Imminent economic collapse

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I think the young generation of today would have a really hard time adjusting. I would really miss most of the comforts I have, like a/c, the ability to enjoy watching the evening world news and weather, the ability to just pick up a phone and talk to someone hundreds of miles away, etc.
most people in this country could not function without technology we have become so reliant on it. take away that technology and the majority would go to pieces.
This from the Telegraph today of a Labour economic advisor

Note THIS comment from Labours Damien Mc Bride in Telegraph this afternoon


"Get shopping"

Not everyone's taking today in their stride. From former Labour former spin doctor Damien McBride on Twitter is battening down the hatches and buying some spam.

He's not the only one.

But, I don't think we're going to be there yet...nor anytime soon.

There is at least one potential overriding factor that can prevent the collapse.

Simply put, the powers that be don't want it to, so they won't let it. So, they'll do everything in their power to keep folks from panicking and pull out all the stops to keep things moving, because without that, THEY no longer have control. In this case, our best interests (or at least our basic needs being met) are in their best interests also.
Pretty much, market was down over 1000 points this morning, but now, just down over 400 points. Corrections...ain't they fun?
Pretty much, market was down over 1000 points this morning, but now, just down over 400 points. Corrections...ain't they fun?
The wild swings are insane. Twenty years ago if the market moved 100 points the sky was falling. In one week now it has lost 1600 points! Final tally just for today was down 588 points. I'm glad I tend to not be a nervous person.
most people in this country could not function without technology we have become so reliant on it. take away that technology and the majority would go to pieces.
Technology is one of the things I can easily live without. When I retired in April I turned in my company "Smart" phone and haven't missed it yet. My wife still has a cell phone as she travels out of state for work. She'll retire soon and will probably give up her cell phone too. She has a desk top computer in her home office for now and I have an old laptop with about a dozen keys missing, thanks to being "dropped" repeatedly. These will be thrown away when we leave our current location for good. Our BOL is in the mountains so A/C won't be needed and heating will be with wood.
I have an old fashioned Nokia mobile phone, I only use it for emergencies so it dosent get used much, I look at it once a month to see if it needs charging, that it, WTSHTF I will "drop it in the water bucket and ride out!"(ref the magnificent seven).
Technology is one of the things I can easily live without. When I retired in April I turned in my company "Smart" phone and haven't missed it yet. My wife still has a cell phone as she travels out of state for work. She'll retire soon and will probably give up her cell phone too. She has a desk top computer in her home office for now and I have an old laptop with about a dozen keys missing, thanks to being "dropped" repeatedly. These will be thrown away when we leave our current location for good. Our BOL is in the mountains so A/C won't be needed and heating will be with wood.
I haven't had a cell phone in about 9 yrs now. And yes I'm still alive! When I sold my buisness and moved to the country, I was tired of people calling me in the middle of the night for the last twenty years, so I got rid of it. I am actually thinking about getting one soon though. I am going to start another buisness with my son, so I guess it will be needed again. I have no problem with using one for work, or for security for a woman traveling alone, etc., but why does every 6th grader in the U.S. need one?
I've got an S5 mini and I hardly use it, maybe once or twice a day. Technology will be our downfall so I also have a flip phone that runs on short wave.
Looked like the market finally hit bottom today, till the end and it sank more! I saw my company's stock sank more than ten percent in a week. Glad I'm not ready to retire.
Most of my retirement funds are tied up in stocks and bonds . Im not going to sweat it as of today I would be like the old song " Wallstreet fell and we couldnt tell " . I would not like to see any kind of crash but thats out of my control so I'll just keep on keeping on .
He's not the only one.
But, I don't think we're going to be there yet...nor anytime soon.
There is at least one potential overriding factor that can prevent the collapse.
Simply put, the powers that be don't want it to, so they won't let it. So, they'll do everything in their power to keep folks from panicking and pull out all the stops to keep things moving, because without that, THEY no longer have control. In this case, our best interests (or at least our basic needs being met) are in their best interests also.
I read this a lot on different forums that the puppet masters won't let it fail. Since 2008 they have been doing everything in their power to keep the economy going. There has been no recovery since then central bank interest rates are zero or negative, many countries still printing money. China has dropped interest rates like 4 times this year, threaten jail sentence to people who sell stocks if they own more than 5% in a company, trading halts at 10%, pumping money and liquidity into banks and stocks, massive building schemes for new rails. power stations etc.. Japan now nearly 3 x GDP debt and doubling their economic stimulus but things keep getting worse. It is a fact central banks have lost control and are no longer able to manipulate the market. US Fed have been trying for years to raise interest rates.. Stocks markets is one thing but gov debt is now a bigger issue and can come unhinged at any time sending everything crashing.

7 years of failed market manipulations is going to cause a big crash in a month or two.
I haven't had a cell phone in about 9 yrs now. And yes I'm still alive! When I sold my buisness and moved to the country, I was tired of people calling me in the middle of the night for the last twenty years, so I got rid of it. I am actually thinking about getting one soon though. I am going to start another buisness with my son, so I guess it will be needed again. I have no problem with using one for work, or for security for a woman traveling alone, etc., but why does every 6th grader in the U.S. need one?
My opinion is that no kid needs to have a cell phone until they are on their own and can buy it themselves. If everything goes as planned we'll be doing our finial move out to our BOL by the end of October. Before the move I'll buy a basic throw-away phone for the trip. Its 2,000 miles one way so if something happens on the way I'll have the ability call for help.
Here is my thinking on how it will collapse...I know I have said before how I think it will collapse, but every week it seems to change. Just know that WE all know it's coming VERY VERY soon no matter how it happens.

The Federal Reserve knows they are trapped meaning if they do raise interest rates even by 0.25% it will collapse within days. OR they won't raise interest rates, the stock market goes into freefall, they step in, and announce QE4 by pumping more cheap fiat currency into the system that has never worked. Delaying the collapse a few days or weeks, or maybe a month. Either way they know neither will work. So perhaps they will just raise the interest rates anyways, and let it collapse since that is what "The powers that be, To big to fail banks/Corps, TOP 1%, Super rich" want. Whatever you wish to call the ones in "real control". To bring about a new currency (digital) (Amero for North American Union) that will also be designed to fail to later call for the final ONE WORLD CURRENCY also digital. No more paper currency. Either way we are WEEKS away from knowing what happens. China just recently sold off another $100 billion of our debt. Who bought these treasuries? The Federal Reserve. China, and Russia among others are now calling to do trades outside the US Dollar. Using either Yuan, or Ruble. Saudi Arabia is also looking to do trades in Yuan or Ruble because of this Iran Nuke deal. Those 4 explosions in China was no accident. China knows who set off the explosions. My guess is, we did because they devalued their currency 3 days in a row.
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Have to disagree my ice cold friend, over here we have a MASSIVE problem with gangs of Asian Muslims who groom young white girls for sex and they like them as young as 10, they befriend the kids with sweets etc before persuading them they " love" (sic) them, they they sexually abuse them, once they are hooked they pass them round their friends. So nearly every decent parent wont let their kids out to play WITHOUT a cell phone.

Just to prove I'm not overblowing the issue

54 Asian sex gangs under investigation









Middlesbrough 3 muslims convicted 160 girl victims Dec 13

2nd group of muslims in Rochdale


Five foreigners grooming, raping and abusing five young white girls

Newcastle Jan 2014 15 men arrested for grooming and sexually abusing young girls in care.



My opinion is that no kid needs to have a cell phone until they are on their own and can buy it themselves. If everything goes as planned we'll be doing our finial move out to our BOL by the end of October. Before the move I'll buy a basic throw-away phone for the trip. Its 2,000 miles one way so if something happens on the way I'll have the ability call for help.
Have to disagree my ice cold friend, over here we have a MASSIVE problem with gangs of Asian Muslims who groom young white girls for sex and they like them as young as 10, they befriend the kids with sweets etc before persuading them they " love" (sic) them, they they sexually abuse them, once they are hooked they pass them round their friends. So nearly every decent parent wont let their kids out to play WITHOUT a cell phone.

Just to prove I'm not overblowing the issue

54 Asian sex gangs under investigation









Middlesbrough 3 muslims convicted 160 girl victims Dec 13

2nd group of muslims in Rochdale


Five foreigners grooming, raping and abusing five young white girls

Newcastle Jan 2014 15 men arrested for grooming and sexually abusing young girls in care.


Not really sure how a cell phone would help (wouldn't hurt either), but of course it is up to the parent to decide whether to give their kids a cell phone. I live in the country, 20 miles from a town of 800 and a county population of less than 4,000. Things are obviously different in the large cities. There are a lot of sick people out there. You cited a lot of good examples of why these foreigners should not be allowed in to your country, and why those already there should be deported. Same with the US. These people have no intention of assimilating in to our culture and they bring no value with them. They only come for whatever handouts they can get or take.
yeah but try telling that to the liberal left in my country, a photo of one dead immigrant child and their all wailing their heads off!!
yeah but try telling that to the liberal left in my country, a photo of one dead immigrant child and their all wailing their heads off!!
I guess some people find it easy to spend other peoples money. While I do have some sympathy for these people, even though they created their own problems, my first and only concern is taking care of my family.
See I don't see the reason for gold and silver as a prepper. I can't use it to defend my family. My family can't eat it for sustence. My family can't use it to bandage or heal wounds or trauma. My family can't drink it to ease our thirst. And quite frankly when the **** hits the fan people won't be seeking precious metals or jewels when their dieing of dyhration or thirst.
I just hope people don't go off and sell their prep stuff to purchase gold and silver as I have read in an article last week. I'm staying the course and not changing my prep plans, if it comes it comes so be it ;)
See I don't see the reason for gold and silver as a prepper. I can't use it to defend my family. My family can't eat it for sustence. My family can't use it to bandage or heal wounds or trauma. My family can't drink it to ease our thirst. And quite frankly when the **** hits the fan people won't be seeking precious metals or jewels when their dieing of dyhration or thirst.


I was reading were a prepper (or so-called prepper) sold much of there prep supplies to purchase gold/silver apparently they felt it would better serve them in an economic collapse, I guess they bought into them info-commercials, there loss not mine!
Take stock of cigarettes. Top seller under any cataclysm. In fact - 10 packs can be exchanged for two or a grenade launcher.I checked personally. With bullets did not try, because 223 and 308 in our army does not consist in service and those that are made to me unnecessarily.
I was reading were a prepper (or so-called prepper) sold much of there prep supplies to purchase gold/silver apparently they felt it would better serve them in an economic collapse, I guess they bought into them info-commercials, there loss not mine!
I think that holding some gold and silver is a good idea, but not the most important. There will always be people willing to trade their soul, or anything else, for gold. But I agree that other items will become much more valuable than gold and silver. Ammo, booze, seeds, lead, tools, medicine, etc. could become worth more than gold.
If anyone does keep lots of valuables at home do not be the guy on the Prepper show talking about his silver he was saving . Most here may not be old enough to know who String Bean from the old Hee Haw TV show was but he didnt trust banks and being in show business had alot of $$ . The wrong people found out about it and he and his Wife were tortured and killed for a small stash he had at home . They got $75.000 . I do not remember if they were caught or not .
Any highway man is going to know a person entering a trading post or a certain rout is probably to purchase items, everyone would know some form of currency is being used in the transaction opening the traveler up to scrutiny if not a target before or after the transaction. If gold or silver is being used the word would travel like wildfire, worst case the traveler is followed back to the den.

Gold coins are going between $700-$1000 a coin (link below), now that a lot of ammo, books, food, 55gal water barrels, solar etc... that $1000 can purchase instead of 1 gold coin, gold and silver may not be worth a shxt in a post-shtf, that's a lot of money on chance that could have otherwise been used on prep supplies. Barter and knowledge is going to be king not gold and silver.

So how much do you want to waste?
Yes they have been but that doesn't mean they will continue to be in a post shtf situation. When people are scared hungry and starving metals will be just as useless as paper currency. At least you use paper currency to start a fire.
Whilst I agree gold and silver are going to valuable and useful at some point during a collapse, there will be a moment where people could care less about metals and just want to eat.
You cannot eat gold and silver. Though when people attain their basic necessities again, it'll definitely become interesting to them. For the average household, silverware especially so.

That said, Salt has been a payment method in the past too and honestly, it might become a resource valuable enough for people to fight over depending on the type of SHTF. If it is a long term SHTF having access to salt might make a person very successful. Because if all infrastructure fails and its every man for themselves and if there is no electricity... salt can preserve food longer.