Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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Hey Doc. I believe I read that she was born outside of the country.
The president must be a natural born citizen.
You might want to check on that though. That is way back in my memory.
Hey Doc. I believe I read that she was born outside of the country.
The president must be a natural born citizen.
You might want to check on that though. That is way back in my memory.

Doesn't matter where your born if at least one your parents is a legal citizen at the time if your birth.
According to Wikipedia she was born in Oakland, California.

It may be a few hours before I can chase down the rumors.

That doesn't matter if both her parents where citizens of another country. Then she would not be a natural born citizen. But our government doesn't follow the Constitution.

Did she have one parent that was a US citizen?
Regarding Harris, I now recall that she had several strikes against her.
Along with the undecided issue of her parents not being citizens,
she also realizes no one respects her
and that more than likely the White Hats have something on her that
might cause her to resign.

Therefore, she will find reason to retire.
As much as the left hates her, they will take her over Trump in a heartbeat.

"Natural Born Citizen" isn't defined in the Constitution. I presume at the time everyone knew what it meant and didn't think they needed to spell it out. Even in England, where "natural born subject" was spelled out in law, the definition changed several times. Anyone born in England or any colony of England was a natural born subject by most of the definitions.
James Buchanan was the first President born of immigrants after the founding of the country. I've never read of anyone challenging his qualification for President on those grounds.

No. We are seeing the controlled destruction of our Liberties and Constitutional protections by the illusion of a two party government system. It's made to look like everyone wins something while everyone loses. The main goals are allowed to be carried out by both sides, which is depopulation, surveillance, restrictions and dependency.

Karl Marx once said- "Remove one freedom per generation. Soon you will have no freedom left and no one would have even noticed."

One day while the class was in the laboratory, a Professor noticed a young man kept rubbing his back and stretching,
as if his back hurt.

The Professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him that he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting Communists in his native country, who were trying to overthrow his country's Government and install a new Communist regime.

Then, the student looked at the Professor and asked a strange question-

"Do you know how to catch wild Pigs ?"

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punchline. The young man said that it was no joke at all.

"You catch wild Pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting Corn on the ground. The Wild Pigs find the Corn and begin to come every day to eat the Free food.

When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence on one side of the place where they are used to coming regularly.

At first, the Wild Pigs are scared, but when they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.

They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side.

The Pigs, which are used to the Free Corn, start to come through the gate to eat that Free Corn again. Then you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly, the wild Pigs have lost their freedom. They run around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the Free Corn.

They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity and they are slaughtered thereafter."

The young man then told the Professor-
"That is exactly what is happening in many countries today.

The Governments keep pushing the people towards Socialism and keep spreading the Free Corn out in the form of programmes such as Free Rations, Free Electricity, Tax credits, Caste Benefits, Farm subsidies, Welfare Schemes, Free entitlements, Free medicines, while the people continually lose their freedom, just a little bit at a time."

One should always remember a simple Truth:

There is no such thing as a Free Lunch

If you think that the Free Ride is essential to your way of life, then God help you when the gates slam shut !

Most of the problems we are facing today, are because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living !

*Familiar ??*

Things are really heating up as you can see.

I will no longer post news to this website.
I know some might not appreciate looking in the dragon's mouth.

Therefore, I will send a daily MINIMAL Email to those that request to be on that list.
Or you can follow my free news blog at Resetus.us

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found some interesting comments in a website....about whistleblowers and such. Gary

One can go over CIA or FBI footsteps and even US Intel, because it all respinds to the same head. One plain arrow pointing that way, although multitude of incidents point the same way, but one of the last was when several agency heads signed the letter testifying as Russian misinformation about Biden jrs abandoned computer with a trove of information on corrupt activity implicating the Biden family. Think about it........did all these agency heads JUST love Joe n son or is there someone directing their loyalty? U R a pretty ignorant person if that basic question does occur to U and of course the obvious answer. And of course to any sober minded citizen the conclusion is, these agencies have another master other then the American People n their government. Or more likely, their government isn't theirs anymore. The other conclusion is; what is it about Russia these people genuinely hate??? It's obvious liberty or democracy has nothing to do with it. And on the other hand, the Russian Government doesn't act normal either. O' why??? Well, for 1, just think how much damage President Putin could inflict on the US Federal Government and in particular the CIA, simply by just handing the survivors still living from flight KAL 007. Because the purpose of that flight was to murder Congressman Larry McDonald and he was murdered by the Soviets at the behest of Jesuit Rome because of the danger of his political involvement N his knowledge of the masters of the US Government. But right NOW during this war, would be an ideal time to release these people. O' they're dead U say! That's as true as Covid being the deadly disease that was claimed. The other, is why RT erases my blog when I mention it? There's a slew of evidence backs up what I'm saying. So, something or someone is putting fear in Mr. Putin by him divulging what I am just now claiming to be true.



Freed Guess

... and it has all been reversed by modern day Congress and Supreme Court. Shock and awe at how uninformed RT is about American life.



America started as a corporations trading slaves for money and its going to end as corporations using all kinds of tactics to keep the slaves Americans under control


The Elites – aka Democracy Peddlers - ruined the West very slowly. And like sunrises and sunsets, no one looks in the sky and says “Oh my look at that! The sunset - or sunrise - today - is 2 minutes earlier - or later - than yesterday.” The elites used this tactic. Their destruction was intentional, and it was all founded on miseducation and gradual ruination – the manipulation of time - so no one sees or hears a thing. This is why old people say “Oh my, when we were young life was not screwed up like it is today!”
Donald Trump’s plan to Make America Great Again will never succeed. His plan is just a speed bump until the next election. I wrote to Conservative Leaders about this and not one of them answered me. They refused to think about my letters, which explained the Time Manipulating Mis-Education Strategies that were used to destroy America. Or the people who open their emails did not distribute my emails. That does happen. Or my logic is nonsense. That is possible but since 1986, I have studied the miseducation methods that have been ruining America since at least the past 80 years. Here's a few American Conservative Leaders I wrote to on their ‘contact’ section of their websites: Steve Bannon, Douglas MacGregor, Victor Davis Hanson, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Kim Iverson, James O’Keefe, Peter Schweizer, Kash Patel, Devin Nunes, Lara Logan, Donald Trump, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tulsi Gabbard, Epoch Times, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Larry Elder, CPAC, Ben Carson, Politico, Miranda Devine, Gateway Pundit, Dennis Kucinich and Robert Kennedy Jr.
So if American Conservatives hope for a better ‘no-joe-biden’ future, forget it. Their Leaders don’t know how to help them long term. And only long-term planning to construct will work like long term planning worked to destruct and destroy. NOW do you understand American Conservatives? If not, read on!
With Intentional Leftist Youth Miseducation, the Leftists have turned the majority of Americans into career renters and debtors. Today, 160 MILLION Americans don’t have 400 dollars for an emergency expense. This is a new perverted Americanized form of communism! But at least the ‘foreign country’ communists didn't make their citizens pay exorbitant monthly rents or die from a lack of medical insurance!
Miseducation controls – SIMULTANEOUSLY - different time spans of one’s life. It controls the causes, which costs hundreds of billions of dollars (schools, books, transportation, sports, teachers for millions of students from the ages of 6 to 16 - and - the effects, which costs hundreds of billions of dollars a second time – police, prisons, militaries, welfare, bloated government administrations who – are you ready? – usually vote for Leftist Democrats, the avoidable illness death causing sick care industry, but worse yet – ruthless lawfare – miseducated lawmakers making millions of laws – and dollars – to legislate miseducated human behaviors. Our ancestors would say “them Star-Spangled-Banner-Democracy folks are gettin’ from both sides at the same time and don’t know it!”
Education – real or fake - weaves the present, the past, and the future SIMULTANEOUSLY all into one fabric. And America’s “Leftist” enemies make money on both the causes and the effects, because they control both those causes and their effects! Talk about criminal sociopaths with high I.Q.’s!
So, can America’s Conservative Leaders get their little minds around this? They can if they start working on real Education! Go study the books by American Mis-Education experts John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte Iserbyt. And oh! I almost forgot. Starting tomorrow, look in the sky and say "oh my! look at that! the sunset - or sunrise - today - is 2 minutes earlier - or later - than yesterday.”
Thank you ‘Sadly Naive Conservative Leaders’! And stop blaming the Chinese and Russians for a very F@kked-Up-USA. It's not China and Russia who have been writing Destructive Leftist Democrat Party Mis-education ‘Skool’ Curriculums the past 80 years.



GERRY3491, Go start your own paper please.
Garp58. Your point is well taken.

We are in a war and a lot has happened since that article was posted 13 years ago.
No one ever thought it would take this long, but it has.

It indeed has been a global war.

Should I remove my last post for the benefit of all?
Yesterday I listened to
By SGT Report 45 Minute Video

In the last few minutes he was asked for his Financial Collapse date expectation.
He chuckled and said he "thought for sure any day now and that was 15 years ago.
No one ever expected they could continue the fraud so long."

What I see is the war went from the local US problem to the global problem.
What Ben Fulford said today was mostly factual, in my opinion.

The EU is breaking up.

NATO is on the ropes.
The Petro-dollar is in collapse. No one is purchasing our T bills and financing us.
The US credit rating is now rated as Junk.

African and South American countries are escaping the CABAL's control.

Israel has lost the world's support and will not survive.

Russia has only grown stronger after EU and US sanctions were placed on them.
What Ben Fulford said today was mostly factual, in my opinion.

The EU is breaking up.

NATO is on the ropes.
The Petro-dollar is in collapse. No one is purchasing our T bills and financing us.
The US credit rating is now rated as Junk.

African and South American countries are escaping the CABAL's control.

Israel has lost the world's support and will not survive.

Russia has only grown stronger after EU and US sanctions were placed on them.
You should also write that the witch Yellen wants to give Ukraine more money, money that does not belong to the witch Yellen and money that is no longer available. This is how your own taxpayers are being cheated and you are feeding corruption and a despot in a country that is not systemically relevant for the world while your own population ends up on the streets and has nothing left. 🤮🤮🤮

By the way, this is the same in Europe, I say game over and civil war will follow. o_O

As for the last sentence about Russia, unfortunately that's true.

Iwan is now stronger than before, his economy is stronger than that of Europe and Iwan has endless energy and makes a good turnover with the energy he sells.
What's more, the Russian army is now really trained for war, the Russian arms industry has become very innovative and Iwan is now producing more tanks and airplanes every week than the EU industry can manage.

As far as Europe is concerned, there are virtually no armies left here, the ones that still exist consist mainly of very young people without combat experience, 60-70% take drugs or alcohol and when the Russians come, 75% of the crew will probably desert directly or not enlist, well I can understand that nobody here is looking for suicide, especially if there are no more weapons because they have given almost everything to Ukraine.

Europe is more ****** up than you would think in the USA, the only ones still fighting on the streets are the immigrant Arabs, but even they won't fight against Russia, they will only fight for their cause. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
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