Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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I don't believe all of that is the truth. There's disinformation from all parties.

The entire vaccine explanation is entirely illogical.

The entire part about earth, well......

Why would a good guy playing Biden, purposely do what Biden has done?

I'll answer that, because there are no good guys, only difference is one faction is clearly worse than the other.

Whats Your take on it, Jim?
PP: You are asking heavy questions here. I will do my best to answer them one at a time.
My purpose is not to persuade you; it is to assist you in seeing the situation in a new light.

It is known that a lot of what is/will come out into the open will be shocking and difficult for one's mind to grasp.
That is one reason all is taking so long. People need time to shake off the shock and adjust their minds.
Don't take any of this personally; it will happen to a big part of humanity that have not seriously looked at it before and already gone through the shock stage.

Question #1: Whats Your take on it, Jim?

Answer: Most of it fits in with what I already know, with these exceptions:
a) The current military timing and detail plans.
b) I was vaguely aware of the Flat Earth possibility but never was concerned about it or investigated it.
It did not matter to me.
c) I knew Biden was controlled by Trump but I did not know he was executed and a double was put in the presidential race already under Trump's control.

There is so much we have been lied to about, for thousands of years, so my mind has been open to the possibilities of inner earth world, other world environments, our military in outer space, etc. I accepted these possibilities & probabilities years ago.
I knew 25 years ago about the Military in outer space.

I have been well acquainted with us all being connected, meditation and dream visions, etc.

Note: When I say Trump I mean the White Hats / Loyal Military.
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Question: Why would a good guy playing Biden, purposely do what Biden has done?

Answer: Let's reword the question to "If Biden is a controlled actor, why would Trump write the script that Biden is acting out? For what Purpose?

First we must assume that Trump had the long-term plan of the CABAL to depopulate the earth,
and turn the survivors into more of a slave than before,
with things designed to happen in a long term sequence to accomplish all of their plan.

Secondly, a plan was devised years ago to hijack their leadership plan (Hillary),
then accelerate their ten year plan into a two year plan
so that their individual plan parts cannot be completed timely, thus destroying their overall plan.

.. Case in point: The Battle Of New Orleans (1814) was lost by the British because
their scaling ladders were at the very rear of the long attacking army
and the point was pinned in at the cotton bale wall where they were slaughtered without scaling ladders.

Thirdly: Let's look at the VAXX issue discussed in the podcast.
If we assume the real killing part of Covid was to turn on G5 towers all over the world to cause the 90% death rate they planned;
But they wouldn't have all those towers ready for another 5 years to cause the Vaxxed to die in mass;

Trump began operation Warp Speed to accelerate the VAX part years before the force multiplier of G5 system.
Thus perhaps 2% (?) of the population dies instead of 90%.

The Biden actor was used to implement the accelerated VAX plan to stop the CABAL in their tracks.

The Biden actor is also used to show us their ten year plan and wake up all the people of the planet before it is too late.
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Question: "The entire part about earth, well......"

Answer: Ten years ago I wrote an article, Humanity Awakens.
It's purpose was to show all what I was shown regarding what is happening today.

It was presented in layman's terms and in a way as to not frighten the reader.
However, the time has run out and some people are going to be overwhelmed
from the intense and rapid revelations occurring now.

I highly suggest you read it all. so as to get a heads up. Source

But in the frame below is just a piece of it that might explain what and how the part about earth occurred.
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Shane and the Cattleman's Association

How difficult is it to change our culture? Actually, it is quite simple and is done all the time, right before our eyes; we just never pay attention to it. All that is required to change culture is the intent to do so. Take, for example, the movie Shane, starring Alan Ladd, that we all enjoyed. Oh my, the tale it can tell!

The Shane saga really began in 1892 with the
Johnson County War. Be sure to read the link to it later, as you would swear it is a blueprint for how we are managed today by the big people. The war was an invasion of Northern Wyoming by the Cattleman's Association and their sixty hired guns (including Billy the Kid) for the purpose of killing off their peasant competition and literally burying evidence of the cattle barons' prior crimes. The invaders had the good guys cornered in a shack when the surrounding counties sent a 400 man rescue posse that chased the sixty invaders to a Baron's large ranch. The posse cornered them there for three days until President Harrison sent in the army to rescue his and the Governor's friends, the cattle barons. Criminal justice was never delivered for the crimes of the Barons and their paid gunmen.

Now let's fast-forward to 1949 when Jack Schaefer wrote a book about that event which led to the 1953 movie by the same name as the book. Of great interest is that both the book and movie are footnotes in our American history. They are acknowledged because the book was the first written account of the event to be allowed to be published by the Cattleman's Association in fifty-seven years! The 1953 movie was only allowed to proceed after it was watered down and disguised.

The Cattleman's Association was so powerful that no newsprint or other publications dealing with the event were allowed anywhere in the country for those fifty-seven years. Their intent, that the event be concealed, controlled the publishers. The invaders' memoirs were only permitted to be collected forty years after the fact. As for our culture, for those near sixty years, the Johnson County War never existed.

Have I impressed you yet on how easy it is to alter culture? No, you say? Let's do it this way then. Back in the late 50s big beautiful colorful posters started showing up in classrooms all over the country depicting the Basic Food-Group Pyramid, which incidentally, always had meat at its base. These were most welcomed by the teachers because at that time, they had no visuals in their classrooms, so the FREE, and in color, posters were most welcomed. The problem was that they were known to be wrong then as they are wrong now. But they instilled in us the false fact that we are starving if we don't eat a big piece of meat at every meal. The beef industry lied to us and altered our culture. They blocked out what they didn't want and added what they did want. Imagine that Sports Fans.

DD: They (CABAL/monster Elite) lied about our earth because they did not want us to know just how powerful we really are! They fear us awakening and discovering who we really are.

You will learn this for yourself in the near future.
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If true this is the best news since day one - We win! (Juan O'Savin) [Absolute Most hear] Recapped

29 Minute Video

3 MM Lame Duck Congress plans to load up the SCOTUS in December.
How can SCOTUS defend itself?

5 MM It was during the XMas break in 1913 the Lame Duck Congress passed the
Fed Reserve Act and the IRS legislation, during the Christmas break.

6 MM A Supreme Court law Professor looked at this current law suit and said the SCOTUS
never looks at cases like this. They took it so the SCOTUS can correct things.
All of Congressmen who failed the people should be arrested for Treason . . ..

13 MM The Supreme Court can take this case and immediately allow arrests of

16 MM Arrests can be made before the American people even know of the case ruling.

You must hear this for yourself!

I believe it when I see it. I hope it happens. The criminal treasonous activity is still happening every day.
You know @JimCosta i seriously do the hope you and we all are thinking wrong for our own peace.
I'm just hardly affraid we're not wrong and we're need to fight for our freedom, rights and peace.
Not really what I had in my mind for the next years, sometimes I think I'm going to old for an final fight. But if it's needed I prefer to die as an free man.
DD You certainly make it hard for me to do my job.

I gave you a lot of time last night.
We are in the middle of a war right now and I have no more time for you.
Max is spot on, everything I've been wanting to say after researching and analyzing everything.

100% agree! The only ones to believe are Jeffrey Prather and Mike Adams. The others are liars or just plain stupid.

This line part in Max’s piece got my attention…

”Juan kept telling us that Trump refused to invoke the Insurrection Act over the 2020 election because he was afraid that a civil war would result from that action and what do we have now? A civil war that the people of the United States are definitely losing.”

SPOT ON!!! It is always best to fight when YOU HAVE control of the military!
Sorry, I was hoping just the pic of "If the people stand the game is over" would post here..and the whole dang thing posted. Oh well, same thing maybe, what we may be looking at...at some point.

Thank you for sharing your extensive research and opinions. I hope what it's based off of turns out to be true.

Funny I saw recently that SG Anon is nothing more than DS plant. Also, believing that everyone is going to get free gold is in my humble opinion, a great fairytale. Please don’t help the DS in convincing Americans to think they are getting out of being ABSOLUTE SLAVES of the WEFers without FIGHTING HARD for their own freedom!!!
It's ashamed some people don't really read. It appears you only see and react to headlines.
Becoming free takes work; it is not a spectator sport.

I will bet no one at this site actually read my Clouds article and actually examined the recaps of SG Anon.
Seem are so afraid of the Boogy man that they can't thing straight anymore; open their minds and see the trail ahead.

My goal is to expose those who are able to see, not convince.
I learned a long time ago some cannot be convinced until they are ready to see.

Georgia, I challange you to read the Clouds article and simply think. about it.
It's ashamed some people don't really read. It appears you only see and react to headlines.
Becoming free takes work; it is not a spectator sport.

I will bet no one at this site actually read my Clouds article and actually examined the recaps of SG Anon.
Seem are so afraid of the Boogy man that they can't thing straight anymore; open their minds and see the trail ahead.

My goal is to expose those who are able to see, not convince.
I learned a long time ago some cannot be convinced until they are ready to see.

Georgia, I challange you to read the Clouds article and simply think. about it.

Jim I really have no desire to argue with you. Only felt compelled to not walk people down a path of keeping their freedom without fight for it. I’ve read many, many articles and seen videos on this subject for a few years now. You go ahead and believe it. As for me, I will believe it IF it ever happens.

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