Jokes and Humor

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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In one psalm David wrote...

"... forgive me for my unknown sins."


dang youre good.

how bout this--

romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
james 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

it can be tough living with someone who wont forgive and tough living with someone who wont take responsibilty and apologize.

i think thats why the good Lord invented pina coladas, little debbies and golf

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This burglar breaks into a house. Using a small flashlight to roam around stealing things. He hears a small voice saying "Jesus is gonna get you". Knowing no one was home he didn't know what to think so started to go faster grabbing stuff. He heard it again but closer "Jesus is gonna get you". He finds the voice and it's a parrot watching him. Jesus is gonna get you it said again. Smirking he shines the light around and sees the biggest, meanest looking dog ever! Then you hear "get him Jesus"!

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