Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Jim’s Rant For The Day. “Absent A Black Swan Event, Inflation Will Eventually Come Down.”

The above quote was from a Federal Reserve President Harker yesterday. I heard this remark from Gerg Mannarino today ( 3 MM).

To me that statement equals: “Absent A Black Swan Event, a Jet Can Fly Straight Up Forever.”

Mannarino goes on to say that the only one buying up the stock market is the Federal Reserve.

So glad you posted this! I had done a quick write up about it in case others didn’t have the time to watch.


Multiple Attack Vectors

Types of attacks…

  1. Engineered Financial Crisis
  2. Food Crisis
  3. Cultural inversion (meant to distract and psychologically frustrate you…think trans, gay and ****)
  4. Ultimate Chaos


BEST ADVICE given in the video…

Become the villages/communities we used to be by networking before the full on attacks come. We can and will survive and beat the ones who have not prepared.

Please don’t doubt that you will will never vote them (those set on killing us) out!!

Also, do not underestimate their plans and think no one will go along with them! Many many will.

According to these folks WE HAVE TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE WORST OF IT!!!

This man as well as others believe we have nearly 18 months to prepare for the worst. To “game theory” and work out how to respond to different scenarios. As well as network, build local groups and trading partners.

Be prepared for the globalists to throw everything at us at once to attempt to take us out.


The Tonga eruption put so many ice crystals up into the Mesosphere that the amount up there is somewhere between 10s of thousands to 100s of thousands higher than ever recorded. This is relevant because it will affect the southern hemisphere’s Crop Production by 20-30% in the next 2-3 years.

You can be certain that the globalists WILL be taking advantage of every cyclical change occurring.

Decide now how you are going to handle the government wanting you to register your precious metals. Keep in mind that when immoral laws are passed it is not wrong to not follow them!
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Thanks Mountain Dragon.

It's not just about calming the mind.
It's about learning to see the world differently, otherwise, we will recreate what we just left.

That is the crux of the movies I will share; to see differently.
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Jim’s Daily Rant. Another Coincidence.

On June 24th, NATO will send it’s largest air “training” operation against Russia to provoke war.

If Congress is about to be fired, NATO doesn’t know if it has the money to wage war with Russia if Russia responds. That training exercise may end with the crews just washing their planes.
Jim’s Daily Rant. WWIII is Apparent To The Entire World Now.

As Tucker, Paul Craig Roberts and others are saying now, WWIII is now out in the open.

As they say, yesterday’s arraignment of Trump is the Elite’s showing what they will do to anyone who listens to the people or breaks from the Elite’s Narrative.

It is time for the people of the world to come together and rebel openly against the USA/NATO/Elite rule.
Jim’s Daily Rant. King Of The Hill.

I remember being an eight year old playing King of the Hill with classmates. It had no rules except one. When you wee alone on the top, you had to holler “King of the Hill.” It was at that moment you were attacked from all directions.

Today is the long awaited day that we can now openly talk to cherished family members and friends that are Sheeple. The Deep State just hollered “King of the Hill!” They will now be attacked openly from the entire planet. The war in no longer covert, it is now in your face.

Now is the tome to educate others, openly discuss survival plans and generally assist them in their adjustments to a new reality.

Batten down the hatches as we move into the physical danger time. There will be no holding back now. Prepare for off grid. Stop feeding the global corporations.
Nonetheless, in a sign the US military is finally getting its’ act together and recognizing Trump as commander in chief, US armed forces radio, which until now has been 100% pro “Biden” propaganda, is now reporting the “Biden” bribery story. We also notice as this photo below shows, that Trump now has military and not secret service protection.

Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits​

ByBenjamin FulfordApril 23, 2012
Reports from Philippino tribes-people and the White Dragon Society members indicate a major military stand-off is taking place in the South China Sea and the Philippines over control of historical gold deposits in the region. A fleet of 8 US war-ships is being confronted by a joint Chinese/Russian fleet in the region. The Chinese have publicly announced they are willing to go to war over this dispute. The US warships are linked to a mysterious Hong Kong based individual by the name of “Rosenberg” (first name not known), the CIA sources say. Rosenberg is believed to be seeking physical gold to seize on behalf of the Nazi/Sabbatean cabalist owners of the Federal Reserve Board, these sources say. In the Chinese government and Western corporate propaganda news this dispute is described as being a Chinese Philippine dispute over an area, blocked out on Google Earth, known as the Scarborough Shoal by the West and the Huangyan Islands by China.
This dispute is linked to the failed IMF and World Bank meetings that took place in Washington D.C. last week. It is also linked to an ongoing power struggle between the three factions in China, multiple sources say.
[restrict paid=”true”] The US, or should we say, Nazi (national socialist Zionist) forces have been systematically searching bunkers and caves in the Philippines even as they look for sunken gold ships around the Huangyan Islands and in other areas, the sources say.
This is what an ASEAN White Dragon Society ally had to say to Neil Keenan on the subject:
Hello Neil. In PALAWAN, those that are LOCALs are now terrified, letters have gone to us all last week…Re – so CALLED “wardens” ( accredited officers _ who are US army “scouts” going round to do a census on all local residents and buildings, saying it’s for our own protection…this has never happened before, they are with sophisticated equipment…loading huge cargo like hanger CONTAINERs, all of army material !!!!!! they already have taken on 6 islands and are now off to JOLO ( SULU islands) due to IMF and Rebel tribe bandits.
There is definitely a WAR going to happen but what we are told is the ARMIES in / on the islands are for FUEL bases, ???? some of these ships are with FUEL/ something going on Neil it is same in Indonesia.
These reports come as Chinese and Russian fleets converge on the area for exercises that coincided with US announcements of joint Philippine/US maneuver in the same region.
Here is a US government propaganda report:
China Sends Second Boat to Standoff with Philippines