Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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You are correct Doc.
But what wasn't shared is the agreement was reached along with a truce prior to the battle.

Unfortunately for those unknowing participants, the battle was in vain and accomplished nothing.
Thus is the cloud of war. . .
From your article:

I hope that is what our survival group will do. First we will survive it by avoiding attack and not exposing ourselves to harm in order to inflict harm on others…”

It is hard for me to imagine a small community, who formed during the very hard times…and survived because of working and fighting together…to welcome a group who hid and did nothing to help those in need during the hard times. That’s just my humble opinion.
We each create the world we choose to live in.
We get into trouble when we stop creating and just follow along what others, like the Elite, expect of us.

If our group chooses this way, we can:
Fight or Kill someone without food;
Feed someone without food;
Hide from someone without food,
Or hide from someone without food but prepare to help them if they survive, after the chaos.

If this vision works we may be shortening the time of chaos by solving community food problems quickly.

God knows this is not a perfect solution for what we are about to go through, but it might be a viable solution we can freely choose. Otherwise we could end up in one of two lines of people shooting at each other.
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I am giving you a glimpse of other’s possible perceptions. Nothing more.

Humans who have lost recent loved ones might not see it in the best light. It might work in large cities, because everyone doesn’t know or know of everybody.

Most folks won’t go around just killing others. They will defend their own, their food and animals. Gangs will undoubtedly do lots of killing as will desperate folks. Those who survive the chaos times won’t need or want your help. It reminds me of stories my grandmother and great grandmother told me about the Great Depression. When the government came around after it was over, they didn’t want anything to do with their “help”. It forever tainted my grandparents feelings about the government.
Sorry, Georgia, but I do not understand what your point is, other than you have thoughts and I have other thoughts.

I have a plan to proceed with and will see if others wish to help push it along. I do not expect the whole world to understand it or approve it. Only I must live with myself.
My survival plan is to " not " depend on community or government for survival . I have prepared for self-reliance through my self sustainable homestead . No automobile , fuel for transportation or equipment , no stores . no money , no barter no medicine , no doctors - forever . -- I will say though everyone has to make their own judgment on how they plan to face what is already happening but is likely about to make a critical fall off the cliff plunge before January 1st 2025 .
Jim’s Daily Rant. Why 3:45 AM?

It is 3:30 AM CT, on Thursday, 4/20/23. I am up because my phone sounded an alarm at 3:45 AM.

I thought it was strange as it could not be weather related. Then I was curious so I got up.

The message was “This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. No action by you is required.”

If I was to test such a system the earliest I would do it would be at 6:00 AM but never 3 AM.

To me this is very telling. There have been predictions that things might begin to happen on April 20th. Could this be what is causing an emergency test at 3 AM?

All I can deduce from all this is we are getting very close Folks if they tested this morning.

Stay alert.
You are correct Doc.
But what wasn't shared is the agreement was reached along with a truce prior to the battle.

Unfortunately for those unknowing participants, the battle was in vain and accomplished nothing.
Thus is the cloud of war. . .
I've read various things about it. I researched the battle extensively for a book I was trying to write. (I learned from the research that the battle wasn't as important to the book as I though)
All sources agree that news about the details of the the treaty had not reached America yet, but the British knew that an agreement was coming soon. Jackson probably did too based on his actions.
Some sources say that the British were under the impression that if they took New Orleans before a treaty was signed, they could keep it. (wasn't what the actual treaty said though). And that was the reason for their urgency in trying to take New Orleans ASAP. Had they known what was going to be in the actual treaty, they probably would not have tried to take the city since they would have to give it right back, so in that sense you are right.
Jackson was determined to prevent them from taking New Orleans at all costs, even threatening the NO city council that if they tried to surrender the city to the British (which they wanted to do), he would burn the city down himself before letting the British have it.
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My survival plan is to " not " depend on community or government for survival . I have prepared for self-reliance through my self sustainable homestead . No automobile , fuel for transportation or equipment , no stores . no money , no barter no medicine , no doctors - forever . -- I will say though everyone has to make their own judgment on how they plan to face what is already happening but is likely about to make a critical fall off the cliff plunge before January 1st 2025 .

The goal for us is to be self-sustaining and perhaps more importantly, self-renewing. That may mean to do without some non-necessities that could make life easier but are not NEEDED.

I hold no illusion that life will go on as if nothing has happened nor, will it go as planned.

I differentiate between “self-sustaining” and self-renewing.

Sustainable can be finite, in terms of how long you can go before you are no longer able to keep going as you were. Renewable means you can replace what you use up and is a step beyond sustainability.

Tractor for tilling and hauling along with the fuel and replacement parts to go with it, check. Plan B an old timey plow, replacement parts and horses trained to be harnessed and pull, check. Plan C, plenty of hand tools and man power to go around, check. Plan D, barter goods and skills.

Boiled down, it would be nice to have electricity but, I am not going to plan as if I will have it same with vehicles/fuel, even horses (I had one suddenly drop dead for no apparent reason just a couple of months ago). Anything domesticated and edible, including horses and dogs, will become an easy target for the hungry.

Getting down to brass tacks, the most important thing you must have in a short term crisis is food, water, medicine and a way to defend it.

Long term, you need to be able to replace what you use. If you cannot grow/produce it yourself, you will need to barter for it to survive.
Plan B an old timey plow, replacement parts and horses trained to be harnessed and pull, check. Plan C, plenty of hand tools and man power to go around, check. Plan D, barter goods and skills.

You can push a plow by hand if the soil isn't too compacted or there aren't too many roots or rocks. I know that because my slave-driver grandmother made me plow her garden with an old timey plow (sans mule) when I was was staying with her one summer. The neighbor had a mule, but I guess I was her mule.
You can push a plow by hand if the soil isn't too compacted or there aren't too many roots or rocks. I know that because my slave-driver grandmother made me plow her garden with an old timey plow (sans mule) when I was was staying with her one summer. The neighbor had a mule, but I guess I was her mule.

LOL. Okay, plan E, feed them chocolate, hook the grandkids and ranch hand up to the plow!
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I have the tools and the manpower, I have the seeds and fertiliser, I have a well and water, I have the sun...
Can I protect my food/garden/animals 24/7 all alone?? Don't think so.
Do I or can I produce enough for others to eat with me and help protect?? Don't think so...
Do your best, hope for the best, enjoy what you have as long as possible...

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