid, but still bad. The Wife is on blood thinners, so we let the tester know, that we were likely to have to go to emergency and covid up the joint. Our boy was able to choose, so we all got throat swabs, so it wasn't too traumatic.
Meant to add that the Wife and I both got a positive result, and our kid who cleared it a week earlier tested negative, so apparently other methods work.

Was talking with a lab tech, who told me that the tests are all certified to be used a certain way.

And one of the quick tests just needs some mucus, so there is no real need to go up the nose with that one either.
I DON'T KNOW HOW I AM STILL ALIVE!! We are putting up a fence today, and a cover for animals. Been working 10-12 hours a day for weeks. Maybe I am dead and just don't know it. Maybe coffee is keeping me going. Just shocked. Maybe I should call CNN, MSDNC, WaPo, New York Times, etc, and let them know I got the covids, without being vaccinated and am STILL alive, weeks later. Maybe they can do a study on my blood, and cure the world with it. I keep trying to see if I have any other superpowers. No luck yet.
Good for you. The MSM makes us think that if you get IT, you die.

My 88 year old mom even survived without even going to doctor. We didn't take anything but zinc, vitamin c and d, and a multi vitamin. Back then, early Spring, ivermeeting, etc weren't really discussed.

May I ask what meds you took?
Glad to hear you are well HB. We have had no symptoms or problems as of this date. Hope it stays that way. I make Helena take 4000mg of Vit. D complex and Zinc daily, she also takes a Multi-vit and 1000 mg of Vit. C
every other day or so if she does not forget...lots of filtered water too like you said. HANG IN THERE!! Gary
Glad to hear you are well HB. We have had no symptoms or problems as of this date. Hope it stays that way. I make Helena take 4000mg of Vit. D complex and Zinc daily, she also takes a Multi-vit and 1000 mg of Vit. C
every other day or so if she does not forget...lots of filtered water too like you said. HANG IN THERE!! Gary

The 200 of Z, 1000 of C, 1000 of D3 has helped me from the ***.
I announced this to the one with 9 letters after her name, expecting a lot of pushback. she doesn’t believe in it.
But she didn’t see the harm in it either. She was concerned with the D3 at 1000, she wanted less because of liver damage.
I guess if her Recommendations are good enough for dogs, they are good enough for me.
The 200 of Z, 1000 of C, 1000 of D3 has helped me from the ***.
I announced this to the one with 9 letters after her name, expecting a lot of pushback. she doesn’t believe in it.
But she didn’t see the harm in it either. She was concerned with the D3 at 1000, she wanted less because of liver damage.
I guess if her Recommendations are good enough for dogs, they are good enough for me.

Hmmm. 1000 IU or mg? 1000IU is a minimum effective dosage for an adult.
As far as I know, to much can cause kidney damage in rare cases, but not liver damage.
Hmmm. 1000 IU or mg? 1000IU is a minimum effective dosage for an adult.
As far as I know, to much can cause kidney damage in rare cases, but not liver damage.
Vitamins that are FAT-SOLUBLE are measured in International Units (IUs). Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Also, certain hormones, enzymes, and drugs are measured in IUs.