Seems to be this case…Does this case have a name??
If true this is the best news since day one - We win! (Juan O'Savin) [Absolute Most hear] Recapped
29 Minute Video
3 MM Lame Duck Congress plans to load up the SCOTUS in December.
How can SCOTUS defend itself?
5 MM It was during the XMas break in 1913 the Lame Duck Congress passed the
Fed Reserve Act and the IRS legislation, during the Christmas break.
6 MM A Supreme Court law Professor looked at this current law suit and said the SCOTUS
never looks at cases like this. They took it so the SCOTUS can correct things.
All of Congressmen who failed the people should be arrested for Treason . . ..
13 MM The Supreme Court can take this case and immediately allow arrests of
16 MM Arrests can be made before the American people even know of the case ruling.
You must hear this for yourself!
I respectively disagree. We are all participants in this fight, even if we act in default and do nothing.
Max is spot on, everything I've been wanting to say after researching and analyzing everything.
This is a series I wrote showing what to expect a months after the Reset.
Yellow Frogs Series - What To Expect Immediately After The Reset:
Part 1 Procedures To Get The U.S. Back On Track.
Part 2 - Republic Returns & Devolution.
Part 3 - NESARA & Your Personal Finances.
Part 4 - An Easy Look-Back As To Why WWIII Had To Happen.
Part 5 - New Economic Systems After The Collapse.
Part 6 - Life Three Months After GESARA Is Implemented.
Part 7 - Jobs and Where To Go after GESARA Is Implemented.
This s a great summary of where we are now:
12-2-22: SG Anon reveals major execution, Militaries of the world ready to strike & Military Tribunal time frame, with Michael Jaco
(43 min)
This is a series I wrote showing what to expect a months after the Reset.
Yellow Frogs Series - What To Expect Immediately After The Reset:
Part 1 Procedures To Get The U.S. Back On Track.
Part 2 - Republic Returns & Devolution.
Part 3 - NESARA & Your Personal Finances.
Part 4 - An Easy Look-Back As To Why WWIII Had To Happen.
Part 5 - New Economic Systems After The Collapse.
Part 6 - Life Three Months After GESARA Is Implemented.
Part 7 - Jobs and Where To Go after GESARA Is Implemented.
This s a great summary of where we are now:
12-2-22: SG Anon reveals major execution, Militaries of the world ready to strike & Military Tribunal time frame, with Michael Jaco
(43 min)
It's ashamed some people don't really read. It appears you only see and react to headlines.
Becoming free takes work; it is not a spectator sport.
I will bet no one at this site actually read my Clouds article and actually examined the recaps of SG Anon.
Seem are so afraid of the Boogy man that they can't thing straight anymore; open their minds and see the trail ahead.
My goal is to expose those who are able to see, not convince.
I learned a long time ago some cannot be convinced until they are ready to see.
Georgia, I challange you to read the Clouds article and simply think. about it.