Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Trump declassified documents that proved the crimes of the FBI. Biden reclassified them & never told Him.

6 Minute Video

Everyone should know by now that criminals (democrats) don't follow the laws. We will never stop them with law's. We must make there supporters suffer and turn against them.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Call Me Crazy.

I am just beginning to watch the Greg Hunter interview of Lt. Col. Teresa Long, the outspoken military Flight Doctor.

I started looking around her home office to see if I could learn anything about her. I was stunned to see a rifle in the corner behind the closed door.

On June first I put a shotgun behind our bedroom door. I felt it was time and I preferred to be early rather than late. My wife never said a word.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. 69% Interest.

Two weeks ago I pointed out what a bank run looks like. That was when one woman purchased $50 Million worth of U. S. Silver dollars because she feared her currency and bank could be worthless soon. She bought most of the Silver Eagles in big warehouses and the future newly minted coins for the next six weeks. That is a bank run.

Today we are seeing the Central Bank of Argentina raise their interest rate to 69%. Two weeks ago their government collapsed. Please do not think this has anything to do with their extremely high inflation rate because it doesn’t.

An interest rate is more about trust the bank has that the future looks great and trust that money lent now will be repaid on time (Risk). A rate of 69% means they have no faith in tomorrow, the economy is failing and they do not wish to lend money at all. This is the kiss of death to the economy because without credit there is no commerce or economy. There is no need for the new car lot to open Monday because there can be no buyers.

This is how a country dies. First their “bond market fails” which is banker speech for ”No one will lend money to the government.” That is followed by the government leadership resigning and running for the hills. Then immediately their Central Bank quits by cutting off loans, called “Credit drying up.” That country then withers, starves and dies. Their Central Bank waits for better times and with the backing of other Central Banks goes back into business.

Folks, watch this pattern because it will eat up Europe and then the United States.

How do oil men put out an oil well fire? No, not water but dynamite. They explode it at the fire so all oxygen in the area is immediately consumed from the explosion. They starve the fire by withholding its oxygen.

We are witnessing many countries going into the collapse phase, starving the Central Banks everywhere for its oxygen – new loans on the books. But in large global scale collapses at once there will not be other Central Banks left alive to revive them. Between this and the world learning how evil the Central banks are they too are dying. So hang in there, this is the beginning of the quick end for the global banking system we are witnessing!

P.S. Credit Unions are the only safe bet for surviving banks.

See: Argentina Raises Key Interest Rate to 69.5% in Biggest Hike Since 2019.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Chinese Central Bank Is Starving For Air.

China just lowered Interest rates and at the same time pulled cash out of the system.
That means they are starving for air (needing slaves borrowing from them) after their economy shrank due to Covid.

Withdrawing cash slows down the bank runs, forcing people to borrow tightens the noose on the people.

Their Central Bank is in trouble and so is the government.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Call Me Crazy.

I am just beginning to watch the Greg Hunter interview of Lt. Col. Teresa Long, the outspoken military Flight Doctor.

I started looking around her home office to see if I could learn anything about her. I was stunned to see a rifle in the corner behind the closed door.

On June first I put a shotgun behind our bedroom door. I felt it was time and I preferred to be early rather than late. My wife never said a word.

I keep a short stock shotgun under the side of the bed. Have for years. Only take it out to clean and shoot it.
I see it as a win. They have lost the narrative over the US. Therefore, they have lost their funding.
The Deep State lost a major chess player in the CDC and cannot roll out more plandemics.
That gig is up. The WHO will quickly follow the CDC in flames.

The proof in the pudding will be when the AMA loses all respectability and the industrial medical complex goes into panic and must create a science base alternative.
I never did trust any of these government ABC agencies. They all should be audited, defunded, and dissolved.

At this point, there really isn’t a way to make them trustworthy again. They ALL need ended!! Total waste of our tax dollars. On that list is Dept of Education too! They are nothing but brainwashing communists…some of them satanic.