Imminent economic collapse

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if your trading gold or silver post SHTF, make sure that no one follows you back home/retreat/base to find out where your stash is. goes for cigarettes or any other commodity too.
Golds value was/is set by the ruling class, who's going to set the value of gold in a post-shtf? In antiquities gold was a symbol of immortality thus the religious sect set value. Since the state set value that value was different in different parts of the world since the expansion of civilization agreements was reached to standardize the value, that agreement goes out the window in a post-shtf (though all this depends how devastating the collapse is?), how many people are willing to part with one gold coin for one loaf of bread today at current gold prices? I would say knowledge is far more valuable then gold, learn to grow/raise food learn to make bread! depending on gold is no different than depending on man, learn not to depend on man ;)
Gold prices to negotiate the terms of excessively undervalued. Gold items are of interest only to those who have the opportunity to realize them behind the line of demarcation of the real value, so nestabionoy zone these products are generally sold for no more than 1/5 of their real value.
i watched a doxumentry one which salt was mentioned.and it's vaule was a great dael more vaulable, then every thing else,including all metals.and thats at least partly ,if not mainly.because of how hard it was to come by..and it'll be the same way with all food herbs water,and other everyday items as well..after a shtf if someone has old coins now.thats one thing.on acount,like it's been mentioned.they'll get at least some vaule back, rather go with food,water,1st aid supplies,firewood,and other things that'll keep me alive,and safe as possible..
i watched a doxumentry one which salt was mentioned.and it's vaule was a great dael more vaulable, then every thing else,including all metals.and thats at least partly ,if not mainly.because of how hard it was to come by..and it'll be the same way with all food herbs water,and other everyday items as well..after a shtf if someone has old coins now.thats one thing.on acount,like it's been mentioned.they'll get at least some vaule back, rather go with food,water,1st aid supplies,firewood,and other things that'll keep me alive,and safe as possible..

Salary such as our current form of payment of work performed is rooted in the word sal (salt) ;)
If you have read ALAS BABYLON ( I consider it to be the original gospel of survivalism) set in the 60s and after a small Floridian town survives WW3 much of the emphasis of the book involves trying to feed the survivors and a good sized chunk of the book focuses on the absolute need for SALT.

If you have not read this book SLOWLY and carefully you are denying yourself of a great deal.
It's going down dude. I'm in the same camp as you. I really think it's going to be an economic collapse that ends it. We just can't keep up the current levels of debt and production while the dollar drops from the fractional reserve banking system.
Western nations seem to be hell bent on committing slow suicide. I think the eminent collapse began 50-100 years ago, maybe more. With unlimited immigration (both legal and illegal), an insane welfare system, increasingly higher taxes with fewer people paying in, more controls and regulations and debts that can never be repaid, collapse is assured.
For most people the changes have been to slow to notice. And many people embrace the changes because they think they are getting something for nothing.
I lived and worked overseas for many years and would be away for up to 2 years at a time. Everytime I came home I was amazed at how quickly we were going downhill. The changes accelerated under the dark days of Bubba Clinton and Bush Jr. Then a Marxist named hussian obama was elected and the changes went in to hyper speed.
I think its too late to turn things around. There are too many takers and slackers dependent on the government tit. Just try cutting any welfare program and the rioting and burning in the streets would make Furgason look like a girl scout bbq.
I left a very high paying job just over a year ago because I think we're only a couple years away from a collapse and i wanted to be prepared. Plus I got tired of having over 50% of my pay stolen to fund this corrupt government and given to the lazy bums on welfare.
Western nations seem to be hell bent on committing slow suicide. I think the eminent collapse began 50-100 years ago, maybe more. With unlimited immigration (both legal and illegal), an insane welfare system, increasingly higher taxes with fewer people paying in, more controls and regulations and debts that can never be repaid, collapse is assured.
For most people the changes have been to slow to notice. And many people embrace the changes because they think they are getting something for nothing.
I lived and worked overseas for many years and would be away for up to 2 years at a time. Everytime I came home I was amazed at how quickly we were going downhill. The changes accelerated under the dark days of Bubba Clinton and Bush Jr. Then a Marxist named hussian obama was elected and the changes went in to hyper speed.
I think its too late to turn things around. There are too many takers and slackers dependent on the government tit. Just try cutting any welfare program and the rioting and burning in the streets would make Furgason look like a girl scout bbq.
I left a very high paying job just over a year ago because I think we're only a couple years away from a collapse and i wanted to be prepared. Plus I got tired of having over 50% of my pay stolen to fund this corrupt government and given to the lazy bums on welfare.

Yeah, you pretty much nailed it. That's the thing. Change happens slowly so people never notice it until things are too late. Just look at the fall of any great civilization.
I'm hoping it's not for at least another 5 years or so. I should be fairly well set by then. Things take time.
had a secure job,it was there until the day I would retire,but I went to school,ready very soon and I have a chance of getting a job outside this city,more rural the better,if the downfall comes,sure hope I have atleast 5yrs more to prep as many here wish for,5 yrs would make a big difference.
Personally I don't think we will fully be prepared but we sure as hell can make things easier, the longer we prep the easier some things will be, for Christ sakes look at the amount of money the government throws in for preparation and they still can't get shxt right, the one thing we have going for us laymen is that our responsibilities are more defined.

We laymen needs a computer model with various scenarios to test our theories that's where the Feds have the upper hand in planning! Ok, that and money.
Then a Marxist named hussian obama was elected and the changes went in to hyper speed.
I think its too late to turn things around. There are too many takers and slackers dependent on the government tit.

And, 5 years? I hope AT LEAST 5 years. I'll be pleased if it never happens in my lifetime, but.......
It's interesting to read back over the past year of this thread. I agree with Brent, pinning down exactly when is far too complex.

Here's an example. Take an inflated balloon. You know it's going to deflate, but how? The worst case is to pop it or overinflate it, gone in a moment with a bang. Or you can wait weeks for it to slowly shrink. Or you can open the end and let it deflate in 5-10 seconds.

Same with the US economy (and world economy to a degree). It's inflated and stretched to it's limit. We all KNOW that it will deflate. We just don't know how. We all SUSPECT the long slow way is quite unlikely. So fast or instant are the options.

It's not the economy collapse that I worry about. It'll happen. But what are all the CONSEQUENCES of it? War? Riots? Starvation in mass? These unknowns are my concern.