Is their hope for America

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i believe there is hope but things will never be the same and i think we break apart. when i compare whats going on now and been bulding for decades with cycles in history, political, economic, war, solar, crop-famine-disease cycles signs are pointing that the world is way past due for epic collapse.
whats that old saying

“Hard times create strong men.​

Strong men create good times.​

Good times create weak men.​

weak men create hard times.”​

Good video and I agree. If we don't believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, we literally have nothing to hope for.

My personal hope goes beyond this mortal life. Life is a learning challenge for whatever comes after this life. I hope I learn what I need to know here and now so I am ready for what comes next. My hope is and always will be in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
If we don't re-elect Trump, I dont see any hope for our country. Even with Trump our country is nothing like what most of us grew up in. I remember dad saying that he was glad to be on the down hill side of life because he couldn't stand to see our country going down the toilet. I guess I feel the same way
My wish would be that we split the US in to 3 or 4 separate countries. We'll never be anything close to a Constitutional Republic as divided as we are now, it'll just get worse.
With so many people wanting to change our country into something they want is nothing short of treason. They've been working on it for decades every chance they get. I see now their wanting to change the 1st amendment, take away more rights. If you don't like America then go somewhere, anywhere else, we don't want or need you or anyone who wants to change, downgrade, take away our fundamental rights. It's not just the politicians but the mindless sheeple who follow them. I remember when homosexuality was not allowed in public, or even talked about. In the Bible belt it was akin to a death sentence to be gay or lesbian. Now we have them marching in the streets chanting "we're here we're queer and we're coming for your children". If we want to keep this abhorrence then we should set aside land and let them all live as they like. Gayland and Lesbocity, keep them separate from us and each other. Don't give them a chance to populate by turning young and mentally confused into more of them. Sooner or later they will disappear. Granting children the rights of adult decision making. Telling them their better off if they change their sex. My Lord in Heaven how is this allowed to continue? Teaching young people their problems all stem from white people, more lunacy causing more impact and divide to already boiling racial problems. All designed to turn us and our country, and other countries, into a one world order. This could have great advances for the human race but their not going in that direction. Hope is always there......

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