Is it worth moving to the US?

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Dies Irae

Awesome Friend
Nov 29, 2019
Czech Republic
Question for the people from US. Me and my wife are considering moving to a different country. Is it worth moving to the us? Me,wife and two kids.

If yes then any particular states to recomend? Our saving is around 24k in dollars and i have absolutely no idea if its possible to buy a piece of property with that. I know its not much but still its something.
Even remote houses that will need reconstruction are possible. I dont fear hard work and im able to self fix almost everything around a house.
Having a prepper as a neighboor would a welcomed bonus for trading commodities and new skills.
You teach me how to properly handle a gun and i will show you how to brew Czech beer : )
Sorry to inform you Dies Irae, but it is not so easy to get into the US anymore. Too much paperwork and time, background checks and if you do anything wrong, you are on the next plane back home on your first day in America...
Spain is not too bad a place to go to, lots of empty houses there, got to find a place with enough water, good weather, very little computers in stores and gas stations...if the internet goes dead, you will still be able to pay for things in cash there.
Bulgaria is also not too bad, just now getting on their feet for the tourism and it is not too expensive to buy there near the Black Sea, only a language problem though.
Hungary and Serbia are both quite cheap, you can get houses for under $10,000 with a large piece of land and you own water in many little cities and towns. After a few years you can join a gun club and get yourself armed too. Very low land and house taxes unless you have a house in a recreational area like a large lake or near the Danube/Donau.
Can't tell you about the situation in America, have not been home since 1978 except for vacation and military and only rented then...Gary
WHAT?!?!? Just go to Tijuana and sneak across the border. CA will put your family up in a hotel, get you on welfare, free healthcare, food stamps, subsidized housing...

Or, you could go to South America. LOTS of expats there, money goes much further, REAL food, much safer than the US; especially when the power grid is shut down, democrats succeed in defunding the police, or the bombs start dropping.
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There are still some areas in the US with cheap land. But in many areas the price of real estate has gone through the roof. There was a ranch down the road from me that sold last year for over $4200 per acre! Everyone seems to want to move out west and thats what's driven up land prices. That and the majority of land in the west is "owned" by the government. If you do move to the US look for a place in the midwest, south or east.
WHAT?!?!? Just go to Tijuana and sneak across the border. CA will put your family up in a hotel, get you on welfare, free healthcare, food stamps, subsidized housing...

Or, you could go to South America. LOTS of expats there, money goes much further, REAL food, much safer than the US; especially when the power grid is shut down, democrats succeed in defunding the police, or the bombs start dropping.

Well, Dies Irae and his family are going to have to forget any English they know and claim illegal alien status. After that they are going to need a Social Security Card which they issue for illegals now, a driver's license or state ID card, which they now issue for illegals. Dies Iare is going to have to contact the California Dept. of Education and ask them how they intend to set up a college scholarship for their two children and how soon it can be done. Both Dies Irae and his wife will have to take the time and trouble to apply for state jobs and begin declining or accepting offers.

After securing jobs, children's scholarships, a housing allowance, welfare and food stamps, they are then free to go to a resort community in Mexico or Costa Rica or South America and spend the benefits and live like kings, working state jobs from home.
You wont be living too large or for long on $24K. That will last you about 4 to 5 months at best. Yes the US is nice but there are much cheaper places to live in the world. Thailand for example is one of the cheapest countries for westerners to live in. You could live high on the hog for a year or more on your $24K there.

If you do move to the US I would definitely not move to one of the BLue states. (California New york Massachusets) etc. The cost of living and taxes is outrageous in some of these places. I would look in to Arizona texas florida etc if coming to the US.
would anyone really want to move to a western type "democracy" the way things are going these days? if I was younger and single I think I might move to Bulgaria lots of cheap country property there.
The Czech Republic is looking pretty good from where I'm sitting.
Oh wait, you're already there, LOL
You know what they say...
"The grass is always greener on the other side."

The gun laws in Czechia are much better than many US States, and if the Dems have their way will be better than the Federal gun laws in the US. The main differences as I see it is the national gun registry and licensing which you have but we don't, and the Second Amendment, which we have and you don't. I believe the attitudes about guns at the national level are more favorable there than here at the moment.
How about I move to Czechia and teach you how to shoot CZs? :D
Question for the people from US. Me and my wife are considering moving to a different country. Is it worth moving to the us? Me,wife and two kids.

If yes then any particular states to recomend? Our saving is around 24k in dollars and i have absolutely no idea if its possible to buy a piece of property with that. I know its not much but still its something.
Even remote houses that will need reconstruction are possible. I dont fear hard work and im able to self fix almost everything around a house.
Having a prepper as a neighboor would a welcomed bonus for trading commodities and new skills.
You teach me how to properly handle a gun and i will show you how to brew Czech beer : )
Maybe not a good idea to come via the Mexico way. Not to many get across the boarder without the drug cartels allowing you to do. That may come at a price. You also have your wife to think about also. The cartels might take a liking to your wife as well and not just the money you have to pay. The western world is so intermingled now with so many cultures that do not adhere to our Christian way of life. The only thing that keeps western civilisation the way it is now. Is that we are still the majority But that is quickly changing everywhere. Once we are a minority to those values it shall be hell upon earth like anywhere else. Dies Irae maybe best to stay closer to home with the devils you know. Australia is a wonderful place to migrate too and live. But our freedom does very much depend on the well being of America. As to beer not to worry the Aussie does pride himself very much on that. You not go without. : )
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1st of all thank you everyone for your responses : )

2nd : we are not dead set on america to be the place we move to. And im sure if we decided on america in the end we wont go there through mexico. Too much danger and too many unknowns to be considered there.

Blue states are out of the question too. The progresive and righteous left is ruining everything they get close to.

Gun laws are not the main thing i like about US. But at least when me or my family are in danger i can use the firearm to protect them. Here in Czech Republic it would mean 5-15 years of prison. No matter if they broke into your house at 2am,armed,with bigger numbers and threaten to skin you alive. You cant shoot if they didnt shoot first. Even if they did shoot 1st you would still have a lot of explaining in court.
We are pretty much looking for a big part of land, preferably with water source too. Here in CZ its too crowded and everything is mashed up together. No chance to own a land big enough to not see your neighboors
1st of all thank you everyone for your responses : )

2nd : we are not dead set on america to be the place we move to. And im sure if we decided on america in the end we wont go there through mexico. Too much danger and too many unknowns to be considered there.

Blue states are out of the question too. The progresive and righteous left is ruining everything they get close to.

Gun laws are not the main thing i like about US. But at least when me or my family are in danger i can use the firearm to protect them. Here in Czech Republic it would mean 5-15 years of prison. No matter if they broke into your house at 2am,armed,with bigger numbers and threaten to skin you alive. You cant shoot if they didnt shoot first. Even if they did shoot 1st you would still have a lot of explaining in court.
If Constitutionally guaranteed rights aren't important to you, then there are a lot places around the world to choose from.