Jokes and Humor

Homesteading & Country Living Forum

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Deport y'all.
Deport your parents for being too stupid to tell you what you are as a kid.
Move the age to buy hair dye and get a piercing to 21.
Step #4
Find all the Fruitbats in the school system that's grooming y'all to be like this and deport them to someplace nice without internet.
Classify hentai (anime porn) as porn. Animated rape, pedophilia, and bestiality are still rape, pedophilia and bestiality weirdo.
Make marrying a pillow illegal. no matter whose picture is on it.
Step #8
Make an IQ test mandatory before you can own an internet connection of any sort!
Step #8
Find a nice big island and make it an LGBTQWERTY or whatever preserve. Sew the whole thing with pot, shrooms and set up Hot Pocket factories and DSL 5 game servers and factories that make "furry" costumes so they can express themselves. Put Moly or Xtc in the water supply and surround it with a 20' wall with glass embedded in the concrete.
Remove "Skittlehead Island" from all maps. forget where it is.
Let ANTIFA run it.