Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Maybe, maybe not, but he thinks it's funny when people underestimate him...

All politicians in Europe still underestimate him today, that's a mistake.
Putin always thinks 7 moves ahead, our politicians here not even one. Our politicians here explain to us that if a company has to close down because it can no longer pay the energy costs, it is not insolvent.....
You may be wondering in the USA what that means now, our politicians are convinced that the company will simply take a break, its employees will not do anything for a few months, but that the company is not insolvent and will open again after a few months. Only idiots in power here who have absolutely no idea how the economy works.

"Alarmstufe Brot" – Bäcker reagieren entsetzt auf Habecks Äußerungen zur Insolvenz

And no, it's not Russian propaganda, it happened live on TV a few days ago, if you trust Europe to make ends meet, sell all European stocks and the like as soon as possible.
I am more concerned about the health of our dear Queen today than a few more taxes to pay at some time in the future.
British people dont revolt we leave that to the continentals.
All politicians in Europe still underestimate him today, that's a mistake.
Putin always thinks 7 moves ahead, our politicians here not even one. Our politicians here explain to us that if a company has to close down because it can no longer pay the energy costs, it is not insolvent.....
You may be wondering in the USA what that means now, our politicians are convinced that the company will simply take a break, its employees will not do anything for a few months, but that the company is not insolvent and will open again after a few months. Only idiots in power here who have absolutely no idea how the economy works.

"Alarmstufe Brot" – Bäcker reagieren entsetzt auf Habecks Äußerungen zur Insolvenz

And no, it's not Russian propaganda, it happened live on TV a few days ago, if you trust Europe to make ends meet, sell all European stocks and the like as soon as possible.
Rubbish, Putin has made too many mistakes, he underestimated the response, his time is ending.
I wouldnt have achieved anything, I'm not an American and I dont live in the US.

I know you don't live in the US, but make sure you're safe, Europe and your new boss in power will take you down the abyss.
She is also a follower of Klaus Schwab and if she has the choice between Klaus Schwab and your country, she will only follow HIM.
Rubbish, Putin has made too many mistakes, he underestimated the response, his time is ending.
How long have our politicians and media been saying that Putin is coming to an end????
You think MSN Media too much this could be a mistake but not mine.
Even if Putin bites the dust in two months, what would change????
A new one follows Putin and believe me a new one could be even worse, I know a few names and I have to say I don't wish for any of them. If Europe feels that things will get better after Putin's death, it will checkmate itself, which it has already done, but it could very quickly become a nuclear checkmate.
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sorry, there is too much going on this side of the pond for me to deal with anything else at the moment.
I think our Queen has died but it hasnt been announced yet, waiting for all her family to gather first I think. speak to you all tomorrow.
our beloved Queen, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, Died yesterday, the whole country is in mourning for the next 10 days.
Prince Charles is now king.
I am too upset to say more, its the end of an era. we will never see her like again.
Putin does not want to rule the world, he has no interest that he would have the rest of the world population under his control, which already hates him.
No sane guy wants to rule the whole world, especially everyone who still has all the cups in the cupboard knows that he is dead if 90% hates him.
Putin probably wants one thing, that Russia's borders are accepted, no nuclear weapons 1 meter next to the Russian border aimed at Russia and Russia is accepted as an equal partner.
Russia has made this demand to Europe for more than 10 years, Russia was laughed at, this conflict now was provoked, Europe and NATO provoked this war to 99%.
You would have achieved exactly the same if in Mexico missiles against the U.S. would have been set up, only the U.S. would not have sought 10 years of dialogue but Mexico after 1 year at the latest taken for that.
Yes, this is exactly what i have been saying to people, he wasn't the one who started it .
Jim’s Daily Rant - Dr. Phil On Europe’s Energy Problem.

Dr. Phil tells us that we each have ten defining moments in our lives that make us who we are today.

If he is correct then my first defining moment was a cartoon I saw in a kids publication. The first picture was a child looking into a store window advertising a surprise gift package for just a Dollar. He ran home a smashed his glass Piggy Bank with a hammer.

You got it. The last picture is his unwrapped package containing a new Piggy Bank! That always taught me to consider matching the risk with the gain, of course in kiddy thoughts.

We are witnessing Europe nationalizing by ”not really nationalizing, wink . . wink” their energy industries as well as all the big gambler investors and Central Big Banks that wildly created Trillions of Dollars worth of derivatives on those bets. They are saying this is to protect the consumers who can’t afford the energy costs.

But when those consumers get home and discover their new tax bills to pay for those extravagant bail out costs. They will get that kiddy realization they were tricked into breaking their Piggy Bank for nothing! But these kids will have families and businesses ruined.

Watch out governments, these kids are going to be pissed in the Spring.
no one forced him to invade, that was his decision, any differences with Nato could have been solved without bloodshed.

Russia, and not only Putin, has spent 10 years seeking conversation and dialogue. What happened, Russia never got a binding answer and was laughed at and ignored by European politicians.
You are looking for more culprits? Boris Johnson also did a lot for the fact that no diplomatic solution was found, he was the one who said that the conflict can not be solved diplomatically but only on the battlefield.
Johnson was actively involved in the last minute failure to reach a diplomatic agreement between Russia and Ukraine (even our blinded MS media write that here) and he was also complicit in the bloodshed.
Russia, and not only Putin, has spent 10 years seeking conversation and dialogue. What happened, Russia never got a binding answer and was laughed at and ignored by European politicians.
You are looking for more culprits? Boris Johnson also did a lot for the fact that no diplomatic solution was found, he was the one who said that the conflict can not be solved diplomatically but only on the battlefield.
Johnson was actively involved in the last minute failure to reach a diplomatic agreement between Russia and Ukraine (even our blinded MS media write that here) and he was also complicit in the bloodshed.
I think your bias is showing.
I think your bias is showing.

May be, your bias is showing as well.
Both sides made mistakes, both sides provoked, Putin is to blame, just as Selensky is to blame.
Selenskyj is also not always the hero as our media describe him, Selenskyj has banned all other parties with his party "Servants of the People" and kicked them out of the government, and also by his hand a quarter of all Western weapons reach the black market, if it comes in Europe or England to terrorist acts by sold Western weapons you can thank Selenskyj and not Putin for it.

But let's leave that, we have a different opinion, mourn your queen, she was a good woman, everything else we can not decide but only pay for it and atone.
Warning! . . Warning! . . Warning! . . . The Global Financial System Will Crash In Two Weeks.

Everything that I have seen in the past week indicates a total financial crash will occur, as early as the 25th of September. This includes Global Central Banks.

I will slow down on non-essential news postings so we can focus on what is about to happen.

Focus on your families.

Jim Costa
What makes you think September 25? I think the financial system will collapse at some point, but I'm always a little cautious with exact day predictions.
Well, the government may be planning the collapse on the day, but I do not know your sources, but thanks for the info.
Warning! . . Warning! . . Warning! . . . The Global Financial System Will Crash In Two Weeks.

Everything that I have seen in the past week indicates a total financial crash will occur, as early as the 25th of September. This includes Global Central Banks.

I will slow down on non-essential news postings so we can focus on what is about to happen.

Focus on your families.

Jim Costa

Maybe that is why there is word of a big false flag on the 23rd.
What makes you think September 25? I think the financial system will collapse at some point, but I'm always a little cautious with exact day predictions.
Well, the government may be planning the collapse on the day, but I do not know your sources, but thanks for the info.

Not sure of his source or the reasoning, but I do know that is about the time when tons of corn and wheat are supposed to be delivered from the farmers…and it is going to be too short to meet the written trading obligations.

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