Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Gun Safety Question:

I made a rain-suit out of red so shooters cannot pin-point me with their scopes.
Now I am considering making one out of blue as well.

Can I make one out of purple to accomplish both goals?

Rainbow colors, cover all the bases, lol
I believe the Sign Up starts with calling your STATE Republican Representatives!!

Did that. We are way past that. I'm in preparations to remove the treasonous and worthless representatives. Everyone who wants to save and restore our Constitutional Republic should do the same. Be vigilant and be ready. You will know when to act.
I tried to click to read this link. Got a bunch of box popups, and then message telpop-ups, my phone is infected with 2 viruses and to download now to get rid of them. I x'd out rapidly
I got a popup asking permission for something. I quickly backed out and didn't go back. I think the Brave browser pulled my chestnuts out of the fire for me.

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