Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Proud: If the "shred" article is true, then Trump just hollered "Charge!"

Im not sure this is the right thing to do…while I agree biden and regime did a coup, I’m not sure this is the way to cure the issue. Not really sure what the right answer is. Perhaps we really are to the point of “charge” if we want to keep our Constitution and get back our freedom.
I don't know if demanding is the right word but he's also requesting they send all the documents they took from mar-a -largo, back. We know if they can do these things to him and others and get away with it, the rest of us are screwed as far as rights go as well...(not that we likely aren't already). I'm not sure what the right answer is either but "charge" might be in order...can't just lie down and take it..
Jim’s Daily Rant. Today’s X22 Report Interview With Paul Manafort.

Everyone must hear the last 6 minutes of what Manafort had to say about decertifying the 2020 elections. I will not attempt to comment on it. You need to hear his words yourself and his reasoning.

Start at the 35 Minute Mark.
X22 Report interviews Paul Manafort - The Swamp Is Trapped, Durham Is Exposing It All, The Truth Will Be Revealed.

No substance, all the same drivel I've heard from X22 and his guests for over a year.
Not only Germany, in this powder keg EU it looks like this almost everywhere, it will not come well, not at all.
From my point of view, it can no longer be controlled or reversed, our politicians continue to provoke Russia while the population in various countries are financially ruined and no longer know how they can still pay heating and living costs.

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Have Mysteriously Disappeared from this Week’s Senate and House Banking Hearings.​

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade: Article

"Five of those eight banks pose the greatest risk to financial stability because together they hold $200.18 trillion (yes trillion) in notional derivatives (face amount) or 86 percent of all derivatives held by all of the nation’s banks, according to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency – the federal regulator of national banks. Those banks are: JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America."

Argentina hikes interest rate by 550 basis points to 75% after inflation overshoots.

[Imagine this in the U.S. soon.]

Key Points
  • Argentina’s central bank hiked the country’s benchmark interest rate 550 basis points to 75% on Thursday, a day after inflation overshot forecasts to near 80% on an annual basis.
  • The hike followed a 950 basis points-raise in August of the 28-day Leliq benchmark rate, as the government tries to bring down spiraling prices that are hurting Argentines’ savings and salaries and denting the popularity of the Peronist government.
Dr. Henley: The last time I felt the end was near I worked on my last minute panic plan.
Top of the list was to get my butt rubbed (massaged). Maybe I should do that this weekend.

Xi Jinping Trends Online Amid Coup Rumors, Canceled Flights

Newsweek: "This speculation, which has not been discussed by any reputable sources, arrived as there are hardly any commercial flights flying over the capital of Beijing on Saturday, with unverified reports claiming all trains and buses are also being canceled out of Beijing."

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