I had a cousin (from CA) that used to hunt in Canada every year. It was probably cheaper than an Alaska hunt.
Shooting the family pet and killing food are two different things. Shooting a working animal is something else. We go to the grocery store and buy our meat. We never think about the men working on the killing floor. People don’t last very long in that job. I’ve felt good bringing home my food but if I had to kill many animals, five days a week, week after week, it would be much harder on me. Apples and oranges. Think about the guy on the killing floor next time you pick up a plastic tray covered in clear wrap at the grocery store.
That was a nice clean kill. She didn’t chase a wounded animal all over God’s Creation, it dropped only feet from where she shot it. I saw a video of a lion breaking the back of another animal and then starting to eat the hindquarters while it was still living. I once chased a wounded animal several miles to kill it because another hunter had used up all his ammo and only hit it in the butt. She made an excellent shot, one to be proud of, and a great trophy.