Jim's Rant For The Day. (On the Collapse and Reset)

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CoOpVillages Articles, Part II

Required Work & Personal Income top of page

Of great concern to residents are the questions: “How much time would I have to work?”, “Will everyone have to work the same amount of time”, “Would I have to share my pension” and “What happens if someone refuses to work?”

These issues would be decided by the entire community itself through three of its twelve Focus groups, being:
1. How will we share our abundance?
2. How will we enrich ourselves?
3. How will we coordinate what we enjoy doing?

But in the meantime, simple answers are offered here as to how the Focus groups might resolve these issues in the early startup stage.

However, before these questions can be answered residents would need to understand several factors about the village economics, that being:

Factor #1 Transition Periods: It will take time to get residents to go from “each man for himself” mode of thinking to “What’s in the best interest of all concerned?” mindset. It will take time to go from the current cash culture to a self sustained cashless culture. It will also take perhaps ten years for startup, that being financing the construction and land acquisition and then to payoff that financing, before the village is truly running as envisioned.

Factor #2 Cash Requirements: At startup a great amount of cash will be required to purchase land and building materials. Success of the village will always be at risk as long as outside parties (banks) have a mortgage on the property. Therefore it would be wise to raise as much cash as possible from the residents and at the same time prioritize paying off any third party financing as soon as possible, insuring that the community land trust will be free to manage the property for hundreds of years as envisioned. After startup a small amount of cash will be required for some utilities and other outside services the community simply cannot provide for itself.

Factor #3 Limited Pensions: Some residents will come into the community receiving pensions, annuities, Social Security, or passive business income. It is probable that after 30 years no resident would have these income streams.

Factor #4 Room & Board: Each resident would be expected to provide the cash or cash equivalent to pay for their share of the land, infrastructure and house. Each resident would also be expected to provide the cash or cash equivalent (labor) for their living expenses.

Factor #5 Time Cards: Initially an accounting office would track payments made and time worked by residents. After all property has been paid for and the village has shifted its mindset successfully this function might cease.

Factor #6: The Focus Group “How do we coordinate what we enjoy doing” would attempt to assign jobs in accordance with our personal likes, thus we would enjoy the tasks assigned and not feel like we were working. This Focus group would also do all it could to coax residents to socialize and at the same time perform additional efforts on behalf of the community that only outsiders might consider work.

Possible Solution #1 Purchase Money: The first issue would deal with the “purchase money” needed to pay for a resident’s share of the land, house and infrastructure. Cash would be needed to pay outside vendors for the land and materials. Village Companies could be formed so that residents without the up-front cash could perform outside work. This job might be for 20 hours a week for three or four years until the debt is paid.

Possible Solution #2 Living Expenses: Each resident would have to contribute for their share of food, utilities, property taxes, etc. Because cash would be needed mainly in the formative years, those with cash incomes might be able to provide cash, at a pre-decided rate, instead of performing work. Those without an income would be required to work a village job, internal or external, for perhaps 20 hours a week, forever. This might be in addition to the temporary “purchase money” job some would hold.

Please note that in a short period of time the “purchase money” job would be eliminated. Also note that in time those with outside cash incomes would die off so that eventually no one would be in a position to cash themselves out of performing work.

Some residents may be exempted from work due to inability to perform any type of work. The village may allow an elderly family member in that fits this description, as we all may be in time. However, even physically disabled residents might be able to answer phones or snap peas. Again, all of these issues would be decided by the community through its Focus groups.

Possible Solution #3 Personal Income: If a resident has cash income more than his share of living expenses, he should be allowed to keep that excess. Remember that in time this disparity will go away through attrition.

Possible Solution #4 Work Refusal: In the event that the Focus groups cannot get a resident to perform his required work then the community could decide to refund his purchase money and perhaps provide additional help to get him established to live elsewhere. The refund amount would be as pre-defined in the Community Land Trust Bylaws. This would not be an act of ill-will towards that resident, but rather a recognition that some persons might not adjust to this way of life and would be happier elsewhere.

Communism? top of page

Isn’t the CoOp Village concept just communism? In a nutshell, No. Communism is a strong Central Government in control of your entire life.

A CoOp Village is a corporation that the members hold equal shares in. That corporation serves all of the people. You live on its land in a corporate maintained home. It provides your health and nourishment.

If you tire of having boiled okra for daily breakfast you have four choices. You can cook your own breakfast from food you purchased yourself, vote to change the menu, move to an okra free cluster farther over or you can sell your stock back and move out of the Village. You will sell at an established price agreed to by all members before joining. You can then get a free crew and Village truck to help you move your possessions to another Village or into the surrounding region with your nest egg. Now does that sound like Communism to you?
Questions that automatically hit me when listening to Clif and then reading your Daily Rant…

Will States who are in the Black manage to survive? No sense asking about those in the Red…they are most definitely screwed.

Surely, the Feds won’t stop paying the military and National Guard? How will they control the populous? Or do they want to control the populous?

Who thinks we will see a time period of years where many medical drugs will not be available to us because of the crash of the dollar?

1) Who knows?

It is possible that the Republican states that are in the financial black, generally, will rejoin the 1871 Republic. Then it might cause the Democrat states, in the financial red, have to clean up their own mess to once again turn their states back into a Republic.

Remember, only a state that is a republic can join the Federal Republic.

2) The question is who will be cut off and in what order?

At the end of the Civil War, who was the last to get paid by the Confederacy?
Does it really matter as to what day of the week you get the ax?
A bankruptcy leaves a trail of millions of questions.

3) Loaded question. Many medicines you won't want or need.
It won't be years, just months.
Thanks for the feedback!

The reason for question #2 about funding the military is vital to the outcome in my opinion. IF the military and NG are paid, they will most likely do the bidding of the corrupt system and try to take out many Americans who won’t go along with the global coup. Those not being paid will not go along. Of course this is where the Beast System will be set up and that system requires zero assets…just numbers on a server stating it is worth X.

I am curious why you think the total bring down of our country will only be a disruption for a few months? If we have no real money, then China nor India (who makes the majority of our meds) will not trade us worthless dollars for the meds. China is launching their SMART system to replace our dollar in about a year. Perhaps the shutoff of meds is part of the depopulation plan?
Question #1, The Military.

In my mind that was question #1 in the planning of taking out the Elite. How do you bridge loan (finance) the Military as they allow the Federal Government (corporation) to collapse and then the 1871 Republic is restored?

You simply give them a "Bridge Loan" to finance them during the chaos.
Why: Because this now causes the troops & Brass in mutiny to swear a new oath and get their checks or hang around for free.

How? Pay them from the trillions repatriated from the Elite, Banksters and the Vatican. The Military gets (has gotten) the first payout.

Question #2, The Disruption.

First we must assume that an alliance was formed with most Western countries to take out the Elite.
Next we have to assume to get them all to join, the world was divided up, by negotiation.

If the goal was to free countries from the Elite's "Great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.” then we must assume that the division must be fair to all countries.

[The quote above was from Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stones Magazine, 2009. Rolling Stone was the only publication brave enough to print Taibbi's exposure of the Elite to the world.]
Source: Forbes

The way to make it all fair is to put each country's currency on par with all countries.
ie: a dollar is worth a pound is worth a rubble. This is done by making them all gold (precious assets) backed.

All of the above is waiting in the shadows to show itself once the entire corrupt system collapses, as it must, so we can recreate ourselves in a grandeur version of humanity.
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You said "If you could believe."
My question is why can't you believe it?

In my mind you probably don't realize that all your debt was based on fraud,
and under law, once you realize you were defrauded you can just walk away from it.

Our world is now realizing this fact.
Therefore it will mostly be forgiven because there is no alternative.
No one is giving us anything.

We are waking up to a new reality, believe it or not.
There is a reason I normally don’t look at this thread.
This opinion piece is a picece of hoohocky worthy of CNN Antithesis.

You said "If you could believe."
My question is why can't you believe it?

In my mind you probably don't realize that all your debt was based on fraud,
and under law, once you realize you were defrauded you can just walk away from it.

Our world is now realizing this fact.
Therefore it will mostly be forgiven because there is no alternative.
No one is giving us anything.

We are waking up to a new reality, believe it or not.
And then you advise someone. If I took your advice, I would mortgage this place to the hilt, pay off my next stage placed and default on this place.
Your advice only works when/if SHTF.
Again, I will state I normally dont follow this thread. For a good reason.
Must be the reason I didn’t like someone on another forum. I don’t see sound advice from someone who proclaims himself an expert. PROCLAIMS being a key word.
Lessons learned this week from a tornado.

The County got ripped up Thursday night. We lost ten power poles a half mile away.
I thought we were prepared. I was wrong as mistakes were made. We were off grid for 3 days.

My son next door has the big solar system on his house that also powers his well.

We added a well as well as a backup. We added a hand pump too. I then merged our two water lines with a ball valve always in the off position.

Mistake1: I never told anyone how to use the ball valve if needed. I have prepared some notes that will now tell the world that if the valve is open to merge the two lines, the ball valve leading out of my personal well must be turned off. Otherwise, his will will suck up water from the aquifer and pour it down my well back into the same aquifer.

Mistake 2: Two years ago we purchased a pre-manufactured home and moved it to the retreat. It had a space in the utility room just large enough for a freezer. There was an outlet behind it. I installed a freezer. The kitchen has a two door refrigerator, with the outlet behind it. We recently built a covered back porch and we added another freezer. I installed alarms on bot the freezers that looses a small light at the kitchen sink if a door is ajar or the power goes off to them.

We own two portable generators to maintain those freezers of power grid is down. If long term, we will jerk the meat.

The problem with the freezer in the utility room was as a 99 year old I had to pull the freezer out by myself in a cramped wash room the get the power cord. I also realized the outlet is a 15 amp shared outlet that is bad on appliance motors.

So I purchased a 15 foot heavy duty extension cord so now the cord will always be in front of the freezer. Today I ran a 20 amp dedicated circuit to the power pole 15 feet away. Now the cord can hang out the window for generator power. Problem solved.

Mistake 3. The kitchen freezer/frig combo could not be pulled out to get to the cord. I discovered straps on the top for moving the double wide. I removed them but still could not move it. After two heart attacks I found a metal plate bolting it to the floor. The wall outlet was 4 feet high. It now has a pull string tied to it with the other end screwed into the wall in case the cord is dropped in the future.

Mistake 4. We own two mid-sized generators with the manuals lost. I am not a machine person. I could not crank either machine. Half a day later my son showed me a fuel line cut-off valve.

I now have a laminated list of instructions for myself and anyone who borrows one of the generators.

On the back are emergency details one in our clan need to know if a generator is needed, such as the water wells.

Mistake 5. We have a small office in a bedroom with 3 computer systems. We also have Starlink on the roof with radio equipment freely sharing the 100 MBS service with two there buildings here.

To hook up to the generator took time and patience to trace all the required wires tangled under desks and coffee tables. I now have starlink, router and one full computer system all wired together. That plug in under the window and color coded in orange. It will plug into the generator cord slipped into the window.

Mistake 6. I tried to use a friends computer to post to my website. I could not remember my password.
I now have certain passwords on the front of my computer monitor. If I am dead the family can get into all systems.

The good news is I only needed one generator. If parked behind the back door, 4 long extension cords can all end up at the generator. The generator runs (2) 20 Amp independent circuits. So I can run the office and one freezer. Then remove those plugs and run a bedroom A/C unit and another freezer.
Lessons learned this week from a tornado.

The County got ripped up Thursday night. We lost ten power poles a half mile away.
I thought we were prepared. I was wrong as mistakes were made. We were off grid for 3 days.

My son next door has the big solar system on his house that also powers his well.

We added a well as well as a backup. We added a hand pump too. I then merged our two water lines with a ball valve always in the off position.

Mistake1: I never told anyone how to use the ball valve if needed. I have prepared some notes that will now tell the world that if the valve is open to merge the two lines, the ball valve leading out of my personal well must be turned off. Otherwise, his will will suck up water from the aquifer and pour it down my well back into the same aquifer.

Mistake 2: Two years ago we purchased a pre-manufactured home and moved it to the retreat. It had a space in the utility room just large enough for a freezer. There was an outlet behind it. I installed a freezer. The kitchen has a two door refrigerator, with the outlet behind it. We recently built a covered back porch and we added another freezer. I installed alarms on bot the freezers that looses a small light at the kitchen sink if a door is ajar or the power goes off to them.

We own two portable generators to maintain those freezers of power grid is down. If long term, we will jerk the meat.

The problem with the freezer in the utility room was as a 99 year old I had to pull the freezer out by myself in a cramped wash room the get the power cord. I also realized the outlet is a 15 amp shared outlet that is bad on appliance motors.

So I purchased a 15 foot heavy duty extension cord so now the cord will always be in front of the freezer. Today I ran a 20 amp dedicated circuit to the power pole 15 feet away. Now the cord can hang out the window for generator power. Problem solved.

Mistake 3. The kitchen freezer/frig combo could not be pulled out to get to the cord. I discovered straps on the top for moving the double wide. I removed them but still could not move it. After two heart attacks I found a metal plate bolting it to the floor. The wall outlet was 4 feet high. It now has a pull string tied to it with the other end screwed into the wall in case the cord is dropped in the future.

Mistake 4. We own two mid-sized generators with the manuals lost. I am not a machine person. I could not crank either machine. Half a day later my son showed me a fuel line cut-off valve.

I now have a laminated list of instructions for myself and anyone who borrows one of the generators.

On the back are emergency details one in our clan need to know if a generator is needed, such as the water wells.

Mistake 5. We have a small office in a bedroom with 3 computer systems. We also have Starlink on the roof with radio equipment freely sharing the 100 MBS service with two there buildings here.

To hook up to the generator took time and patience to trace all the required wires tangled under desks and coffee tables. I now have starlink, router and one full computer system all wired together. That plug in under the window and color coded in orange. It will plug into the generator cord slipped into the window.

Mistake 6. I tried to use a friends computer to post to my website. I could not remember my password.
I now have certain passwords on the front of my computer monitor. If I am dead the family can get into all systems.

The good news is I only needed one generator. If parked behind the back door, 4 long extension cords can all end up at the generator. The generator runs (2) 20 Amp independent circuits. So I can run the office and one freezer. Then remove those plugs and run a bedroom A/C unit and another freezer.
You were not mistaken. On the right track just a little off. You learn by your mistakes for the next time. We live and learn from our mistakes and keep pressing forward. Everyone makes mistakes but we press forward. Just look at those that had no mistakes because they were not prepared just one giant mistake but you are not at the beginning anymore you have certain necessities already taken care of. 👍
Fulford is suggestng that the Space Force took out Asheville to flood the tunnels there?
Yesterday I was wondering if Disneyland was the purpose of Milton.

Ben Fulford's Full Report.
"The Space Command used weather warfare to isolate the base and the Town of Asheville, NC. It is also using these weapons to flood out the huge underground tunnel network there."

It starts just above picture of dam overflowing.
Lessons learned this week from a tornado.

The County got ripped up Thursday night. We lost ten power poles a half mile away.
I thought we were prepared. I was wrong as mistakes were made. We were off grid for 3 days.

My son next door has the big solar system on his house that also powers his well.

We added a well as well as a backup. We added a hand pump too. I then merged our two water lines with a ball valve always in the off position.

Mistake1: I never told anyone how to use the ball valve if needed. I have prepared some notes that will now tell the world that if the valve is open to merge the two lines, the ball valve leading out of my personal well must be turned off. Otherwise, his will will suck up water from the aquifer and pour it down my well back into the same aquifer.

Mistake 2: Two years ago we purchased a pre-manufactured home and moved it to the retreat. It had a space in the utility room just large enough for a freezer. There was an outlet behind it. I installed a freezer. The kitchen has a two door refrigerator, with the outlet behind it. We recently built a covered back porch and we added another freezer. I installed alarms on bot the freezers that looses a small light at the kitchen sink if a door is ajar or the power goes off to them.

We own two portable generators to maintain those freezers of power grid is down. If long term, we will jerk the meat.

The problem with the freezer in the utility room was as a 99 year old I had to pull the freezer out by myself in a cramped wash room the get the power cord. I also realized the outlet is a 15 amp shared outlet that is bad on appliance motors.

So I purchased a 15 foot heavy duty extension cord so now the cord will always be in front of the freezer. Today I ran a 20 amp dedicated circuit to the power pole 15 feet away. Now the cord can hang out the window for generator power. Problem solved.

Mistake 3. The kitchen freezer/frig combo could not be pulled out to get to the cord. I discovered straps on the top for moving the double wide. I removed them but still could not move it. After two heart attacks I found a metal plate bolting it to the floor. The wall outlet was 4 feet high. It now has a pull string tied to it with the other end screwed into the wall in case the cord is dropped in the future.

Mistake 4. We own two mid-sized generators with the manuals lost. I am not a machine person. I could not crank either machine. Half a day later my son showed me a fuel line cut-off valve.

I now have a laminated list of instructions for myself and anyone who borrows one of the generators.

On the back are emergency details one in our clan need to know if a generator is needed, such as the water wells.

Mistake 5. We have a small office in a bedroom with 3 computer systems. We also have Starlink on the roof with radio equipment freely sharing the 100 MBS service with two there buildings here.

To hook up to the generator took time and patience to trace all the required wires tangled under desks and coffee tables. I now have starlink, router and one full computer system all wired together. That plug in under the window and color coded in orange. It will plug into the generator cord slipped into the window.

Mistake 6. I tried to use a friends computer to post to my website. I could not remember my password.
I now have certain passwords on the front of my computer monitor. If I am dead the family can get into all systems.

The good news is I only needed one generator. If parked behind the back door, 4 long extension cords can all end up at the generator. The generator runs (2) 20 Amp independent circuits. So I can run the office and one freezer. Then remove those plugs and run a bedroom A/C unit and another freezer.
Just bit the bullit today and bought a whole house automatic generator system to be installed next week!!

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