^ Haha! Great.. Our own 'version' of that was, one time, decades ago, living in Upstate New Yuck, our dog (Shep/Pit mix, named 'Indy' / Indiana Jones

was barking his brains out at 'something' in the basement...
..So, armed, I went down to investigate.. Turned out it was a squirrel, that I still have No idea how it got down there - could Not have just 'slipped in the door' (I'm sure the dog would have never 'let that happen'...) and wasn't a 'cracked basement window' (all windows in the basement were Glass block, so.. <shrug>) Anyway, I see this unmistakable tail-tip sticking out from behind a duct, and that confirmed it... But now - how in the world to 'trap it'?
Didn't want to just 'shoot it' - a)
in the Basement and b) even with just a 'BB gun', any miss would likely not be good due to 'ricochet risk'.. Plus, he was Firmly ensconced above the ductwork - no 'clean shot', at all.. So, I thought, 'Hmm... maybe a baited trap'..
..However, didn't really want to go 'all out' and go buy a proper wire-trap, so I 'MacGuyvered it'

Triple-layered 3 of those plastic handled Grocery-store bags, and put a bunch of pecans, almonds, and walnuts we had on hand in the bottom, and 'strung it' between two nails off the joists, adjacent to the duct he was hiding above... But, bent One nail, so IF he 'took the bait' / entered the bag, one side would 'slip off' (while the other held), but with his Weight in there, it would (more or less) 'close'...
And it worked.
So, little while later sure enough, heard the bag 'rustling', and quickly swooped in, and grabbed the bag off the hanger-nail, loose-closed the handles, and ran up / outside, as quickly as I could, and got it well out into the middle of the backyard, to 'release'...
..Set it down, arms-length, and carefully undid the loose knot of the handles, and ran back (expecting any second now, this 'furious whirling dervish' was going to spring from the bag and claw half my face off

...But it just sat there... and sat there... and sat there..
Just about the time the Wife and I were thinking 'Oh, man.. he must have died of fright, aaaah, that sucks....' THE BAG(S) STARTED 'BOUNDING' ACROSS THE LAWN, like a ghost in a burlap-sack race!!

After about 4-5 'bounds', he finally made it out, and I never saw a squirrel run so fast, Lolol!
Betcha anything when he got back to the nest - all the 'talk around the campfire' that night was nothing but that 'Terrible House of Horrors!'