Across the breakfast table, a young boy squints at his great grandfather.
"Pop," he says, "You're really old."
The old man chuckles. "I certainly am, son."
"How old are you Pop?"
"Why, I'm eighty-nine."
"Wow." the boy is impressed. "How did you get that old, Pop?"
"Well son, I'll tell you." The old man's faces grows serious, and glances to each side conspiratorially. He leans in and fixes his great grandson with a steely look. "Here's the secret. Every morning, I sprinkle a little gunpowder on my oatmeal. I don't know how, but it's kept me fit and healthy all my life."
The boy takes his great grandfather's advice, and indeed it works remarkably. The boy grew up and left behind 4 children, 9 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, and a 16 foot hole in the crematorium wall.