Illegal to live Off The Grid?

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Sep 7, 2013
Speronis is living "off the grid" as she describes it.

"I never have to worry about that bill coming in," said Speronis.

No city power or water running through her house walls. Instead, she uses solar panels and treated rain water for survival.

It's a way of life that's she says is being challenged by city code enforcement.

"When this was brought to my attention I felt like I had to act. I felt like Cape Coral was intruding in the woman's lifestyle," said Todd Allen, Speronis' Attorney.

Allen took Speronis' case on for free.

On Thursday during a special hearing, the two sides met to discuss the legality of her living arrangements.

There a special magistrate ruled Speronis was not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply.
now thats messed up..people through out the u.s. go with rain water instead of city water all the time..and live better by it..
Speronis is living "off the grid" as she describes it.

"I never have to worry about that bill coming in," said Speronis.

No city power or water running through her house walls. Instead, she uses solar panels and treated rain water for survival.

It's a way of life that's she says is being challenged by city code enforcement.

"When this was brought to my attention I felt like I had to act. I felt like Cape Coral was intruding in the woman's lifestyle," said Todd Allen, Speronis' Attorney.

Allen took Speronis' case on for free.

On Thursday during a special hearing, the two sides met to discuss the legality of her living arrangements.

There a special magistrate ruled Speronis was not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply.
I heard about this on the radio (Glenn Beck) this morning! I hope it will be, as it should be, overturned!
Unfortunately code always seems to win in these cases. We had three wells and a year round stream on our property. The water company showed up with a Sheriff deputy and warrant and caped our wells and said it was also illegal to pull from our stream. Turns out the water rights were sold out from under us by the county and we were never notified. The wells existed for 60 years before we bought the place and we operated them legally per code for 7 years before they sold us out. Now it's a 10,000 dollar per gallon fine if they catch you pumping and all of our wells are caped and monitored. We've fought this in court and lost every step of the way. They always quote safety regulations that are impossible for a private citizen to meet. One of our residents is a real-estate attorney and fought this for us for free and still lost over and over property by property. This story doesn't shock me in the least.
Unfortunately code always seems to win in these cases. We had three wells and a year round stream on our property. The water company showed up with a Sheriff deputy and warrant and caped our wells and said it was also illegal to pull from our stream. Turns out the water rights were sold out from under us by the county and we were never notified. The wells existed for 60 years before we bought the place and we operated them legally per code for 7 years before they sold us out. Now it's a 10,000 dollar per gallon fine if they catch you pumping and all of our wells are caped and monitored. We've fought this in court and lost every step of the way. They always quote safety regulations that are impossible for a private citizen to meet. One of our residents is a real-estate attorney and fought this for us for free and still lost over and over property by property. This story doesn't shock me in the least.
It is a sad state of affairs when the gov't can, what I feel, illegally sell YOUR water ways out from under you with absolutely no notification!
I have a water well and no city water within 3 miles. I feel for you Ronin, can't say I would be happy either.
What ever happened to our right to resources? Oh yea, the LAW. Total bsflag
I can remember as a child going to visit my grandparents at their ranch house they had well water and at night time kerosene lanterns , and a wood stove for cooking that was it. My great grandparents were the same way
I miss those times
I used to manage and live on a family small holding(mini farm) and we drank river water for 12 years and never ever saw a water official in all that time.
All about the money, if she can do it how many others would follow, sooner or later no more money coming in, to grease their grubby little pockets, about everyything is taxed around here, if i use borehole water i'm supposed to pay for it although they dont supply it, just wondering when are they going to institute a breathing tax?

(One tax i would love to see brought in is "Hot Air Tax", if you could tax all the polititions for speaking BS, the earth would be a much cooler place.)
Welcome to the collective unit, we own nothing and what we have must be shared amongst the masses with the feds as the overseers! Going back to the age of man, 'who controls the water controls the people'

The Government in this Country has stated the water is not a human rights issue. I deal with the washington state department of ecology on a regular bases because of the wells, creeks, springs, septic and live stock on the property it's a never ending intrusion by the powers that be. In one word 'CONTROL'