Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Date ranges by most of the major alternative media Financial & Economic Gurus, some posted here the past week, but many others as well;

Common sense by simply looking at the pattern.

For years I have told my readers I would give a two weeks heads up. This is it.
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Right or wrong does not matter except to cynical people.

To non-cynical people foreknowledge is most helpful. This is not a betting game Doc. I knew I could count on you to make it one.

The hard part is for one to put their balls on the line. You might want to try it some day.
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My my, a bit touchy are we?

I got out of the prognosticating business when my crystal ball broke. I have not said you were wrong BTW. I expected the whole system to come crashing down years ago. But pinning down exactly WHEN has been extremely frustrating to say the least.
Doc: I'll be waiting at the bar for you.

That information slipped past me all these years, although I was aware of CEDE & Company.
I was understanding it was owned by the major stock trading companies and just assumed they would run off with the stocks after the music stopped.
The rich have already removed there cash from the banks and converted it to mostly silver, gold and land. At least the smart one's have. It's the sheeple that will be caught with there pants down, when the music stops.


SGT Report: 42 Minute Video

There’s a LOT of anxiety out there. The month of September will be one to remember IF we make it through. Markets continue to tank and the Vatican Bank is calling ALL of its money home by September 30th. Is another huge false flag coming? Or are we on the cusp of a total global collapse? Will Lehr joins me to discuss the anxiety inducing news.

Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
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SGT Report: 42 Minute Video

here’s a LOT of anxiety out there. The month of September will be one to remember IF we make it through. Markets continue to tank and the Vatican Bank is calling ALL of its money home by September 30th. Is another huge false flag coming? Or are we on the cusp of a total global collapse? Will Lehr joins me to discuss the anxiety inducing news.

Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30

The timing is interesting. Historically, October has been a bad month for the stock market. We are not even there yet.
Jim’s Daily Rant. End Of The War . . .

I seldom listen to Ben Fulford’s weekly podcast but I did today. He said the most interesting things.

In regards to the Vatican recalling all of their wealth, he said the Cardinals are getting rid of the Pope who is a captured puppet like Biden and their wealth recall is taking back their holdings from the The Rothschild's Central Banking System. He says we will have to wait and see what direction the Vatican then takes.

But this Is the most interesting comment he made. He said we are in that strange place that Japan was in at the end of WWII. They knew the war was over but had no idea on what life was going to be like once the Americans arrived to set up their new world.

Source: Benjamin Fulford Friday podcast with Q&A 9/9/22
By Michael BAxter: Article

"President Trump, our source said, is now saying the regime is not a lawful body of governance, and, therefore, its DOJ appendages have no authority to subpoena Trump’s allies, or any American, for that matter. The subpoenas do not carry the weight of the law and are unenforceable, he added."
By Michael BAxter: Article

"President Trump, our source said, is now saying the regime is not a lawful body of governance, and, therefore, its DOJ appendages have no authority to subpoena Trump’s allies, or any American, for that matter. The subpoenas do not carry the weight of the law and are unenforceable, he added."

It is true that someone who does not have any lawful authority, can only have authority over you if you consent to it.

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