17 out of 17
So what struck me as funny about this is that English is neither hard nor soft to learn, but is difficult or easy
The competition to but the biggest victim had been around for quite a while. I remember sitting around with friends who took turns complaining how much work sucked and how miserable they were. All the time not doing anything to improve their condition.There seem to be a lot of people that don't like their job. You can tell by their flat demeanor, short, curt responses, and general grouchiness.
True story:
Today I went into the hospital from some routine labwork. Every few years my doc asks me to go in to get some blood drawn and an EKG, just to make sure everything is going OK I guess. So today I had both done. First the blood work. Nothing wrong with the lady that helped me, but she was just not having a fun day it looked like. Then on to the EKG.
The lady there seemed tired, looked at my chest, sighed, and said: "Looks like I'm going to need to shave. I'll be right back."
To which I replied, "Don't shave on my account, you look perfectly fine to me."
It took her a minute, but then she did laugh a little going out the door to get the razor.