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Funny how times have changed in Denver. The earlier municipal law (circa late 1800's):

“Any person who is in any way diseased, maimed, mutilated, or in any way deformed so as to be an unsightly or disgusting object, or an improper person to be allowed upon the streets, highways, thoroughfares or public places, shall not therein or thereon expose himself or herself to public view, under a penalty of one dollar for each offense.”

It was updated in 1927 to lessen the punishment fine of $1 to simply "commitment in the municipal farm":

“On the conviction of any person for a violation of this section, if it shall seem proper and just, the fine provided for herein shall be suspended and such person detained at the police station, where he or she shall be well cared for until he or she can be committed to the municipal farm or otherwise provided for,”

So much for us ugly folks back then...

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