I met him back in the 90's. I worked at a fancy horse barn near Dallas. There is a movie studio across the street and we often kept celebrity horses while they were in town. Walker Texas Ranger was being filmed at the time. Two little black horses were being unloaded one day and one was a bit rowdy and got loose. I got a hold of him and put a chain leadshank around his nose through his halter and gave it a few good jerks to straighten him out. And in walks Chuck

! He was cool, said that horse was a double for the well behaved but uglier horse!! I got invited over to the studio to check out the filming one day

! Besides little horses, they had him stand on a step stool when he was on camera next to his truck to make him appear taller. Was a fun afternoon, he's a nice guy. There was also a nice bar/cafe at that studio I learned. Made for some fun lunch breaks for me and a couple of gals I worked with. We would walk over in our barn clothes and occasionally for a "fun" lunch.