JFK Assassination in 1963

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Dec 3, 2017
Today is the anniversary of JFK's assassination. I don't know that we have ever discussed it on HCL.


U.S. News
Trump has promised again to release the last JFK files. But experts say don’t expect big revelations
Updated 9:02 PM MST, November 21, 2024
DALLAS (AP) — More than 60 years after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, conspiracy theories still swirl and any new glimpse into the fateful day of Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas continues to fascinate.

President-elect Donald Trump promised during his reelection campaign that he would declassify all of the remaining government records surrounding the assassination if he returned to office. He made a similar pledge during his first term, but ultimately bended to appeals from the CIA and FBI to keep some documents withheld.

At this point, only a few thousand of the millions of governmental records related to the assassination have yet to be fully released, and those who have studied the records released so far say that even if the remaining files are declassified, the public shouldn’t anticipate any earth-shattering revelations.

“Anybody waiting for a smoking gun that’s going to turn this case upside down will be sorely disappointed,” said Gerald Posner, author of “Case Closed,” which concludes that assassin Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Friday’s 61st anniversary is expected to be marked with a moment of silence at 12:30 p.m. in Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy’s motorcade was passing through when he was fatally shot. And throughout this week there have been events marking the anniversary.

(There is more in the story online if anyone is interested in reading it.)
I wasn't born :D so thanks for making me feel young
Its sad to think something that held the worlds interest has become irrelevant now and just 'history', much like the Kennedy Clan.
The cynic in me thinks any papers released will have been doctored, but I don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald was that good a shot; I wonder what his family are thinking today.
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Its sad to think something that held the worlds interest has become irrelevant now and just 'history', much like the Kennedy Clan.
The cynic in me thinks any papers released will have been doctored, but I don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald was that good a shot; I wonder what his family are thinking today.
from the begining of recorded history till the last minute is all history, and has been edited and changed , constantly.

Is what we are told really what happened? no way to know or tell.
Today is the anniversary of JFK's assassination. I don't know that we have ever discussed it on HCL.


U.S. News
Trump has promised again to release the last JFK files. But experts say don’t expect big revelations
Updated 9:02 PM MST, November 21, 2024
DALLAS (AP) — More than 60 years after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, conspiracy theories still swirl and any new glimpse into the fateful day of Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas continues to fascinate.

President-elect Donald Trump promised during his reelection campaign that he would declassify all of the remaining government records surrounding the assassination if he returned to office. He made a similar pledge during his first term, but ultimately bended to appeals from the CIA and FBI to keep some documents withheld.

At this point, only a few thousand of the millions of governmental records related to the assassination have yet to be fully released, and those who have studied the records released so far say that even if the remaining files are declassified, the public shouldn’t anticipate any earth-shattering revelations.

“Anybody waiting for a smoking gun that’s going to turn this case upside down will be sorely disappointed,” said Gerald Posner, author of “Case Closed,” which concludes that assassin Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Friday’s 61st anniversary is expected to be marked with a moment of silence at 12:30 p.m. in Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy’s motorcade was passing through when he was fatally shot. And throughout this week there have been events marking the anniversary.

(There is more in the story online if anyone is interested in reading it.)
He's dead. I don't see that it matters now.
If this could be proved as a big American Hoax or Cover Up on the truth, you bet your arse that it would matter.

We went to the "School Book Depository" a few year ago, and I can tell you from my shooting experience, along with his location and less than 2 seconds to pull off 2-3 accurate hits, into a moving target, from that distance, with that cheap rifle, seems virtually impossible to achieve.

Who knows?
This editorial was written in a local newspaper just today.
The 1964 Warren Commission concluded JFK was killed by a lone assassin, a Marxist former Soviet-defector Lee Harvey Oswald; who in turn was killed three days later by Jack Ruby. Inevitably, numerous conspiracy theories arose, with the blame going variously to the CIA, the FBI, the military, the mafia, Vice President Lyndon Johnson, the Soviets, Fidel Castro and others.

There have been attempts to deal with the files before, especially for JFK. The 1976 House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations concluded in its 1979 final report, JFK “was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.” But that itself was 45 years ago and was based on contentious interpretations of audio recordings.

We don’t take a side on what the files still held by the government might reveal. But the files belong to the American people. It’s our right to see them — all of them.
If this could be proved as a big American Hoax or Cover Up on the truth, you bet your arse that it would matter.

We went to the "School Book Depository" a few year ago, and I can tell you from my shooting experience, along with his location and less than 2 seconds to pull off 2-3 accurate hits, into a moving target, from that distance, with that cheap rifle, seems virtually impossible to achieve.

Who knows?
I heard other shots were fired.
I was alive and old enough to remember, but it was a long long time ago. The thing that bothers me, though, is that they lied about who did it and why it was done. In a historical content - that matters. We need it to be stated that it was an inside job. The CIA masterminded it. Lee Harvey Oswald was just the patsy.
The JFK "conspiracy" shows what happens when a president starts to act for the people against the deep state.
Well, that's the issue, isn't it? If our own government coordinated the assassination, then we need to know it. We need to know the details - who, how, why - and maybe, just maybe, prevent future coups. That said, I expect any remaining documentation would exonerate various agencies; I can't imagine they would let incriminating documentation sit around to be revealed later.
If there was any incriminating evidence my guess is that it was destroyed before the ink was dry on the Warren Commission report. If it was the Russians or Castro, and the truth was covered up to avoid a Nuclear World War 3, I can almost understand it. If it was something domestic, which IMHO, would be far more nefarious, the truth should come out.

I doubt anybody will ever know until they get called to a much Higher Court.
My grandmother was a democrat and a Catholic. We heard about the shooting in school. When I got home, grandma was crying, but also told that her daughter had her baby that day as well. When I see that it is cousin's birthday, I remember a more important fact about the day, Kennedy's assassination.
I think that the whole thing was the first time that I became aware of corruption in government.
I heard other shots were fired.
There were:
Kennedy was pronounced dead about 30 minutes after the shooting; Connally was also wounded in the attack but recovered. Robert Croft's photograph of Kennedy in Dealey Plaza, before the first shot struck Kennedy (left), and the Mary Moorman photograph (right), taken a fraction of a second after the fatal shot. ... .As the limousine passed the grassy knoll, Kennedy was struck a second time, by a fatal shot to the head. ... .As it continued down Elm Street, multiple shots were fired: about 80% of the witnesses recalled hearing three shots.

None of our conspiracy-theory people are going to bring up "The Grassy Knoll"?

When the government investigates a crime committed by.... the government, how do you think it's gonna turn out? :rolleyes:

The official 'one bullet theory' bullet path picture:

Yep! That's the way a bullet flies! 🤪
Why else do you think Oswald was killed (while in custody) before he could blab about who hired him?
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i remember that day. was in school, an announcement came over the speakers and all teachers went to office. after a shot time my teacher came back and he had tears in his eyes, badly shaken. he announced what happened and that school was dismissed for the day. us kids were just in shock. didnt know what to think or say---no one said anything. we didnt understand the whole implications and just went home. my teahers responce--his shock and breaking in tears that such things could happen in our country.

one thing i remember from some years later--seeing a photo of johnson and ed meese (i think it was meese) standing in front of a supreme court judge rushed to the scene. this photo was only of meese, johnson, jackie and the judge for a wquickie swear in.

there was jakie off to the right standing in numb shock silence--johnson was smiling at meese with a wink and meese smiling back, the judge standing there in his robe giveing johnson a quickie dwear in i guess.

but the smirk n johnsons face and smile on meese was all anyone had to see.

i tried to find that photo and cant--the one that pops up is not the one from many years ago wit a crouwd of people around johnson taking oath. that is Not the first photo.
kennedy wanted to pull out of viet nam and de-escalate. after he died johnson reveresed that all and the war was on $$$ like eisenhower warned about.

thanks weedy for posting this reminder. we cant let ourselves forget

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