Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Why The Vatican Wants All Excess Cash Immediately.

Sorry for the delay on sharing this information with you. I have been extremely busy the past ten days writing for those wanting to thrive post Collapse.

Last week the Vatican ordered all its dioceses to send excess cash to it immediately. No reason was given.

In my mind I saw only three reasons for it:

1) They see the collapse of all global currencies not backed by gold, silver or oil.
They see the collapse of the US Dollar (global reserve currency).

Therefore the Vatican is about to put it all into precious metals or tangible goods as quickly
as possible.

2) The Vatican is trying to prevent the Cabal's collapse and needs all cash to finance
a big false flag and bribes immediately.

3) The Vatican fears the individual dioceses may learn bad things about the Vatican’s history
that will motivate dioceses to secede from their control. Thus the Vatican holds their wealth to
keep them in line.

4) (E) All or some of the above.

Today Benjamin Fulford posted his thoughts on the Vatican’s cash recall.

See: Something big coming as summer deadlock ends
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Election Fraud Stage Set, Must Be Done Right, According To The Rule Of Law, Provable In Court

X22 Report Recap below. 60 Minute Audio

Recap: The Green New Deal will hit the wall when winter hits. The people are going to be brought to the precipice and it has started already with warnings from the criminals that you must sacrifice during the winter. The economic pain is about it hit which will turn the people on the [CB]. Trump set the stage to prove that the [DS] interfered in the 2020 election. Each part of the election fraud case is coming together. It must be done right, it must be done according to the rule of law and it must be proven in the court of law. We only have one chance to do this and it is happening and the [DS] is panicking. The Mar-a-Lago raid trapped the FBI and the puppet master, think espionage, treason and sedition. Nothing can stop this avalanche, nothing.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. We Just Entered The Predicted Constitutional Crisis Mode; What To Expect.

Yesterday Trump formally put the country in its predicted Constitutional Crisis mode. He did it by demanding he be recognized as the President of the U.S. or an immediate election be held. This is his right to do because he never conceded the 2020 election, and as you know, fraud reverses everything.

Yesterday the FBI admitted they interfered substantially with that election by throwing it to Biden.

What we can now expect:

* The banks will increase their Repo Rates they charge to each other overnight,
because they fear banks are insolvent and will become more insolvent.

* Banks will increase their commercial loan rates because they have less faith
in the economy and government.

* Banks will drastically reduce lines of credit due to lack of faith in the future.

* Bank runs on gold and silver will greatly increase as the wealthy run from the exits
of stocks and bonds in search of drying up physical money.

* Antifa will soon be out in force.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. 24 Hours Late.

Just 20 minute ago, at 10:30 PM EST Tuesday night, CBS News just announced that the FBI agent accused of hiding the Biden laptop from investigation Resigned yesterday afternoon and was escorted out of the building. He is the same agent that was in charge of the Mar a Largo break-in of the Trump residence.

I don’t follow CBS news but I assume they didn’t report the story yesterday like the Alternate news did because they were waiting for approval to do so.

Your thoughts?
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. 24 Hours Late.

Just 20 minute ago, at 10:30 PM EST Tuesday night, CBS News just announced that the FBI agent accused of hiding the Biden laptop from investigation Resigned yesterday afternoon and was escorted out of the building. He is the same agent that was in charge of the Mar a Largo break-in of the Trump residence.

I don’t follow CBS news but I assume they didn’t report the story yesterday like the Alternate news did because they were waiting for approval to do so.

Your thoughts?
"I don’t follow CBS news but I assume they didn’t report the story yesterday like the Alternate news did because they were waiting for approval to do so."

Jim’s Rant For The Day. It Feels Like Deja Vu for Deju Vu Day Again.

Today the US 2 Year Treasuries rate shot up to 3.5%, Reminiscent of 2007 just before the Bank Bail Out. Source

Today NBC announced that BOA is now offering new mortgages without a down payment and no closing costs. Isn’t this also reminiscent of 2007 just before the Bank Bail Out? Source

I think we are seeing the second collapse of the first collapse in 07 - 08 of the global economic system.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Equals

The thing I like about math is it is self proving in regards to the truth.

If you do it right, unlike me, what follows the equal sign is the truth.

Yesterday the DOJ showed the truth. They let their goons slip information to the press that the DOJ will indict Trump and this time they will convict him of Obstruction of Justice. Ergo the truth!

But the truth here is they say they will wait until after the mid-term elections to indict him. One can only assume they are now playing honestly by not interfering with an upcoming election. So here is the truth.

First this time rather than leak it to the Times or the Washing Post, they leaked it to News Max to impress those of us who are gullible. They used
Judge Napolitano to point out that the DOJ insinuates they have all the evidence needed to convict him but no one knows what that is all about. Haven’t we heard that before?

So Jim, get to the point, what is the truth you are referring to? The truth is the DOJ and FBI are indeed politicized and at war to kill Trump any way they can. They want him so bad that they are still overlooking the Biden Laptop and now changing the narrative to ghost charges against Trump.

Yes, the truth is the DOJ appears to have gone totally rogue. But it is still possible that NewsMax made up that story just to keep the light on the DOJ, so you will just have to check the math for yourself to find the truth.

See: 1 Minute Video. . . 13 Minute Video
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As Europe Implodes, Its Plans "Radical Intervention" Including Price-Setting, Suspending Derivatives Markets And Europe-Wide Margin Call Bailouts.​

By Tyler Durden: Article

"Just when you thought it couldn't get any more idiotic, Europe will propose
i) capping the price of gas;
ii) putting a price ceiling on gas imported from Russia;
iii) price setting on the electricity market;
iv) an urgent Europe-wide credit line support for market participants faced with very high margin calls."

As we all know, these are nothing more than the same steps that Communist Dictators took…that brought ALL of their nations down to abject poverty. People in need see these caps and handling of markets by government to be “helpful”…they could t be more wrong.
NOT TO BE MISSED in this article above…

“We are also getting multiple reports from intelligence agency sources around the world of a new 911 or Fukushima-type event being planned for this month. High-level sources are mentioning dates like September 8th, 11th and 23rd. This is all part of a Khazarian Mafia attempt to extort money from the rest of the world as the September 30th payments deadline for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation and its KM owners approaches.”

Stay away from the cities on these days folks!

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