Here is what the Chinese foreign minister had to say on the subject during an April 16th press conference:
Q: The Philippine Foreign Ministry reportedly said that a Philippine ship conducting archaeological studies in waters off the Huangyan Island was harassed by the Chinese side. How do you respond to that?
A: Currently the situation over the Huangyan Island has been eased thanks to the efforts made, and China and the Philippines are making further communication through diplomatic channels. According to relevant international conventions and Chinese laws, no organization or individual shall conduct such activities without the permission of the Chinese Government. China demands this archaeological ship to leave the waters off the Huangyan Island immediately.
The “archaeological ship,” has so far failed to locate the gold deposits it arrived to search for, CIA sources say. In any case, this battle by the cabalists to steal gold is actually a sign of desperation after their failure, despite multiple attempts, to gain legal rights to the 85% of humanity’s gold held by Asians. This gold grab is seen by many as last minute looting by cabal members hoping they will still be able to control the world with gold even as their fiat financial rule collapses. That is not going to happen.
This brings us to last week’s IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington. The Western propaganda media reports a “victory” by the IMF because it was able to get $430 billion worth of funding for Europe. Japan’s slave government, for example, handed over $60 billion in cabal money originally earmarked for post-tsunami reconstruction.
However, a look at the fine print reveals the BRICs nations have made their funding conditional on reform of IMF voting rights. As Brazil’s Finance Minister pointed out, at present the UK, which has a smaller economy than Brazil, has twice the IMF voting rights as Brazil.
The European nations are willing to increase BRICs voting shares in the IMF but the US is blocking it because it would then have to give up control of the World Bank. Certainly the European bond markets were not fooled by the announcements coming out of this meeting because Spanish bond yields actually rose after it.
In any case, both the IMF and the World Bank are increasingly irrelevant.
Think about it for a minute, the IMF, the so-called lender of last resort in the post war era, the group that once “bailed out” Russia, is running around with a begging bowl make it obvious to all this institution is no longer at the top of the international financial food chain.
The World Bank, for its part, lent out only $42 billion in new money in 2011, compared to a world GDP of roughly $75 trillion. They are a puny organization.
By contrast, the White Dragon Society is proposing the creation of a Long Term Infrastructure for Everybody (LIFE) planning agency with initial funding of $800 trillion. Of course at this level, numbers are meaningless.
The current rules allow the Japanese to leverage their $8 trillion in hard foreign exchange assets 100 times, meaning 800 trillion dollars or over $100,000 each for every man woman and child on earth (as a Japanese reader pointed out, I miscalculated in previous reports by saying that was available on 10 times leverage).
Q: The Philippine Foreign Ministry reportedly said that a Philippine ship conducting archaeological studies in waters off the Huangyan Island was harassed by the Chinese side. How do you respond to that?
A: Currently the situation over the Huangyan Island has been eased thanks to the efforts made, and China and the Philippines are making further communication through diplomatic channels. According to relevant international conventions and Chinese laws, no organization or individual shall conduct such activities without the permission of the Chinese Government. China demands this archaeological ship to leave the waters off the Huangyan Island immediately.
The “archaeological ship,” has so far failed to locate the gold deposits it arrived to search for, CIA sources say. In any case, this battle by the cabalists to steal gold is actually a sign of desperation after their failure, despite multiple attempts, to gain legal rights to the 85% of humanity’s gold held by Asians. This gold grab is seen by many as last minute looting by cabal members hoping they will still be able to control the world with gold even as their fiat financial rule collapses. That is not going to happen.
This brings us to last week’s IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington. The Western propaganda media reports a “victory” by the IMF because it was able to get $430 billion worth of funding for Europe. Japan’s slave government, for example, handed over $60 billion in cabal money originally earmarked for post-tsunami reconstruction.
However, a look at the fine print reveals the BRICs nations have made their funding conditional on reform of IMF voting rights. As Brazil’s Finance Minister pointed out, at present the UK, which has a smaller economy than Brazil, has twice the IMF voting rights as Brazil.
The European nations are willing to increase BRICs voting shares in the IMF but the US is blocking it because it would then have to give up control of the World Bank. Certainly the European bond markets were not fooled by the announcements coming out of this meeting because Spanish bond yields actually rose after it.
In any case, both the IMF and the World Bank are increasingly irrelevant.
Think about it for a minute, the IMF, the so-called lender of last resort in the post war era, the group that once “bailed out” Russia, is running around with a begging bowl make it obvious to all this institution is no longer at the top of the international financial food chain.
The World Bank, for its part, lent out only $42 billion in new money in 2011, compared to a world GDP of roughly $75 trillion. They are a puny organization.
By contrast, the White Dragon Society is proposing the creation of a Long Term Infrastructure for Everybody (LIFE) planning agency with initial funding of $800 trillion. Of course at this level, numbers are meaningless.
The current rules allow the Japanese to leverage their $8 trillion in hard foreign exchange assets 100 times, meaning 800 trillion dollars or over $100,000 each for every man woman and child on earth (as a Japanese reader pointed out, I miscalculated in previous reports by saying that was available on 10 times leverage).