Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Gaetz, Greene Announce Move To Defund Director Of ATF

“The leadership at the ATF has proven unable or unwilling to see that the ATF respect the rule of law and not act where Congress has not legislated,” they wrote. “Instead, the ATF abuses its rulemaking authority, legislating through the executive and making a mockery of the separation of powers mandated by the Constitution.”
All Wars Are Banker's Wars

Michael Rivero Video

All Must See This To Understand What Is About to Conclude!
[From Jim: It is now time to get this history out]

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Jim’s Daily Rant. Clif Was Right About The Govt. & ETs.

Last week Clif High predicted that the Deep State would take pressure off Biden’s fall from power by introducing UFO sighting by our government. This would give the Main Street News Media a chance to take back the news narrative from the Alternative News.

What shocks me as how quick this occurred. I remind you that Clif said this subject was not intended by the Kazarian Mafia and Clif says within the next month we will see a break between the KM and our Deep State. Thus the Deep state is breaking off on its own trying to survive their impending doom.

See: Alien Pilots Found/ Biological and Metaphysical. Full Report
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