Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Jim’s Daily Rant. Tell Tales Are Telling Some.

Tell Tales are ribbons sailors sew on the edge of sails to indicate which way the wind is blowing.

Today is Monday, the start of the last week in March. Those in the know are advising us we are going to see a lot of action beginning the first few days in April.

I wonder how many Sheeple in the U. S. are seeing the tell tales of the banking crisis and talks of hyperinflation indicating that something ominous is blowing in the wind?
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Jim’s Daily Rant. Spooky Ain’t it?

Final Warning. I repeat what clif High is saying, the banking system will fail in May and also in May the Federal Government will begin shutting down due to lack of funds.

I can’t recall if it was Cliff or James Howard Kunstler that summed it up by saying we are now seeing humanity fighting itself over reality. That is most accurate.

Kunstler cautioned us to remember that those of us who follow the Alt News Media are in a bubble unseen by the Normies, so be patient with them.

I was reminded by a friend this morning of what I also know is coming. I share that with y’all’:

"Yeah, imagine being on guard duty when you are too pooped to pop and too popped to poop.

But really, all survival movies fail to show one common trait. You can't ****.
From the stress, to the not sleeping in your usual bed, to poor diet, to being dehydrated,
it will happen. It is best to let Mother nature do its thing with peaches.

Otherwise, you will be like the constipated mathematician who worked it out with a pencil.

Also have diarrhea medicine in first aid kit. It too will happen."
Jim’s Daily Rant. Spooky Ain’t it?

Final Warning. I repeat what clif High is saying, the banking system will fail in May and also in May the Federal Government will begin shutting down due to lack of funds.

I can’t recall if it was Cliff or James Howard Kunstler that summed it up by saying we are now seeing humanity fighting itself over reality. That is most accurate.

Kunstler cautioned us to remember that those of us who follow the Alt News Media are in a bubble unseen by the Normies, so be patient with them.

I was reminded by a friend this morning of what I also know is coming. I share that with y’all’:

"Yeah, imagine being on guard duty when you are too pooped to pop and too popped to poop.

But really, all survival movies fail to show one common trait. You can't ****.
From the stress, to the not sleeping in your usual bed, to poor diet, to being dehydrated,
it will happen. It is best to let Mother nature do its thing with peaches.

Otherwise, you will be like the constipated mathematician who worked it out with a pencil.

Also have diarrhea medicine in first aid kit. It too will happen."

The federal government never run out of funds, they have unlimited fiat funds. It's the reason we are in this disaster.
Jim’s Daily Rant. New Year’s Eve Party.

My son is loading up on welding supplies before the banks collapse.
He is loading up before deadly hyperinflation hits and he can’t afford the supplies.
He is trying to have a back-up job ready to go to post-collapse.

He got my standard business opinion that you never invest in anything that you cannot get your money back in three years. You should always compute your Rate Of Return on all investments. Never invest during the wane of the moon, and on and on I went.

He said what he needed was at Tractor supply and they offered him a new credit card he can use with the Annual Rate of 39%. My immediate response was when I was 25 years old the Mafia only charged 25%. Then It hit me and I suggested he buy it all.

To an accountant, a New Years Eve Party is when a company is going insolvent and the owners loot it the night before. The banks are going down and that’s a fact. No one will ever be able to collect on any bank loans.

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Dear Jim: Conclusion on McDonalds.

IF this IS TRUE:

First is McDonald’s announcing to the world that their business model is a thing of the past. This is bad news to all fast food establishments that emulated them. It is over from inflation world wide.

Then one must conclude:

That McDonald’s has made an informed decision that the world is NOT GOING BACK TO THE WAY IT HAS BEEN !!!!

Yes. They manned up for humanity!
This time there will be no rebounding as seen after World War two . The people as a whole has become soft , thinking their bottled water and food for purchase will never end . Those kind of folks are going to find their future hard to deal with . As already seen to a degree , the unprepared becoming angry at the prepared as if somehow they got done wrong . Desperate people do desperate things .
Another Response to James Re: Retreat.

If I end the website it is because of two movies I have seen.

They are Runway 34 and Sully. Both are about commercial airliner flights in which the pilots were well aware of the possibility of an impending crash. Both pilots hollered to their co-pilots “Shut that damn alarm off!”
By Michael Snyder

A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened. The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies. This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda. The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week…

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