i watched a doxumentry one time.in which salt was mentioned.and it's vaule was a great dael more vaulable, then every thing else,including all metals.and thats at least partly ,if not mainly.because of how hard it was to come by..and it'll be the same way with all food herbs water,and other everyday items as well..after a shtf situation.so if someone has old coins now.thats one thing.on acount,like it's been mentioned.they'll get at least some vaule back,eventully.id rather go with food,water,1st aid supplies,firewood,and other things that'll keep me alive,and safe as possible..
Western nations seem to be hell bent on committing slow suicide. I think the eminent collapse began 50-100 years ago, maybe more. With unlimited immigration (both legal and illegal), an insane welfare system, increasingly higher taxes with fewer people paying in, more controls and regulations and debts that can never be repaid, collapse is assured.
For most people the changes have been to slow to notice. And many people embrace the changes because they think they are getting something for nothing.
I lived and worked overseas for many years and would be away for up to 2 years at a time. Everytime I came home I was amazed at how quickly we were going downhill. The changes accelerated under the dark days of Bubba Clinton and Bush Jr. Then a Marxist named hussian obama was elected and the changes went in to hyper speed.
I think its too late to turn things around. There are too many takers and slackers dependent on the government tit. Just try cutting any welfare program and the rioting and burning in the streets would make Furgason look like a girl scout bbq.
I left a very high paying job just over a year ago because I think we're only a couple years away from a collapse and i wanted to be prepared. Plus I got tired of having over 50% of my pay stolen to fund this corrupt government and given to the lazy bums on welfare.
Then a Marxist named hussian obama was elected and the changes went in to hyper speed.
I think its too late to turn things around. There are too many takers and slackers dependent on the government tit.