Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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I'm having issues with Cliff...I recognize he is highly intelligent. Not sure I'm on board with his philosophy.. sounds about like a bit of truth and a whole lot of bull **** ..I've been trying to listen to him with open mind..takes damn near the end of his 30 minute rambling for me to get his point, which I'm not fully sure I actually do get...for example...Maybe Sept/October expect something but it could be after that...its coming! Ok! What else is new?? What's the plan? All will be good in the end IF one/we can endure what's about to come our way? I'm a feeble minded peasant, have lots of catching up to do...I suppose...I'm a bit ADHD, and don't have much of a filter...like watching Rachel Ray on her cooking show (several years ago), makes me a nervous wreck!
Cindyd: One must use their own discernment in gathering the most accurate facts they can gleam from the haze and confusion of war.
It is much like panning for gold by swirling the pan around so that any gold can rise above the mud and be seen. A very difficult operation.
In war there is a lot of mud hiding the few gold pecks.

But now let's look at it from another angle. Let's look at it from the angle of a psychic, because in a way that is the angle Clif's software is looking at it.
A psychic never sees what is definitely going to happen (with a 100% probability). No, they only see the direction things are going in the future and the highest probable outcome. Exact timing cannot ever be seen. If a psychic gives you a definite time they are BSing you.

Now getting back to the probability of the event, know that it can never be 100%. That is because we all have the right of free will and as such we can head in one direction for months but just in the last second we can change our minds. That is our right.
Therefore, anyone looking into the future can get awful close to the 99% probability and get a feel for the time period, but that is the best they can give you.

I doubt any of this changes your mind and comfort level nor is it my hope to do so. I am just easing my guilt as a psychic (intuitive) who reads the premonitions of events to occur. Extremely close is all one can ever share with non-seers is the best you can ever give. That is just the nature of seeing in a haze of all possibilities. And when you do share what you feel, you can feel the disappointment of the receiver because you can't give it in exact terms like they do on TV.

But now let's look at what Clif was giving us in the past day or so. He is not predicting the day J R Ewing will be shot. No, he is predicting when a long drawn out event will occur, such as a series of bank runs. So if he says in the week of ???, is that when the first bank fails or is it when the biggest bank in a pattern of bank failures happens? So even that would be hard to pin down as he might see he beginning and the listener may be thinking the last bank failure. So you can see how difficult in declaring the timing can be, I hope. What one should be looking for is the general pattern he is spelling out for others to see and not specific events.

P.S. Twenty years ago when I woke up as an intuitive and was shown what we are going through now, I was early on given two main facts about it. One was in clear words that "What we will go through will not be as physically demanding as it will be mentally demanding."

I always interpreted that to mean that some will not be able to change their view of the new reality, stay trapped in the old system as it dies, and grieve themselves or lose their resolve to live on. But after Clif's discussion on the fourth generation of warfare in trying to win over our thoughts on reality instead of killing on a battlefield, perhaps I kinda missed the point a little. But then again perhaps Clif and I are saying the same thing or perhaps we are both right.
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If you are interested, this is what a bank run looks like:

Whole World is a Banana Republic – Bill Holter

44 Minute Video (Watch first 10 minute)

Also note:
"After the Interview:
Holter adds, the derivative market will take down the central banks because it is thousands of times larger than all central bank capital combined. “When the system goes down, it will go down fast, and it will be uncontrollable,” predicts Holter."
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Personal Observation on Bill Holter Interview.

When I was in my mid twenties, I was a bank commercial loan officer for about four years. Part of my duties was to buy and sell excess bank money each day. I would borrow excess cash from smaller banks and lend it to a larger bank, just overnight (called Overnight Repos). All of this was to increase our earned interest.

When I heard Holter tell about the woman commanding her bank to wire $50 Million to a vendor he tells that it was three days of the bank stalling to wire the funds.

My experience tells me that the banking chain combined did not have the $50 Million available and had to run around to larger banks to borrow the funds from them. This is called “Participating” the transaction.

But here is what took so long. The other banks had to see how many were willing to lend money to the paying bank. Then they all had to get together and determine if they together thought the paying bank was worthy of repaying a long term loan of $50 Million. In other words, the participating banks wanted to know if the paying bank was worthy of their loan and how and when could they pay back that loan.

So what happened is the participating banks needed to know if their money was safe in the paying bank or would they themselves be trapped in a bank run and get stiffed!

My guess is the paying bank found no participating banks unless the Federal Reserve guaranteed they would buy those loans in the Fed Reserve Repo program.
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Jim’s Rant For The Day. Why Aren’t The American People Out Protesting?

I hear this everyday from people around me and emails. As Clif High said the other day, we are in a new type of global warfare, one for our minds. The CABAL came to the battlefield prepared to stop those protests in their organizing efforts. The CABAL has the situation well in hand to keep the grass root protesters isolated at home.

They have paid look-alike agitators to infiltrate the responding protesters to ridicule them as something they are not.

Here is a play by play on how the CABAL prevents protests from building.

See Tyler Durden Article: 'The View' Apologizes To Turning Point USA After Lawsuit Threat.

From my vantage point the above scenario will continue to play out until the protesters have had enough and show up looking for the Deep State leaders in the U. S., armed and pissed enough to use those arms or force vigilante arrests.
Jim’s Rant For The Day. Why Aren’t The American People Out Protesting?

I hear this everyday from people around me and emails. As Clif High said the other day, we are in a new type of global warfare, one for our minds. The CABAL came to the battlefield prepared to stop those protests in their organizing efforts. The CABAL has the situation well in hand to keep the grass root protesters isolated at home.

They have paid look-alike agitators to infiltrate the responding protesters to ridicule them as something they are not.

Here is a play by play on how the CABAL prevents protests from building.

See Tyler Durden Article: 'The View' Apologizes To Turning Point USA After Lawsuit Threat.

From my vantage point the above scenario will continue to play out until the protesters have had enough and show up looking for the Deep State leaders in the U. S., armed and pissed enough to use those arms or force vigilante arrests.

People are still to Content with there lives and not pissed off enough. Even though there lives are being attacked at almost every angle. I don't see it continuing to much longer.
You have to carefully choose which hill to die on.

Look what happened to the ones protesting on Jan 6. I'm not talking about the bad actors (and there were some), but the ones that didn't do anything but just be there and have been political prisoners without due process or lost their jobs for simply being in the crowd outside.

The FBI has given instructions to label every protester against this regime as a domestic terrorist.

Next time it will be all or nothing.
@Cindyd, I have ADHD so yeah, focusing on long lectures has always been a challenge. My husband jokes he hasn't seen me sit all the way through a movie since the first Top Gun came out. I am more of a do-er AKA kinesthetic learner.

With Russel, he jumps around enough to keep my attention. I particularly liked the idea in one of the protest clips he showed of feeding some semi-dried manure through a chipper shredder and launching it 50'....LOL
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This is my rant for the day....

I have a sign on my library wall that says “Cowgirls know how to deal with ****. We have shoveled it, stepped in it and fallen in it, which is why we won’t put up with yours”.

Bring it on WEF stop being cowardly p*$$ies and hiding behind the skirts of manufactured “climate emergencies”.

I think that is what annoys me most is these little Machiavellian man-boys who are too afraid to straight up say what they are doing because it would expose them for what they are and no one would “like” them. That is another thing cowgirls know and like, REAL men.

As at the Alamo…Molon Labe! We farmers are on to you. If you think it is going to be easy, you have another think coming.
Russel, who was (and still is to a degree) a confirmed liberal, got "red pilled" when he found out about the Sussmann indictment. He was like "Wait, you mean it was all fake news about Trump and Russia?? What else are they lying about?"

I have nothing against liberals as long as they don't have their heads so far up their own butts that they are incapable of being intellectually honest. There are very few true liberals left no matter what they call themselves.

Being liberal used to mean open to new thoughts and ideas, not being beholden to any one way of thinking. Reason, logic, science...not the emotional BS knee jerking, me-too snowflakes they have become. To be liberal was to be very Jeffersonian. Then the progressives/Fabians made an entrance.

"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."

1787 August 10. (Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr)

I was raised to be a classic liberal in the old sense of the word.

If you do not know what a “classic liberal” is you might want to take a gander…things have changed so much that I think many people who call themselves conservatives might be surprised they are actually “classic liberals” or what we call these days libertarians. The split happened with Classical Radicalism…around the turn of the 19th century and the ideas of Marxism/Fabianism/Socialism. Radicalism has since morphed into what is now called “Progressivism”.

Notable Classic Liberals

Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679)

James Harrington (author) (1611-1677)

John Locke (1632–1704)

Montesquieu (1689-1755)

Voltaire (1694–1778)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778)

Adam Smith (1723–1790)

Immanuel Kant (1724–1804)

Anders Chydenius (1729–1803)

Thomas Paine (1737–1809)

Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)

Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794)

Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)

Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832)

Gaetano Filangieri (1753-1788)

Benjamin Constant (1767-1830)

David Ricardo (1772–1823)

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859)

Giuseppe Mazzini (1805–1872)[108]

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898)

Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992)

Milton Friedman (1912–2006)

I have read most of them as they were the precursors to the philosophies on which this country was founded. Limited government, free markets, individual rights....it was a crazy idea at the time.

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia
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Russell Brand, who was (and still is to a degree) a confirmed liberal, got "red pilled" when he found out about the Sussmann indictment. He was like "Wait, you mean it was all fake news about Trump and Russia?? What else are they lying about?"

It's easy to get red pilled, just find one of the lefts mainstream lies that can clearly be proven to be lie, that they knew was a lie. After that, it's easy to go through all there lies and verify each one. But many idiots don't want to know the truth, there comfortable with the lies.

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