Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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I'm thinking that the worth of silver will be constant, not something you have to calculate in worthless dollars.
We had a similar situation at the beginning of this country where the standard for money was the "Spanish Milled Dollar." The Continental Congress issued fiat Continental Dollars which inflated out of control leading to the saying "not worth a Continental."
Learning their lesson, they pegged the first US Dollar paper currency to the Spanish Milled Dollar.
I stand by my advice. This is based on what I see coming down the pike.
It is plain, simple and works.

You gave me history but nothing that advises in today's problem different than what I recommend.
Jim’s Daily Rant. Boom!! Watch The Banks Begin To Fall Now!

This afternoon’s story Durham's Final Report "Devastating To The FBI... Exonerates Trump", CNN Anchor Admits, which says:

"They did not genuinely believe there was probable cause to believe that the target was knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of foreign power…"

This is the big “Boom” we have been promised!

With this out and the Biden Family story out something else is about to happen. I suspect that the big Banks will be jarred and start their fall from humanity, probably later this week.

My reasoning for this is there is no way the White Hats are going to allow the Main Street News Media to ignore these two big cards that just played. You can believe they hold the news media card as well and are about to play it. The only move left for the Deep State is to crash the banks and run like hell.
Folks, I came in from working outside and was tired.
I shared a news story from today that just came out, that was all

I wasn't taking a poll on what you each thought. I just was trying to help by sharing a news story.

As a group, many of you are downright rude to a messenger.
No one ever says "thanks for sharing."

Ya'll have a great day.





Folks, I came in from working outside and was tired.
I shared a news story from today that just came out, that was all

I wasn't taking a poll on what you each thought. I just was trying to help by sharing a news story.

As a group, many of you are downright rude to a messenger.
No one ever says "thanks for sharing."

Ya'll have a great day.
Jim, you're right we didn't say "thank you" enough for your daily rant.
But be sure, not only myself appreciate it a lot!
When I wrote today's Rant I decided not to post it here as it would not be received well.
Some of us appear at times to have given up all hope and have surrendered our spirits.
A few others of us clamor for others to act but may not see when others take steps, even though small ones.

It is not my job or desire to change any of us; I realize we all have free will to experience our life as we choose.

But as an afterthought I posted the Rant for any who can allow themselves to "Look beyond the problem and see solutions" as Patch Adams said in his book.

Jim’s Daily Rant. The True Spirit Of Where We Are Going On The Backside of The Collapse.​

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Jim’s Daily Rant. Hold Your Wallet Tight!

News Story #1 From Jeff today:

Beware of precious metal IRAs, etc. First State Depository Company has gone POOF!

Snippy / REALIST NEWS - If you don't hold it you don't own it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52QZa8T_9w4 [ 13 minutes ]

https://fsdreceivership.com/ [ Website for scammed clients ]

This is sad. Some people cannot keep a significant stack at home. Also not good to keep all eggs in one basket.

News Story #2 Today:

WARNING by JFK Jr. - All Crypto Currency Exchanges & Wallets To Declare Bankruptcy Mon 11 AM EDT
Interesting that the guy in the video didn’t already know that First State Depository was served by the CFTC back last September for fraud regarding their Maximus Program.

At any rate, I feel sorry for those scammed by metals and by crypto.

EDIT to make clear that I know metals ARE indeed valuable! OddCaliber’s post below nails it!!
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You need physical gold, that is under your control. But if you need to have gold in an IRA you are better off investing in a gold ETF like SGOL. I looked into the precious metals IRAs, and they seemed to be a lose-lose proposition. They are not as convenient, or flexible, (or secure if you plan properly) as owning physical in your hands, and they are not as liquid or economical as ETFs. Any time I sell physical (which is rare) I take a significant hit on the difference between the real world bid price and ask price, anywhere from 5-10%. The difference between the bid price and the ask price for SGOL on the stock market is currently 0.05%. I have no transaction fee anymore, it used to be about $8. So the market price doesn't have to go up much at all to realize a gain.

But I know very well that "paper gold" is just that - paper, so I do not rely on it as a long term store of wealth.
I've owned PM pool accounts for over 20 years now. I keep pool accounts for gold, silver and palladium. I add $$ to it when I have some extra cash laying around.
Whenever I want to take physical delivery, I just give them a call and a few days later I have my metals. I have no interest in PM IRA's.
Sounds like a needed and enjoyable trip! Clif did not say things were going to crash, just that information will come out that is going to cause a big uproar. My guess, it is related to the fight with the debt ceiling. Make sure you take cash okay? You never know when the evil POS will shut down the card machines.